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Everything posted by emyliano2000

  1. Hi guys. This weekend I tried to improve my narrowband processing and I'm not yet convinved if it better. The first photo is my first go at full SHO and the second one is what I managed to do over the weekend. Somehow I feel the second one is more natural in colour but I still feel that a lot of the things that I've done are still wrong. Feel free to zoom in and tell me what you think. Everything has been done in photoshop and lightroom. Thanks Emil
  2. Quite recently I got my hands on a cooled OSC camera (ASI294MC Pro) and so far I'm quite pleased with it. This is a 2 panel mosaic of the Cygnus loop, 5 hours worth of 300sec exposures for each panel on my TS65 quad and an Altair Tri-band filter. Emil
  3. Thanks. The final Ha stack will have a narrower field of view, probably quite similar to yours as I started this target with a SW130pds, 585mm focal lenght and a QHY183M but I collected some more Ha and some Sii with my AT106, 690mm focal lenght and the same camera. With the first setup I had 0.85"/pixel, 1.3°x0.87° fov and with the new one, 0.72"/pixel, 1.1°x0.74° fov
  4. I love this target, I'm working on it at the moment. Captured all the Ha and some Sii so far.
  5. Yes, the moonlite is the focuser on my AT106LE and the last night test went great. My problem is finally solved. Emil
  6. I've done a star test last night. Defocused vega in the center of the frame, measured the circles and everything looks great. Moved the defocused star to where the problem is (left and mostly bottom left) and the defocused star is still round but the circles are not concentric. Today I decided to take the moonlite off it and check what's happening and discovered the flange wasn't screwed in properly. Tonight, I'll do another star test and I have a feeling that everything will be ok. 🤞🤞🤞 Emil
  7. Great show indeed. I managed to take a few shots from my back garden in Bushey, Herts. Here's one of them. Emil
  8. I have the same problem on my AT106LE. Was wondering if it could be pinched optics. It's mostly on the left, more towards the bottom left. I'll try to do a star test tonight. Emil
  9. My latest achievement with this gem of a lens. Canon 700D 71x300sec ISO1600 with Astronomik 6nm Ha clip in filter (bortle 6) And 10x180sec ISO800 with IDAS LPS-D1 CLIP filter (bortle 2) Emil
  10. Another one shot with my canon 700D and the 135mm. NGC7822 This is 60x300sec ISO1600 with an Astronomik 6nm Ha clip in filter.
  11. Here's a few of my attempts with this amazing lens. I absolutely love it and I can't wait to test it out with my qhy183m. Emil
  12. I don't know. Do you have a link? Is there a forum? Also, I wanted to ask if you can add park or warm camera commands at the end of the session.
  13. Thank you. I was thinking about the background. I'm used to framing in stellariumand I can see if there are small fuzzies that I can frame with the main target. I toogled between the image sources and I worked it out in the end. I'm outside now hoping for a ful test. Looking forward to use it. Looks very promising. I've vbeen using APT so far but I was thinking of switching to SGP. N.I.N.A came at exactly the right time. I installed the 1.9 Nightly version. I hope it works all right. Emil
  14. I downloaded N.I.N.A too because my daughter in Nina and I have to like it ? I had a little play with it, connected my equipment, cooled the camera, checked the filterwheel is working properly. I quite like it. On the framing assistant, how do you make the image a bit darker to show the objects a bit better on the screen or what image source do you use for framing? Emil
  15. I'm pretty sure it can be better than that. To me it looks very noisy. Maybe I should put the tif files here and you guys can play with them. They are all aligned and cropped so only need processing and blending.
  16. Thank you guys. I found it a bit hard to get it right, if that is right, as I'm using Annie's astro tools in photoshop to create the hubble palette and I have no control over how much of the Ha, Oiii and Sii goes into the final photo. I would love to have control over it because what I've done now is process them a bit more or less and then combining the results until I got this. Emil
  17. Not the best but being my first ever full narrowband photo I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. 72x300sec Ha, 71x300sec Oiii, 73x300sec Sii and 23x120sec for each RGB. Qhy183m, 130pds, baader 1.25" filters. DSS and Photoshop. I hope you like it. Emil
  18. I have the exact same settings on my 450D.
  19. I use APT, Stellarium with Stellariumscope and Astrotortilla. My APT doesn't connect to Stellarium, it connects to the mount through eqmod. Stellarium works with Stellariumscope which, like APT connects to the mount through eqmod. Atrotortilla (for platesolving) also connects to the mount through eqmod and it also connects to APT which is using the camera to take photos and see exactly where the telescope is pointing.
  20. The rings for the 9x50 finder-guider are fixed on a altair astro vixen clamp.
  21. Saturday night I went for the Sadr region in Ha with a Canon 200mm f2.8 stopped at f4 I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. 24x600sec ISO1600 with my canon 600d full spectrum modified. I'm loving this little mount. Subarcsecond guiding, couldn't belive it.
  22. My latest results with the eq3. I went on a field trip to a darker skies location and I thought I should try to shoot the Rho Ophiuchi but until it rose a bit higher above the horizon I shot the M58, M87, M88, M89, M 90 and M91 group. Guiding the mount went really well. For the group of galaxies, I used my TS65quad and my moded 450d And for the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex I used a canon 200mm f2.8 stopped at f4 and my 450d I hope you like them
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