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Everything posted by RolandKol

  1. I hope the notification about "U" word has not woken the admin up P.S. why is it censored? P.P.S. I need a much larger screen at home... as I have not noticed such an amount of Noise on my notebook... what shame!
  2. Another test image The Flaming Star > 12x300s SHO (each channel) (UFO left it's track... like always...)
  3. "A spokesman said: "In search of the next Brian Cox!" later in the article... "It is a two year contract with a salary of up to £23,111" ..... I wish them best of luck....
  4. Thanks @lnlarxg It is ASI1600MM-Pro with Baader 7/8/8.5 NM filter set, all on 130PDS with Skywatchers Coma Corrector which works as 0.9 Focal reducer, so I am imaging at F4.5 P.S. I was also quite surprised I have managed to get quite a descent amount of nebulosity with such a small amount of subs. I have started quite recently and still testing the options. Currently all my images are at Unity gain and 300s ... I think of increasing the Gain and shortening exposures accordingly as I have a very limited view from my back garden,
  5. And my third test target from yesterday also only 6x300s SHO
  6. My second and new target for a while... Started it yesterday, but clouds came and stopped above me.... fell a sleep while waiting... SHO only 6x300s each ( I will deal with amp glow later, - just checking if the target is worth to continue I think it does )
  7. My last session result... (Still work in progress) SHO from Woolwich, London [22/27-10-2018] 33x300s each filter. ASI1600MM-Pro + 130PDS
  8. It is Skywatcher's one, which works as a 0.9 reducer... And due to that, I was made to "circumcise" by 1cm my focuser's drawtube, - it protruded too deep into the scope and casted nasty shadow on the primary mirror, which caused brighter starst to look like letter D. P.S. 1 cm is probably not enough... I still do not like brighter stars on other images. P.P.S. Thanks!
  9. Just a quick stretch to check what's inside.... (12x300s HSO with Baader 7nm and ASI1600MM-Pro) Clouds interrupted the session, - looks promising Work in progress
  10. Your observations are totally correct... HEQ5 is considered as the Minimal requirement, due to Scope and Imaging set up weight and guiding capabilities... (130PDS 4kg, plus imaging cam, plus guiding scope, plus guiding cam, plus cables and you are above 5kg). P.S. There is a difference between 130P and 130PDS, be careful.
  11. Yep... Initially, you have to twist and turn it a lot to get in focus as it moves in a very small steps. but once done... Lock the focus and forget for ages... I did focus on the distant tree during a daytime initially and later fine focused at night, - do not remember how long time ago... Back in February probably...
  12. Nice topic... I always wanted to try attaching it to my Canon 1300D... Most of the websites have description line like this: "It can also be used as a finderscope, small lens for your camera or just as a small richfield telescope for travelling!" Does not look like it can be "small lens for your camera" at all Unless it's a small chip size one ... like ZWO 224 or similar.
  13. Very nice! I sleep and dream of something similar! P.S. You forgot the pilar... Will you bolt it in?
  14. Yep, @carastro mentionned she has the same problem with stray light, she noticed it while taking darks during a daytime.
  15. My first proper use of ASI1600MM on Veil Nebula [Back Garden, Woolwich, UK, 11/07/2018- 29x300s HA Bin x1, 27x25Os OIII Binx2], stacked in ASTAP, processed in PI.
  16. Another question, - for the future Did anyone manage to attach Rotator to this train? SW CC>ZWO Filter Wheel>ASI1600?
  17. Just confirming, Skywatcher Coma Corrector and ZWO filter wheel are now properly connected, using the T2 >48 converter ring. Will check focusing tonight. Many Thanks all for help P.S. went out, preparing myself for Veil Nebula hunt
  18. Yep, quite a nice notice, have not thought about it... But a Bayer Matrix grid usually (at least once taken via telescope) is much smaller in comparison to a cotton pattern- my pattern was as expected to be from the shirt, odd... Unfortunately, I have deleted these flats as I was not happy with them... will double check again.
  19. Hi guys, I am a bit out of topic, but was not able to find examples on any other places and this topic has lots of photographers in on place. So I do apologise in advance. I recently tried to make some "Longer" exposures with my Canon Kit Lens and was struggling to take flats after ... The camera is fitted piggyback on 130PDS, I tried to shoot Flats at daytime at the sky, but cam catches some little clouds, so tried to place my white T-shirt on the lens, in this case, it catches the pattern of the shirt It was much more easier with the scope than with kit lens! Any advice? P.S. I do need flats (as I noticed on other forums, some say they are not needed for Ap without the scope), I have strong vignetting and even some dust bunnies.
  20. Does not fit... that 7.5mm T2 extender does not catch SW Coma Corrector threads, they are exactly the same size. I guess this one is needed... "Female to Male" 48 to T2 https://www.365astronomy.com/t2-m48-converter-ring-with-female-m48-thread-and-male-t-thread-7mm-length.html
  21. My first Moon in Narrowband Ha=R, OIII=G, SII=B My nappies are full of joy!!!
  22. Yep Carole, I was experimenting based on your email, thanks for the tips As per OIII, I did them... At least, I thought I did But only during the experiments of bending them together, I noticed that my OIII do look the same as HA subs... it looks like, my Filter Wheel was connected via Simulation Option and, of course, it stayed on HA all the time Plus, now I think I placed incorrectly Nebula in the frame... That little "surprise" Soup Bubble Nebula is left out ;( I will try OIII tonight, - the filter has very odd marking in the center, I hope it will not make any impact, will check my Flats tomorrow. As per Star Diffraction spikes, - I always have quite a nice-sharp spikes in the single subs, but they become blurry after stacking... I struggle to sharpen them back
  23. This is my final result of my initial test combining ASI1600MM-Pro HA and Canon 1300D images. I always kill diffraction spikes
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