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Everything posted by emyliano2000

  1. I have no clue what's going on, I even opened the filterwheel to check the red filter and it's all good
  2. I have SGP set to take 10 of each throughout the night to be sure I have enough of each at the end of the night so if there was a leak when I shot the red, it should've been there when I shot the other ones too
  3. it does seem wrong indeed. culd it be that I shot the darks with the camera in the fridge, in complete darkness and the flat darls with camera on the scope covered, outside in the garden?
  4. I tried with the lights and flats from 3 separate nights with the same result, green and blue, ok, red, not correct I took all the red, green and blue at the same time
  5. thank you for looking into it. so far I tried 3 ADU values for the flats and none of them worked. I tried 1500 ADU @ 2.73sec with corresponding flat darks, I tried 25000 ADU @ 4.24sec and 30000 ADU @ 2.73sec and none of them worked. The best result that I got was from the 25000 ADU @4.24sec
  6. I triex stacking them in APP, pixinsight and DSS but the red lights are not corrected properly in any of them.
  7. I did, I always do. Never had problems before with any of my other scopes.
  8. thank you for the suggestion but it looks like the filters have a few of their own dust bunnies and the circle looks different in each of the flats so I don't think it will work. Emil
  9. Hello guys, I finally managed to have first light with the Altair Astro 6" RC that I bought quite a while ago from a member and I'm very happy with it but I have encountered a problem that I can't find a solution for. I shot NGC206 with the R, G and B filters, with the corresponding flats but for some reason the flats are not fully correcting the red subs. The Green and Blue seem to be ok. I used the telescope at native focal length, 1370mm, f9 with my recently purchased QHY163M binned 2x2 to have a pixel scale of 1.14"/px My first thought was that the filters might be a bit too far from the sensor as I'm using 1.25" filters in a SX USB filterwheel but why are the flats correcting the blue and green and not the red? Here is a single red filter shot uncalibrated, stretched in pixinsight and saved as png You can see a part of the circle in the bottom left of the photo Now, here's how the master flat looks like And here's the calibrated red lights stack I tried all kinds of ADU values for the flats and nothig works. A friend had the same problem with the Ha filter and he fixed it by putting the flats panels further away from the tube. I tried it too with no luck. If you have a look at the Green and the blue stacks, they look OK Another friend told me it's a light leak and the Red filter might be more sensitive to it than the green and blue. Any suggestions please? I'm really excited abot this combination and I feel down in the dumps because I can't correct the red subs . Thanks Emil
  10. Optolong is launching the L-extreme 7nm dual band filter soon. Their L-enhance has been praised a lot by the OSC users so I'm thinking the L-extreme will be quite nice. A bit pricey though. https://www.astroshop.eu/broadband-filters/optolong-filters-l-extreme-2-/p,66894 Emil
  11. The thing is, I'm using 2 mounts so aligning was not a problem but I had 2 scopes on a single mount at some point and the only way to align them without spending money on one of those side by side plates, was to use some guide rings for my small refractor but I suppose you won't be able to do that with any of your scopes so you might have to invest in one if those dual rig dovetails.
  12. I recently started something similar to what you are planning to do. I swapped my cameras between the telescopes to have a closer FoV and pixel scale between them and to see what comes out. Before the change I was using my qhy183m on the AT106 at 690mm focal lenght giving me 0.72"/px and my ASI294MC on the TS65Q at 420mm focal lenght, 2.27"/px and the following fovs. Now I'm using the qhy183m on the TS65 at 1.18"/px and the ASI294MC on the AT106 at 1.38"/px and the following Fovs I don't have the money to invest in a second mono camera so I thought of trying it with what I already have. My first test target was M13 and I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. I spent 2 hours/setup in 2 nearly full moon nights on it, so a total of 8 hours total integration time, 4 with the mono and 4 with the OSC. With the help of APP, I extracted the channels from the calibrated OSC subs and stacked each of the extracted channels together with the mono ones. I don't know if it's the right method of doing it but the result that I got is not that bad. My second test was on M16 in Ha which is quite a low target for me and also goes over London. I know it's quite a bright target but shooting over London is not that pleasant. On this one I shot 19x300sec with the qhy183mono and a baader 3.5nm Ha filter and 19x300sec with the ASI294MC and an Astronomik 6nm Ha filter and the same as M13, I extracted the Ha from the calibrated subs shot with the OSC and stacked them with the mono ones. All in all I'm pretty pleased with what I'm getting from my "dual setup" even though one is mono and one is OSC. The only thing that I don't know how I'm gonna be doing is mix the HSO subs from the mono with the subs shot with my OSC and Altair Tri-Band. I know APP can extract the Oiii from the frames shot with an OSC and a dual narrowband too, so I think I will do the same as I did with the Ha and RGB. Emil
  13. Yeah, it is very much possible that some are better than others. A lot of friends told me that I probably have the best eq3 in the world 😂😂 Lucky me! 😁
  14. I bought my eq3 to have a light portable travel setup that I could easily put in the boot of my car but when I've seen what it can do I decided to put it in the garden next to my eq6 setup. Until a few days ago I've been only using my small 420mm focal lenght refractor with an ASI294MC on it but I decided to swap cameras between the telescopes and put my qhy183m on it now and even though the pixel scale is 1.18"/px compared to 2.27"/px that I had with the ASI294MC I still get nice round stars at 5min exposure. I did replace the silly aluminium tripod with a stainless steel one for increased stability and upgraded to a losmandy saddle though. Emil
  15. I absolutely love my eq3, it's giving me some great results for what is considered a very low end mount. Sometimes the guiding is so good, I find it hard to believe it. Emil
  16. A very active galaxy that would work much better with a longer focal length but I was running out of targets on my widefield setup and I thought of giving it a go to see what comes out. Would love to be able to take a photo of the NGC2404, absolutely impressive HII region in the galaxy. I cropped the original photo to give it a closer view. Eq3 Pro TS65 quadruplet f6.5 imaging telescope ZWO ASI294MC PRO cooled at -15°C Altair 2" TriBand filter IDAS LPS-D2 2" filter Qhy5 guide camera 9x50 finder-guider Tri-Band filter: 32x600sec Gain 200 Offset 10 IDAS LPS-D2 filter: 281x300sec Gain 125 Offset 30 Total integration time 28 hours and 45minutes Emil
  17. With this lockdown and with the clear skies that we keep having I managed to finish another 2 targets that I've been working at for a while. This year I will concentrate my mono setup mostly on stars that ended their lives forming planetary nebulae or supernova remnants. 🙂 So today I come to you with the mighty Crab and the cute Abell 39 😁 In the Crab nebula you can actually see the Crab pulsar too. 😁 More info on the photos on my astrobin account. M1: https://www.astrobin.com/2xfpw7/B/?nc=user Abell39: https://www.astrobin.com/c206jc/B/?nc=user Emil
  18. Very nicely done! I'm doing it widefield at the moment, close to finishing my desired 300x5min RGB on it. Done around 50x5min Ha during the moon period. Emil
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