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Everything posted by Littleguy80

  1. Went back for another look. It seems to be developing quite rapidly. A couple more small darker spots are forming. Not sure if these would be called spots or pores? Not sure on the distinction between a small spot and a pore?
  2. It’s proving variable here. Had a really good first 5 mins where I could see loads of detail. Since then it’s been a bit more hit and miss.
  3. Good seeing today. Granulation looking as good as I’ve seen it. The spot has developed since yesterday. One larger spot with a smaller spot next to it and then another pair of smaller spots nearby. Well worth a look!
  4. Based on a Facebook post from a local astro group, I got a look at this new sunspot yesterday afternoon. Just a single small spot then. It now has an official designation of AR2760. Should be clear for another look today.
  5. The other thing that I’ve noticed is that the colours seem more vibrant in the frac. Definitely adds to the appeal of using the smaller scope for that type of observing.
  6. This has been quite noticeable to me since I’ve had the 80mm refractor. The splits are often cleaner than the 10” dob, needing less magnification. If seeing is good then the dob does a great job. I had a really nice view of Tegimine with it recently, splitting down to three component stars. I’ve also had times where I thought something was wrong with the dob because I couldn’t get a decent view of Izar. The frac seems to be a bit more consistent.
  7. Ace report, Stu. It’s like aperture fever works in reverse for you 😂 Very much goes to show that a lot can be achieved with good optics and a skilled observer.
  8. Now observing it with the 10” dob. It’s passing in between two widely space stars. Over the course of a few minutes the changing position is quite noticeable.
  9. Looking lovely beneath Venus this evening.
  10. Great report, Nick. Lovely to see a sketch of the comet. It really is something special in the star field of Camelopardalis.
  11. Great report Mark. I’ve had 4 serious attempts at the supernova without success. Last night I didn’t look at anything else! The two brighter galaxies form a triangle with a triangle pattern of stars. I was seeing this quite clearly with the 6mm BGO in the 10” dob but just couldn’t get the SN. A couple from maybe moments but that’s it. My skies at home in the direction of Virgo were reading 19.5-19.6 on the SQM so a fair bit off dark site skies. Lots of experimenting with eyepieces and the Baader VIP Barlow. Despite the lack of success it’s been very engaging and enjoyable.
  12. I like your thinking though I’m not sure my 13 year old should be drinking some of those beverages. I better drink hers to be safe...
  13. My wife said it would be her science lesson for the day. While out we formed a hypothesis that a hot chocolate would warm us up. This was tested and proven to be correct. Education at it’s best 😉
  14. My 13 year old daughter and I sat out until 1am and saw a handful. Caught one on camera using my iPhone and NightCap app.
  15. Congratulations, Mark. Pleased you saw it! I first saw it on the 22nd March when it was in Andromeda. It’s moved a long way in a relatively short period of time.
  16. Best of luck, Mark. My daughter and I had a look at it with the 10” dob tonight. The good news is that Y1 is rising so should become better placed for you to see.
  17. I’ve done the tour of the three comets quite regularly over recent weeks. Y1 is possibly even a little bright than T2 Panstarrs now. It’s moving fast too. Y4 is getting increasingly difficult to see sadly.
  18. Thank you! In terms of getting extra lenses, are there different connections onto the camera? I’m assuming the Canon would be compatible with quite a lot of lenses such as Samyang? My refractor just has try normal 2” compression ring. Again, I assume it’s just an adapter required to attach it to the Focuser?
  19. I’ve always enjoyed photography and often take pictures with my iPhone either mounted on a tripod or attached to the eyepiece shooting through my scopes. I’m thinking about getting an entry level DSLR. I’m really looking for something that I can use as a bit of an all rounder. Uses are widefield, lunar/planetary through my refractor and normal family use. This isn’t a serious leap into the world of astrophotography, more of a small step up from smartphone photography. A little bit of research of entry level DSLRs suggested the option below. Any thoughts or advice greatly appreciated. https://www.johnlewis.com/canon-eos-250d-digital-slr-camera-with-18-55mm-75-300mm-lenses-4k-ultra-hd-24-1mp-wi-fi-bluetooth-optical-viewfinder-3-vari-angle-touch-screen-double-zoom-lens-kit-black/p4121579?sku=238110179&s_ppc=2dx92700046622705540&tmad=c&tmcampid=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyur0BRDcARIsAEt86IBVzgl4h-mzpwOkGvxh_srbCaZoZk0NYYLKBkTxbhJcYHLMlYJO3tkaAjy5EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  20. Some good info on it here http://astro.vanbuitenen.nl/comet/2020F8 Not visible from the UK currently though. Good luck, Geoff
  21. Thanks Stu. We're lucky enough to get them in our garden. Seeing them is one of my favourite parts of observing at this time of the year.
  22. I gave this a really good go last night but without success. Best reading on the SQM-L was 19.91 but dropped to around 19.5 in the direction on Virgo. I was picking up the mag 13 star close by and what appeared to be a dim glow from the galaxy. Maybe the SN was in there but I didn't see enough for a positive id though. I'll have another chance tonight. If I get to it a little earlier then it should be in a slightly better part of the sky. Hopefully enough to see it. Wish I could go to my dark site, I'm sure I'd get it there. Glad you got another view of it, John!
  23. Very nice shot, Dave. I was up until 1am trying to spot a Supernova in Virgo. Slept until 4:15am and then got up for this. Took a pic to share on social media. Also saw the little fella below which was a nice bonus. Didn’t see a single person while I was out so no problems with social distancing 😉
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