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Everything posted by Swoop1

  1. Just seen a TV add for the Omega speedmaster- George Clooney 'interviewing' Brigadier General Charlie Duke. Nice
  2. The courier cometh! Just ordered an HEQ5 PRO from FLO (and a Celestron C6 XLT OTA to keep it company).
  3. Well, I've just pulled the trigger with FLO on a Celestron C6 XLT OTA, a Skywatcher HEQ5 PRO, a Baeder power supply and a dew shield. I chose the C6 as it will give me an SCT to learn on and an HEQ5 PRO as it will work with both the SCT and the SW Explorer 150P. Can't wait.
  4. I'm prime focus with a Sony a6300 sometimes assisted by a X2 Barlow. I don't start my imaging until at least 45 minutes after I have set the scope up. I do limited post processing as I am not yet competent in using the software- a bit of stitching and exposure compensation. My stacking attempts have been pitiful. I would like to get in closer and tighter to some of the features hence looking for something a bit 'bigger' than my 150. It won't just be imaging however. I still love sticking in a eyepiece and getting some actual photons onto my retina!
  5. My Newt doesn't give good magnification for imaging (or as good as I would want). Looking at some recent images from the Lunar and Planetary imaging boards, the more close up lunar is what I would like to emulate.
  6. The main advantage I can see with a pier is stability (from a well constructed and fixed pier). The main advantage I can see with a tripod is portability. For visual, it is not unknown for me to start in one part of my garden and finish the session in another.
  7. My intentions are Lunar, Planetary and a bit of light deep sky (doubles, globulars and opens). Outside of Maks looking to be a bit more wallet friendly, what are the pros and cons of either? Thanks all, Matt
  8. Hi Angie, Your telescope is missing 3 adjustment knobs. The back of the mirror has three threaded studs which have the springs around them (visible in your picture). These studs protrude hrough the holes and the knobs do up over them. Adjusting the knobs collimates (lines up the mirrors) your scope. The back of my scope is shown below as an indication. Mine isn't the same make but it is the same concept- a Newtonian telescope.
  9. One of the best known faces in Mission control owes a lot to Chris. He was gene Krantz mentor. RIP Chris
  10. Thanks for the info folks. Nice images Nigella!
  11. Just taken custodianship of my societies Lunt 60mm solar scope and intend to try it out with the Sony a6300. What, if anything, should I do differently from when observing through it?
  12. Several cars? Wow! What tight gits bought you the flowers? Sorry Gina- couldn't resist it XXX Happy Birthday!
  13. Some more images- A 10" Fullerscope Newtonian with a paralell mounte 4" refractor. Lovely old school looking manual mount.
  14. I had seen this dome many years ago whilst walking the kids to infant school (they are now fast approaching 30 and 28 respectively!) but had forgotten about it. I decided to knock on the door to see if anyone was home. They were!. The obsy is still in occasional use but not as odten as it used to be. A few images of the obsy and its weaponry (please excuse some of the crappy phone cam images)-
  15. Saturday was the first outing of a christmas present from No.2 Son, a red T shirt with balck and white retro NASA log. It wasn't until I took it off at the end of the day that I spied it was from ther BUZZALDRIN clothes label. This one
  16. That is great looking set up. As an avid reader, I also think your library is none too shabby also👍
  17. Got a look at it about half an hour ago- sadly not from my garden so couldn't image (thanks for wrecking my horizon Churchill Retirement Living 👿 ). Had to walk to the end of the alley and observe by binoculars from the roadside. Did look nice though. It was almost like it was planned- partial lunar eclipse on the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11.
  18. Is that a Mk1 Attack Tortoise creeping up innthe background?
  19. Thanks all. Having just had this windfall, I realise that a birthday is also coming up so i may well add the cash to birthday gift IOU's and go for the HEQ5.
  20. two people of whom I am envious- Astrovani for his consumate imaging ability and maw lod qan for hearing and feeling the Saturn V launches!
  21. I have had a windfall and have £500-£550 as disposable cash. I am looking at something good for astro to spend it on. My current mounts are an alt az which is more than capable for my current needs and a modified EQ3-2 where I fitted the drive kit myself. I am thinking of upgrading to an EQ5 Pro which will (I hope) be better for imaging with my SW 150P newt. Is it a worthy upgrade that will, to a degree, future proof me or should I look at something else to blow my cash on? Thanks all Matt
  22. Is a Northern horizon the Antipodean equivalant of our Southern horizon- i.e. where all the best stuff is?
  23. Thanks for your advice vlaiv. All akes sense and, to a degree, confirms my suspicions. My budget will be limited and not available in one hit. I will probably have to build my set up over an extended period of time. My probably sequence will be mount- scope- camera- whatever comes next. I would like to do some DSO imaging but, I live in a fairly light polluted area and my horizon has been destroyed by recent building work. My most recent acceptable images have been lunar.
  24. Thanks Nigella, I'm currently imaging with a Sony a6300 mirrorless camera mated to my SW150P newt but as time progresses I want to develop a more dedicated set up.
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