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Everything posted by Adreneline

  1. Very nice Gerr - nicely framed and great detail. Adrian
  2. Very nice Adrian - as you say the expanded image has much to reveal. Adrian P.S. It's good to have another Adrian on SGL - we need to stick together!
  3. It is soooooo worth sticking with it Simon - it can seem daunting and so unlike any other photo-processing / manipulation software but IMHO no other piece of software has the ability to extract as much information from your hard won data as PI. Good luck. Adrian
  4. Thank you Ciarán. I imaged the 'whole thing' last December with the Samyang .... ... but the RedCat can't capture the same fov hence the focus on NGC7822 itself. Cosmic Question Mark fits the bill very nicely although to be fair just about everything we image is a bit of a question mark I might have to try a mosaic with the RedCat and get a bit more detail than the Samyang offers. Another project to add to the list! Thanks again. Adrian
  5. Thank you Carole. As 'skull' is already taken maybe 'cranium' is up for grabs. I've got to be honest and say I can't see the Planter or World Cup but then I've not had my tablets yet today! Adrian
  6. Very strange! Maybe it is "spooked"by the sight of it Adrian
  7. Thanks Lee - it all worked out quite well really - the Ha data was very good which helped. Here with a rotated version - you're right, it does look like a skull. Adrian
  8. Stunning Tristan. Your 250PDS continues to deliver great images. Out of interest which software did you use to select/stack the 750 frames? The processing looks great to me - not over-sharpened at all. The OIII filter has worked really well considering collecting OIII in Moon light is generally a no-no! Adrian
  9. Thanks Steve. With the Samyang I can get the Little Rosette at the bottom in the same frame. It seems odd the Little Rosette gets a name but NGC7822 is left out in the cold. You could definitely imagine a head of some sort in there!
  10. Thank you Tristan. I needed a break from trying to sort my guiding with the 294 and 7822 presented itself nicley at midnight so out with the RedCat! Adrian
  11. Thanks for the kind comments Jeremy and Peter. The Ha data from last night was really good - I just need to get some equally good OIII and SII now. Adrian
  12. This is Ha data from last night (60 x 180s) taken with a RedCat 51 and ASI1600MM-Pro combined with some old OIII and SII data taken with a Samyang 135mm + ASI1600MM-Pro. NGC7822 is one of my favourite targets and I always think it is rather sad that it doesn't have a catchy name. As always C&C welcome. Thanks for looking. Adrian
  13. Exactly my experience although I managed to find focus with the extensions still in place albeit with little extension on the drawer tube. I've only managed one image with mine so far but I was fairly pleased with the end result (unguided). There's always room for improvement Adrian
  14. That is just so revealing Lee - makes you think and reflect - exactly what it should do. Does PI tell you how many PGC's it has identified? Thanks for sharing. Adrian
  15. Yes - FLO sell the bar and fittings you need. The RC really needs a much longer lower bar that extends beyond the back of the OTA. HTH
  16. Yes - a SW EvoGuide 50ED with ASi120MM-mini - for guiding. It can be quite tricky to achieve DEC balance once the camera and R/F are fitted on the RC; the EvoGuide helps in that respect. HTH
  17. I have one and it seems to work a treat - not noticed any issues at all. HTH
  18. This is a really good image and nicely framed up too. I agree with all of the points suggested by @Rustang. I took the liberty of removing the gradient and performing a tiny bit of noise reduction. If you're using PS it might be worth taking a look at GradientXterminator to help with gradient removal; there is a free trial so you can assess if it is worth buying. It might also be worth trying DeepSkyStacker (also free) to calibrate, register and integrate your images, especially once you've taken bias, dark and flat frames. Great result considering you are imaging under Bortle 5 skies. Adrian
  19. This one gets the big thumbs up from the wife so it’s a winner. I like it too! Excellent job once again. Adrian
  20. I’ve had exactly the same experience with the Samyang. It must be related to the lens because when I use the Astronomik L3HOS or Baader LRGB with my RedCat they are truly parafocal. Adrian
  21. I was advised to aim for 23:23:23 - not sure why 23. I guess it provides adequate ‘blackness’ without suppressing feint nebulosity too much. HTH
  22. Thanks Lee - I'm a bit of a fan of starless images - they give you a different insight into what's there. Thank you Lee. The Bortle round here is apparently 4 but where I live I think it is closer to 3; the two nights of imaging were also exceptionally clear which helped a lot. I use the lens wide open at f2; I've found no benefit in stopping it down at all. The camera gain is set at 120 operating at -20 degrees. I have no idea what the offset is as the ASIair does not allow you to control that feature. The IFN is barely apparent on the stacked master. Following edge cropping and BackgroundExtraction I start by using PI's ScreenTransferFunction to give it a severe stretch followed by SCNR to reduce the green in the image. I then use HistogramTransformation to line up the colour components before applying LocalHistogramNormalisation to increase the contrast. I then use 10 layers of HDRMultiscaleTransform to try to tease out the structure followed by the EZ star reduction script. Finally a tweak in Affinity to tone down the over exposure M81/M82 cores using the Burn tool. HTH or is of interest/use to someone. Adrian Adrian
  23. Thank you! Thank you Tristan. I know a lot of folk don't like starless but I think it lets the structure and depth come through sometimes; star filled nebula can sometimes appear quite planar and two-dimensional - in my honest opinion, of course Adrian P.S. To those who like to look for these things the structure to the left looks like a wolf's head 🍷
  24. This is the longest I've spent on one region for some time. Two sessions resulting in (37 x 180s) + (90 x 180s) (equating to 6hrs 21mins) of OSC data of the IFN region around M81 and M82. Taken with a Samyang 135mm + ASI294MC, unguided. I felt the starless image was more justified here because the IFN is beyond the galactic plane and hence beyond the stars. I also removed M81 and M82 - badly. Processed in APP, PI and Affinity. I feel as though I have now adequately scratched my IFN itch and will be moving on to other things. As always C&C welcome. Thanks for looking. Adrian
  25. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/books/dark-art-or-magic-bullet-steve-richards.html
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