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Everything posted by alacant

  1. LOL, no one would dare because there's sure to be someone come along and point out why it's not perfect! With that in mind, please see below my perfectly collimated reflector. But seriously, it doesn't have to be perfect. The secondary mirror is simply a flat bit of glass; get it somewhere near and then leave it. But before you adjust anything, be sure to read the collimation myths. They'll clear much confusion and save you a lot of time. HTH and clear skies.
  2. Hi. If it's this one then it's a big yes, but it's of limited use unless you can get it onto a -preferably equatorial- tracking mount. The build and optical quality of the Bresser reflectors is excellent. You also get a proper focuser and tube rings. HTH
  3. It reminds me of the guy who'd been trying for hours but still couldn't get his DSLR to connect to his telescope. He then saw how my DSLR coupled with ease. His immediate reaction was to ask me how much a new Canon would be. Yeah, you need to think about it!
  4. Moon-limited to short frames, perhaps not the right time to image this but anyway, quite a few galaxies popped out. The short exposures seem to help with the colour. This is probably worth doing on a darker night with longer frames. All comments most welcome and thanks for looking. 700d on ES pn208
  5. Alas, I believe we have not escaped entirely; Auriga seems awash with it...
  6. Hi everyone Fast reflector and 90% moon? At f3.9, not quite up there with the RASA (one day maybe!) but something to think about for the current bright nights perhaps... The first time I've managed proper blue stars over so many targets. All comments most gratefully received and thanks for looking. ES pn208: 1 hour each
  7. Hi There's something of nebulosity around the stars of the cluster but also maybe haze, cloud or walking noise over the whole frame. The background is going to be difficult so just to answer your question... Don't know what you're using to process but if by conventional means, go a bit at a time with the centre slider. HTH
  8. Hi It's probably larger than the forum limit, so best to upload it to e.g. Google Drive or Dropbox and send us the link. Cheers
  9. There are two cables listed. Both are from AliExpress. One of them is wired so that it connects the mount directly to your computer, eliminating the handset. The other does the same but keeps the handset. I'd recommend the former. It is called an eqmod or eqdir cable. You don't have to obtain either from AliExpress. It just works out a lot cheaper that way. HTH
  10. Makes it easy... http://forum.startools.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1148 Make separate lrgb stacks in DSS first. HTH
  11. I'll reluctantly give you the bin bag. However your elastic band looks positively professional. Call it quits?
  12. Hi. yes. Note, there's an elastic band to hold it in place. These design types seem to have made the diameter of the cap stretch to the size of an average human head, with little regard for preventing light entering the mirror cell of a 130pds. Ridiculous.
  13. Hi Yes. The easiest way is then to lose the handset and instead connect the mount to the computer using this cable. If you want to/must keep the handset, then one of these. Then as @Merlin66..describes above. HTH
  14. Any good? https://www.ebay.com/itm/M4-x-12mm-Toolless-Thumb-Screw-Stainless-Steel-/201713636023?_ul=ES
  15. Hi I agree. There's only one other I'd consider. It has the same optical specification: this one, which is built to last. HTH
  16. Hi. Meanwhile, at the budget end of the range, a black shower cap. 3 for €1. Elegance defined!
  17. Hi Ensure the eqmod guide speed is at least 0.5 sidereal. Leave it connected. Now make a new phd2 profile. Same settings you used before for the camera, but choose EQ5/6 for the mount. HTH
  18. Yes. You can see it in the photos I posted. I think @almcl used the same OAG as I.
  19. Hi. Remember that DEC must be balanced both longitudinally and laterally. Everyone forgets the lateral (turning) balance. To help balance, the camera should be placed so as to give the lowest centre of gravity. On the 130, this is with the camera hanging vertically downwards when parked N-S. Guiding: an OAG is lighter, gives the best stars (by far) and all but eliminates flex. HTH.
  20. A dreamy rosette, but unfortunately running out of frame. The nebula extends further than suggested by kstars. Or -far more likely- I entered the focal length incorrectly in the first place. Maybe a two frame mosaic? Comments for improvement always appreciated. Thanks for looking.
  21. Only... Good luck with the purchase. It's a good combination for imaging:)
  22. Hi This one will work fine. HTH
  23. Excellent. If you have the patience for 100 of the same then great, but as many as you can. Then stack to see the whole spiral. HTH
  24. You don't need guiding for recording moon and planet videos, a tracking mount will be fine, so the t7c would be a good choice. Take your videos and extract the best frames to stack using e.g. autostakkert. HTH
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