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Marvin Jenkins

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Everything posted by Marvin Jenkins

  1. I couldn’t agree more with advice given, especially getting out and imaging multiple nights on the same object if possible. Most of us have jobs and family commitments so all night long sessions are normally out of the question. I for one found my limiting factor being the cold weather 2 hr limit of my camera battery. As #rnobeleddy said, I was too eager as well so I would move onto another target instead of backing it up with more nights. On the other hand, sometimes the weather was so bad there was simply no chance to get anymore data. The target simply became unviable due to time lost, hence my suggestion of circumpolar targets at first. At least if the skies are clear you know they are there. Marvin
  2. Technically no post person was involved but I didn’t know which section to put this gem like find. Cat charity shop for 2 euros. It is complete and unused. The map and book are so stiff I don’t think they have been opened. Still has the printed letter from Sir Patrick Moore. On the plus plus side I didn’t have a manual planetarium.
  3. Stellarium is a great free tool. I find that planning a session with it very helpful. I found at the beginning (still there to some degree) choosing targets that are circumpolar like M81/M82 is a good thing as they visible all night, so are less critical for position. As for how long to image nebula, longer the better, I am sure someone who knows way more than I will be along soon. Marv
  4. iPhone picture, sorry it is not better by t my 6S is terrible at the EP. M
  5. I feel a little under gunned! But it is the best I have and tonight the moon is amazing. 150 PDS on an NEQ5 and a box of plossles, nothing going wrong there. Marv
  6. Sorry, didn’t pick up on the ‘clear four nights’ bit. Even more thumbs up from me going four nights on the trot to a darker site. You deserve that entry in your diary and thank you for sharing. M
  7. What a great report, sounds like you had a great time. Seriously productive three hours, well done.👍 Marv
  8. Great advice. I started with a five inch newt and realise now I should have started with bins. As you say bins need support, at least in my hands, and I laughed when I realised how obvious a broom would be of use. I wish I had thought of that. In my other life I enjoy a spot of angling. A landing net handle with a spreader block is excellent as a binocular mono pod. A landing net handle is a five ish foot fibreglass pole with a screw tread in one end. The screw thread is for the bit that holds the net, that fish, too heavy to be swung in go into. A cheap carp landing net (discard the net) would be very cheap. Some are telescopic so can be adjusted for height. Marv
  9. Quite possibly TC. I saw a news report recently saying that France was the world leader in telecoms! Despite never having mobile signal and all of us in the sticks walking around with tin foil hats to get mobile signal. Its not bad, but ‘world leaders’ I think a lot of countries are indulging in self promotion at the moment. M
  10. I am still unclear what IC110 and IC111 refer to in the picture as there is no circle like the distant galaxies. Thank you for the picture by the way, some of those NGC objects were the reason I found IC110 in the first place. still don’t understand why it is of unknown origin or make up if it appears to be a star. We have billions of dollars of kit in space mapping all that and more. Marv
  11. The thing I really don’t get now is why it is on Stellarium when it has not been seen since 1880 something. I am aware that some variable nebula disappear and sometimes reappeared but after 140 years? Marv
