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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. The Khazi could be embelished via Amazon or other retailer... https://amzn.eu/d/e9SmGhd
  2. He did, but didnt realise it @JeremyS, We had look at the Observing Area and the new Store, sadly the Khazi got overlooked by the rest of the short tour. Flushed with the sucess of the new Store πŸ˜‚
  3. Indeed I could, but only if I want to take up flying. We are in the Essex Alps πŸ˜‰ and catch uphill breeze (understated) and anything that can get lift, does. The Store will be fixed down to the pad before Autumn to ensure that it is not a flying shed. I do like the overall cover idea, that will be at my next property when I downsize and retire, but not wishing my time on this fine blue orb away in anticipation and making things work for the now.
  4. The pier is a Vixen one for the GP mount and has no wheels, its light aluminium construction. The reality is that its used as I need a second tripod, I prefer a tripod for stability. Wheels would be a pain as the shed floor is about 60mm above the concrete level and has a small lip in the doorway. On your build, make sure you discuss the trees with the neighbor if you can, things like that tend to set people going. A drop down shelf would be simple enough, if you had a shed purpose made, the builder could make that part of the design. I look forward to see where your own project goes, I am sure it will get tweaks just like my one has done over time. One thing to consider is security for whats in the store space, I have various bars and locks on order to add to my store, some is due in the post today, so a few more steps yet before the green fence and shed treatment comes out to match the rest.
  5. Had a quick shuffle about of kit over my lunch stop today and pointed the LS40 at a cloudy sol. But made first use of 'The Store' and upgraded Observing Area. I also just ordered some more SWA, Glands etc to run power from the Khazi and allow for a socket and red and white lights (watch this space). Pleased to get to this point, especially how I am hobbling about at present.
  6. I have to laugh at above as the original concrete area was far bigger and was part removed to make this pad area. The aim at the time was shielding from lights next door, it does that job fairly well.
  7. I have been asked why the Store is located as it is in a PM, which is a fair question to pose, thanks @Mike Q. The Shed / Store is central to the concrete and this allows both doors to open fully open as they are 2' roughly wide. The shed is 6' with about 1' walls each side of doors. I have had help getting the kit in for the picture and more room than I expected, which is good. Mind you my immediate thought was room for more kit!! Bad, Bad me. It is furthest back on the pad, which allows me to see the sky above my tree line, even with the Dob in use. Or so I worked out....time will tell if that is correct.
  8. Indeed it will Mike, makes the mounts and 10" so much closer and easier to shift, I am having knee and hip issues and this is part of making life more easy. Oh and Mrs W gets the 10" out of the House too, which is a positive move πŸ‘
  9. Well following the good advice given on shed types, the wooden store has just arrived and been put up. This is work in progress and will go Green in near future, but a notable step onwards. Electrics to run between Khazi and Store for lighting and a socket too. Before the Store And with the Store A nice solid job, very pleased with the quality from my local maker Falcon Sheds.
  10. Been away on holiday and returned to post, but sadly missing the FT focuser for the Lunt still ☹️ But some goodies are here 😁 The long awaited SLV 9mm, got it off eBay and only 3 weeks from new, not to sellers taste, my gain in this case.
  11. Arnaud, what a super job, you must be very pleased. That mount is like a cat more than one life.
  12. Thank you for the update Steve. Much as we really thought physics being advanced by the new ultra short, longer fl scope, we all truly knew the reality. Looks a super package, just the red anodising makes me πŸ€ͺ
  13. Not quite the same time frame from me, but your words echo my own otherwise.
  14. Fully agree on what you say. Getting to study a star close by is something we should feel blessed by. The keeping the Astro mojo alive and well is a pleasant side effect.
  15. As I have only an Ha scope with me at present, much thanks for the images Stu.
  16. I have the 40 and love it. The instant use and ease of use are the making of this scope for me. I am a visual observer. The helical focuser is the scopes weakness, but once used to it things settle down. I do admit to having the FT focuser on order though. Whichever way you jump, go for it, the Suns going nuts at the minute and now is the best time to go for it.
  17. Venus is a great challenge to test you observing skills and it’s fun stepping up to that challenge. I love observing cloud, well other planets clouds anyway. Being seated, spending plenty of time at the eyepiece and being prepared to try various filters has worked for me. As others have said, not easy. In my view that’s the whole point. Oh and doubting what you are seeing is the biggest challenge of all at the start.
  18. The new facility may have en-suite 🀣
  19. Mike the Khazi is 3 x 18” deep. 6x4 is the size of the base left and a fence panel wide in standard uk sizes.
  20. 6x4 Wooden pent with double doors on order with local shed maker. ETA early July 🀞 watch this space.
  21. Interesting list, many of the points are ones I have similar feeling about. Congratulations on nearly 10 years of observing, shows the bug is truly bitten.
  22. More like lovely Vixen content 😁
  23. WOW @Franklin I think you have a Japanese box fetish going on, I have decided to help out and shrink the size of the problem for you above πŸ˜‰ Indeed it does start to get adictive, so far just mainly watching and going darn it, I should have bid!
  24. Thanks for that input, appreciated. The noise point is well made and noted, hence the rethink. A Wooden shed is now the likely contender, it can be more easily taken down and moved for any future move. 6x4 Pent, No windows with side double doors opening onto the pad area.
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