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Everything posted by Tomatobro

  1. I mount my guide scope on the counter weight bar and it works well. If the ASIair was moved to the bar it would distribute the weight better and solve the flip interference problem.
  2. Looks like a long wait for my Nobel prize and they don't award posthumously anyway.........
  3. But could not the light from a galaxy just beyond the edge of the current observable universe be one light month away from reaching JWST?
  4. I was thinking about if the light of a distant galaxy has not yet reached JWST could we have a situation where two images taken say 1 month apart a distant galaxy might appear on the later image?
  5. I wish I had not read this post......I have just started with a 10 inch RC.....will take a look at my stars🤨
  6. You might find this utility useful for FTDI and USB ports http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html
  7. All of us have been there at sometime or another. Well done
  8. Not so good range on 5.8 ghz but excellent on 2.4 ghz is my experience
  9. Also the NUC's have excellent WiFi range. Windows remote desktop is my software of choice for the remote control.
  10. I found that even with collimation aids a star test on a defocused star was required for that final tweak. I use a Chesire and the TSCOLLI and with the focus tube wound fully in (no extension rings fitted) the bright outer ring is adjusted till its an even thickness all the way round. On Your image it looks to be offset a little to the top right?
  11. I run three NUC's which run all my software. Input voltage 19v on the lid but run ok at 12v. Flo do this one Beelink GKMini Mini PC which I will try at some time
  12. I had a master class given by my brother the other day on just this problem. The gain (iso) and black level of the darks, flats and dark flats must match the lights. Process the sessions separately and then combine the results
  13. My UKMON camera looks south and it records zillions of satellites and reflection flashes every night in the few hours just after dark.
  14. I think it was clear last night for Scotland so the event might have been captured by a UKMON camera. You can take a look at the meteor map at https://tammojan.github.io/meteormap/ Scroll across to the UK when the latest data has loaded and if it was recorded you can click on it and get more data. I will flag up the event to UKMON.
  15. I looked these with my Coronado PST and they were most impressive. Saw the proms at 8 o'clock but not the others
  16. It will be interesting to see what happens when you add in my data Lum 60 x 120 seconds red 20 x 120 seconds green 20 x 120 seconds blue 20 x 120 seconds Ha 20 x 120 seconds 10 inch RC using a ZWO 1600mm all binned 3x3
  17. I went the for the larger field smaller optics route using two Samyang 135 F2 lenses. The cameras are Atik Horizon 2 OSC and ZWO ASI1600mm with filters Getting the field of view to match was the only real issue as differential flex turned out not to be a problem. Weight wise it was about the same as my MN190 I just spotted that the toothed belt on the focus stepper motor is not fitted on the ZWO scope
  18. Its not 100% clear in the photo but if the connection is broken just by the J7 then I would brighten up the two sides and just re solder. I then would add extra support using a hot glue gun to put a ring of glue around the connector. I know that is easy for me to say but do you have anyone nearby that is good at soldering? If no heat gun available then epoxy resin would be an alternative
  19. The polar alignment is out as all the DEC corrections are one way but I guess you know this already. The DEC/RA large correction takes place just after the DEC is told to move. It looks like the mount tries to correct in DEC a few times and no movement takes place and then just after another correction the mount unsticks and moves. The same thing then repeats. You can just see the DEC move command (orange) before the RA and DEC move together.
  20. Back in the 80's I made a driver for this kind of synchronous motor by push pulling dc across the windings of a 12 volt / 240 volt ac transformer and by controlling the frequency from about 45 hz to 55 hz gave a degree of adjustment over the speed controlled via a potentiometer. This enabled the system to be driven from a 12 volt car battery.
  21. My first experience of plate solving was with my SW Star Adventurer and it was a game changer. I used C d C to give me the RA and Dec of the object and after polar aligning the SWSA would keep adjusting the declination till it matched the Dec of the object (plate solve/ adjust /plate solve). Only then would I adjust the RA to find the object. With the DEC correctly set it was easy to turn the scope in RA to near enough the correct bit of sky and do a final couple of plate solves to zero it in. I found trying to adjust both the RA and Dec after each plate solve was not very efficient time wise.
  22. I wonder if the CMN Viewer software would allow a rapid scroll through of the frames to pick out the bad one would work. I guess the individual frame size would slow it down a bit but it could be worth a try. if something like bumping into the scope happens during the night I make a note of the time so I can seek out those frames for special attention.
  23. Everybody will probably pay £20 for a cheap LED torch and given a Quality Street and told to wrap the sweet wrapper round the torch and to wave it about. Now there's a thought! I could make some money from this. Should not have shared this Idea on SGL I also took a paragraph from one of the events and just edited out some words so it made more sense. I did not change anything round just erased some words. Plank’s is dominated by rubbish, with the management, focused on rubbish. We invited our neighbours to come over and take part in a rubbish procession, and help by eating all the food!
  24. With advancing years the scopes seem to be getting heavier and more awkward to put in and lift out of the clamp so am looking at solutions to this very problem.
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