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Everything posted by Adreneline

  1. I'm interested to read your comments as I have just acquired an ASI294MC-Pro to use primarily with my Canon 200mm alongside the RedCat with ASI1600MM-Pro. I also plan to use the 294 on my 6" RC. I've been conservative so far with only 120s exposures and unity gain but based on your comments manybe there is room for experimentation, especially as I now live in a Bortle 3 region. Adrian
  2. Thanks Ciarán. I have tried Screen mode in the past but found the result not to be as good but I will now study your methodolgy and see how I get on. Adrian
  3. Thanks Lee. I find Starnet a big help in being able to tease out detail in the nebula whilst not having to worry about what's happening to the stars. The new challenge is putting it all back together so the stars don't look 'stuck on'. Thanks Martin. I've been copying myself! I've had several goes at this region using the 135mm Samyang, 200mm Canon and now the 250mm RedCat. Perhaps I should throw the lot into APP and see what comes out! Adrian
  4. Really nice Wim - I love the colours and the way you've achieved so much detail in the core region. Adrian
  5. Thank you! Glad you like it. I do think that the SHO palette can be very useful for helping to reveal structure and detail. It would probably be a good idea to collect the OIII again on a moonless night but as we all know a moonless clear night is a rare thing! Adrian
  6. This is data from February that I've been playing around with trying to get the best (IMO) result. The 90+% Moon on the night didn't help with the OIII. The image comprises 30 x 180s of SII, Ha and OIII pre-processed in APP, processed in PI and colour tweaked and cropped in Affinity. Taken with the RedCat 51, ASI1600 and Astronomik NB 6nm filters, unguided on the CEM25-EC. As always C&C welcome. Thanks for looking. Adrian
  7. Hi Adam - very impressive - I like the cable strain relief feature on the back camera mount - very clever. I bought some of this stuff to line the WO mount because the i.d. was just a tad too big to really grip the Canon. Hope the test run went well. Adrian
  8. Thanks Martin. The 1600 is installed on my RedCat + EFW + EAF and is 'sealed' but the 294 "floats' between the RC and my Canon 200/Samyang 135 so I'll give it a go and see how I get on. Thanks again for your advice and help. Adrian
  9. Thanks Rob, it does help. I think I'll have a go and see how I get on. Thanks again. Adrian
  10. Hi Martin, I do have the 0.75x F/R for the RC which takes it from 1370mm to 1030mm and from f9 to I believe f6 so might be worth a try. I presume my ASI120MM guide camera would be ok to start with too. I also have a colour ALTAIR IMX224 - would that be worth a go? Adrian
  11. Hi Adam. This is how I mount my 200mm on my ASI294MC - the lens clamp is from WO. I use the exact same arrangement with the Samyang 135mm. Adrian
  12. Brilliant write-up Martin and an excellent result. You've made me want to get into EEVA but maybe my 6" RC is too slow. Inspiring. Adrian
  13. Thanks guys for all the generous comments - I am pleased you like the image. I quite like the dusty, moody look just because I believe that space is a dusty, moody place in general and it often reveals more dark structure. Adrian
  14. My first two images with my new ASI294MC - both at -20 degrees, gain 120 - both comrising 10 x 30s, 60s and 120s lights - fully calibrated. M31 using my RedCat 51 - unguided; manually focussed with a BM. M82 using my StellaLyra 6" RC - unguided; manually focussed with a BM I clearly need to work on my osc processing - a very different challenge to NB. Both images pre-processed in APP, processed in PI and finished in Affinity. Also wanting to use the 294 with my Samyang 135mm and Canon 200mm but need to get the critical spacing sorted. Thanks for looking. Adrian
  15. Hi Everyone. This is 20 x 180s of SII, Ha and OIII taken with my RedCat 51 and ASI1600, completed just before the Moon put in an appearance. Pre-processed in APP, processed in PI and tweaked in Affinity. Not sure I like SHO on this one but I think Hubble palette reveals some interesting structure. As always C&C welcome. Thanks for looking. Adrian
  16. I use a Hoya Pro UV cut filter on my Samyang + ASI1600MM-Pro Cooled combination. I've not noticed any problems at all with reflections. One thing I have noticed however is much better FWHM readings with my Blue and OIII filters, and to a lesser extent Green, compared with Red, SII and Ha. The filter has saved me having to use star reduction as aggresively when processing OIII masters. I would generally agree with @Space Oddities and suggest not using a filter but my experience has been positive overall. Adrian
  17. Hi. The "computer box thing" is an ZWO ASIair and refering to the ZWO website the Canon 2000D has not been tested for use so you might be taking a risk regarding compatibily if you go that route. My view of the ZWO Mini Guide Scope is not that positive but others may have had a more positive experience. I also own an EvoGuide 50ED and that (IMHO) is a much better guide scope and some on here even use it as a light weight imaging scope with very good results. I've only have positive experiences with the ASI120MM-Mini. I am a big fan of the ASIair (I own one of the originals - not the Pro); it is without doubt one of the best things I have bought for astro-photography and has transformed my imaging experience. Good luck with your deliberations. Adrian
  18. Did you really I'm flattered. My wife has always told me I'd never be trend setter. 😆
  19. Very nice, with amazing detail in the core area. I might suggest that if you pull the black point back a bit you may reveal yet more of the surrounding nebulosity. Did you take flats as well? Adrian
  20. Hi Graham, Click on your Name 'drop down' on the top menu bar and then go to Account Settings and Signature
  21. I am sure there are but I can't advise on that one or who. However, have you seen these or read up on them - might help you confrm if there is an issue or not.
  22. I think it could be but .... The PA routine in the ASIair assumes the optical axis of the mount and the optical axis of the OTA are in exact alignment - as I understand it the whole idea with PA is to align the mount and not the OTA.
  23. I have an ASIair but I still PA with a PoleMaster. The downside is I have to take my laptop out when I first set up but then the upside is I get a very good PA. I've tried the PA routine in ASIair but prefer the PoleMaster. I don't guide either so a good PA is essential and the PoleMaster has proved to be money well spent.
  24. @JSeaman there are numerous threads about this (like this one on CN - you don't really need to read past the second post) and the consensus seems to be that unless you are scaling darks there is no advantage in using bias as it may increase noise. I take flats and dark-flats for each filter, and a small set of darks (180s, 120s, 60s and 30s) and that works well for me. I only use gain 139 and offset 50. There are enough variables in this hobby without adding more than are necessary.
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