  12. That was what I got on Google. The description is so odd.
  13. Brilliant! Bonfire night. That would explain a few things. My late father in Law was cremated on bonfire night. A few people asked if was going to be a diy affair. You know how sadness and passing can bring out humour to lighten a moment. If it was a double star then he must have been mistaken by observation or position or it would be known by now. What does IC mean. I thought it was International Catalogue. If so, and it didn’t exist then I would have thought it would be stricken by now. Marv
  14. Ten minutes observing the moon last night and three past through the fov. As mentioned before, the first time is wow, now it’s getting boring and a distraction. On the flip side I can access my moon app on 4G via my iPhone in the garden right by my scope, so at least I can identify that crater! Problem is I could do that with a flip out map and a head torch and not have people WhatsApp me at the EP about work!!! Marv
  15. Thank you Tiny Clanger. So we are still none the wiser! Oh the mystery. Seriously though I think it was just because I was looking at faint collection of mag 13 galaxies and noted the odd one out ‘orange circle’. Unfamiliar with this I clicked on it and realised there was a non object there, a lot of the usual tech info on the left was missing and the description was the first of that type I had seen. Short lived SN remnant? M
  16. Didn’t really know where to post this so mods, if you have other ideas feel free. Due to lack of clear skies for what seems like months now I have been trying to wear out Stellarium with research and needless searches. Last night I stumbled across a new ‘one’ for me. IC 110 in Pisces with a description that says the following “Object of unknown nature”. I took this to be just data missing from the program but I have just googled it got a similar ambiguous answer. Now I am led to believe that we are still in discussions about the nature of quasars as an example so not knowing is not new. However there was a lack of info on the object too, and not knowing has never stopped astronomers from coming up with ideas. Can anyone give us more. Is there a Hubble picture? Any data on composition? Marv
  17. Actually looking closer might just have the other but from my view point they were both obvious bright points. M
  18. To all on this thread. I was observing the moon last night at 18:00 uk time (I am one hour ahead at 44 degrees lat. The moon was a fantastic crescent and I could observe two illuminated peaks next to each other well past where the point of the southern illumination ends. I believe #paulastro ‘great photo’ has picked up one of these. Does anyone know what these two peaks are? as they appear beyond the terminator. I read today that it is possible to see more than 50% of the moon but I am unsure of the mechanics. Marvin
  19. Hi Paul. Forgive me if you are ahead of me in the equipment stakes, if so then some of the following will be irrelevant. Absolutely 100% right #pixies, how could I forget Markarians chain. Although the main point of M81/M82 is that it is not seasonal (other than the weather) I have imaged MC once and this is the result. I have added these pictures to show what can be imaged, with below what is considered entry kit for AP. My DSLR is not modded, my mount is not guided and I am using an NEQ5 not HEQ5. I am limited to 60 sec exposures. I hope that is a help to anyone newer to AP than myself. Marvin
  20. I am very much a beginner at AP but I would say M81 M82 depending on your kit. M81 Bodes is a face on and M82 cigar is an edge on, so is a text book picture of galaxy types as viewed. With the right gear you can see M82 has large hydrogen structure at it's core. Both are also very bright 'for galaxies' so give them a go as two galaxies in one picture. As a beginner framing both in the one shot seemed a challenge but with a little effort is well worth it. I have attached a pic from my first try so you have a reference. They are circumpolar so no seasons to ad hear too. It just so happens that at this time of year certain constellations with concentrations of galaxies are well placed. Leo triplet would be the one that springs to mind as it clearly shows galaxies in different orientations. The second attached pic is for you to use as reference, again my first effort from the back garden. Good luck and happy galaxy hunting and don't forget what you are trying to do is incredibly difficult, despite how easy some of the members on this forum make it look, so be patient. I had a lot of help from a far, advice and encouragement which I will never forget. Marvin
  21. Brilliant! A session of WOW for sure. I follow these threads because I find the faint, not often looked at galaxies fascinating for the very reason that they are not often looked at. This on the other hand is like a giant bold slap in the face and I love it. I had to laugh when you describe NGC 3726 as quite small, at, 85.000 lys across. Only 85.000 lys ! hardly worth a mention😆 Still, the size and distances of objects in our beloved past time blow my brain apart. Bravo Marvin
  22. Every now and again a post by a member like yourself really takes me back, just a few years, but the first time effect makes me write this. That whole hunt for the target in your post is almost the most important thing, just behind the capture. You are so right about how valuable the experience of seeing a galaxy, whether it is for the first time or the 100th. If an observer really understands what they are looking at it is a humbling experience. To try and explain that view to the ‘non astro’ is a very hard road. I have worn out shoes. Great photo by the way. You have captured some core on M82 Cigar. You are dead right, we are all very lucky to have the night sky and have the tools to one degree or another to look at it. Great start. I look forward to reading many more posts in the years to come. Marvin
  23. Olly! Terrible self advertising🤣 Too hard to resist when it is the truth. I think I have a great spot but yours is a few levels better at the minimum. I am planning a trip to the Pyrenees in a few months to see how altitude and dark skies and being in a mountain range effect things. You are Alps? Marv
  24. Oh you are a lucky man indeed. To have access to site like that would be something really special. Please post a few observing reports from there when you have the opportunity. Too many members on here have to battle light pollution and would love to hear what a truly dark site can give. Marv
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