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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Observing Jupiter, it’s clear and why not GRS at 8.29 tonight I believe, it’s coming and going seeing wise but when it’s good it’s good 😊 Tonight is just what I need right now
  2. It must be that time of year and this topic comes up. I have missed as many observing opportunities due to other commitments and life in general this year as much as any other. I have had a number of great observing sessions and will not grumble.
  3. So are my hands as well, we are all tempted, but someone was more tempted than I 👍👍
  4. Dave, I have very similar thoughts and I own a ED103 and a SD103, the story why is known here. The Vixen ED scopes and SD are super and something special, I too have kept looking wondering if the f7.8 to f9 notices, then my finances cough and I continue wondering. This scope is a true bargain and quite something special.
  5. Looking interesting, love watching the varied design and site issues everyone has. Good luck with the build.
  6. I have a 30 UFF in my case of the same type as well
  7. A much wanted and famous book, how on earth did Santa know?
  8. Very nice, but look at those gaps, will need filling to stop them getting dusty!
  9. Alan White

    Ahoy hoy!

    Welcome Time spent with your son will make precious memories, enjoy. My Dad sat me down with him and his binoculars when I was 5, now a very long time ago and I still observe and remember him with great affection.
  10. Removed the cap head screws so it is flat. The M10 bolt has had the spacer washer shortened to get a more solid grip and boy is it a solid grip.
  11. Oh nice arrival and great first light. Most pleased for you.
  12. Great to read this report, and most pleased you had a good report to make. I expect a lot more fun lies ahead. That 4 to 5 inches read to be a notable contrast boost on many refractors.
  13. I have to share my Mini Vixen Fest going on. Two Hal130 tripods, the Porta for my Ha Solar and the 130 riser and my super (Not Vixen) Rowan AZ75 mount. All we need is the GP mount showing its face in a future shot. Does it show I like Vixen, no of course not, the two 103 scopes are not shown! Perhaps one day a nice APZ and an equatorial for good measure perhaps....hmm
  14. Postie yesterday and a unpack today Another Vixen item and yes you know who it came from 🤣 Riser pillar for the HAL130 I have just purchased, I love the build quality of the Vixen stuff.
  15. First time out on the pad and what a night to go out Conditions poor, but Lunar X and V and nice terminator details Orion being high enough to look at Jupiter and the GRS Just the medicine for me and my first week back at work full time again happy person me
  16. I played courier and collected, so not what the postie brought at all. In an attempt to out Vixen, the Vixen King himself aka @Franklin….. I now have a second Vixen HAL tripod, really nice bit of kit and has a favoured name on it too Mind you, got talking about SX mounts while collecting from a fellow SGLer and it’s wafted the flames
  17. Congratulations on the new scope, one that often tempts me How it was on the AZ75, which I expect to be good was my only blocker that I kept dreaming up to stop me, darn it now it’s just cash. Enjoy the scope when it clears
  18. Nice arrival @Sunshine 👍 The purchase I fully expected from your initial posting, congratulations. As to the Manhole Cover lens cap, I have never understood why they made or fitted them, perhaps the tube is old drain pipe and the cover fitted 😉 I joke obviously....pleas Tak mob forgive my humour. I look forward to the enthusiastic first light report.
  19. I am not sure the turnout was poor, it was the first one after Covid and paid entry. This is neither of those. The PAS has good turnout and has always been free. We shall see what happens, I hope it's that we have two great shows away from London.
  20. Indeed memories of times thankfully past I worked in an engineering office where everyone but me smoked, so stained that the wallpaper was brown and the windows looked tinted. Suffice to say I only stayed 18 months.
  21. Thats great. I and I am sure we look towards the reveal and first light.
  22. This was a Validation post of course @Sunshine😉 so when do you collect the 128?
  23. You could play a selection of consoles and a few select computers, but many were static sadly. A great fun and blast from the past. They had a 1970's into early 80's office set up, all looked right from wallpaper to furniture, all it lacked was the lingering cigarette smoke.
  24. http://scopeviews.co.uk/TakFS128.htm may be of help, or not
  25. I and fellow members of my Astro Club, had a grand day out to Cambridge last Friday 1st December. It was nerdy heaven for most of us. Club is Castle Point Astronomy Club. Museum 1 - The Centre for Computing History https://www.computinghistory.org.uk/ A real blast from the past with Spectrums, BBC Micro and Atari and Commodores all calling me. Oddly the real blast of the visit was a working Binatone Tennis Game. and the afternoon a little trip into Town proper and. The Whipple Museum. https://www.whipplemuseum.cam.ac.uk/ For me the Refractor at the entrance had a certain attraction, a mere £170 in 1910, or about £24K if it was now. But the Globe Collection really floated my boat, Lunar and Mars were super and showed how our knowledge and technology to know has grown over time. We had a great time, nice to spend a day with Astro folks and also to get a peaceful museum trip without boredom setting in for others.
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