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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. They have history in that respect, the 071 had terrible problems with frost forming on the sensor. They upgraded to a pro saying the problem was resolved and asked customers to pay 300 euro to upgrade, the problem remained in the pro model. If I have any issues with this camera It will be the last I buy from them.
  2. I've had mine since January, I just checked it there and the sensor is pristine. It has been flawless so far. Qhy do seem to make better hardware but they're also not without issues. Quality control is poor with both companies it seems.
  3. Exactly, I used PS and halved the image size, I know Ciarán recommends using APP or PI for this but I forgot.
  4. Thanks Ciarán. I remembered the advice you gave about down-sampling which really helps. The other thing I did was to go very heavy on the noise reduction at about 3/4 stretch on a starless version. I used Topaz denoise for this, which did a great job although I definitely ended up with some artifacts. The compromise is a much more dramatic image at display size while accepting these artifacts. I've been playing again with it going starless again with more noise reduction and a couple of curves with the black point held down.
  5. Thanks Adam. Two partially clear nights since September is a pretty poor return to be fair. Looks like it's clear here in cork tonight and I've no scope to image with🤣
  6. Really shows the power of the Rasa, I could just make out the squid when I tried this with the Epsilon and my Duo filter, 3 hours if I remember correctly.
  7. Thank you Sunshine and Adam Could be worse, try cloud every night in Cork for the last 2 weeks Well worth giving it a go. I live in a housing estate surrounded by street lighting so I reckon I'm somewhere between 4 and 5. Thanks Dave. Really is a great area, I'll look out for your image when you finish.
  8. Thanks, glad you like it. Much appreciated Mick. Thanks for that John.
  9. Thanks, I was quite disappointed with the original, just shows how different the same data can turn out.
  10. Glad you like it Francis. Ngc 1333 is tha central object. It's a fascinating area.
  11. Thanks, I'm lucky enough to be in a bortle 4 area, at least according to clear outside. Thanks Brendan, hope all's good with you.
  12. This one is a reprocess of an image I posted here before, the original turned out noisy and too dim to show any real detail. With this effort I just through everything I had at it and used more aggressive settings to try to get something worthy of the time I put into gathering and pre processing the data. This aggressiveness has left artifacts for sure, but viewed at normal screen size I think it works. Stacked and combined in APP Processed in APP, PI and PS. 5 panels were with the Asi 071 and the final upper right corner panel was completed using the Asi2600. All captured using my Esprit 100 mounted on an AzEq6. Subs were of 150 second duration for a total imaging time of 18hrs Richard
  13. Hi Martin, thanks. This camera gives some lovely colour. I still haven't settled on what gain to use. This was at 0, but I've used gain 100 with nice results too.
  14. No queue yet, but I'm sure most suppliers would take your early interest into consideration when they become available, scheduled for Jan 21 I believe. Sony have a mono version of 571 and both Qhy and Zwo have confirmed they will be coming to market soon.
  15. I think it's the right call, the imx455 with the size of the pixels would drive you nuts trying to get the corners sorted on your Epsilon. I can vouch for the Zwo version as it's been flawless for me so far and the qhy version is supposed to be excellent too. The Qhy has more options in the driver settings but it's not something I miss. I was set up for the backfocus of the Zwo so that's why I chose it.
  16. I reckon you won't go wrong with the imx571 and the 180. If you're after the mono version too then get your name down with your favorite supplier as this camera will be in very high demand.
  17. I really hope there's no delay as I've just boxed up the 130 ready for shipping. Thanks Brendan, I've been on the lookout for an Epsilon 180 and when I came across the new 160 with the optional extender I felt it would suit my needs better.
  18. Thanks Dave. It's speeding its way from Japan to Austria as I type, I'm hoping I might get it next week, forecast is poor all next next so no rush. I'm really excited about the 1.5 x extender which will give a focal length of 800mm so it will open up more targets for me.
  19. Hi Adam, you might find that the high signal from the Epsilon luminance will wash out the colour with the Ed 80. Dual Epsilon 180 i'd say🤣
  20. Hi all, this is Sh2-140 in Cepheus. I wanted to add at least another 5 hours rgb to this but I've sold my Tak 130 and I'm eagerly awaiting the newly redesigned Tak Epsilon 160. 110 rgb subs 180 seconds at gain 0 with the Asi2600mc 100 subs at 180 seconds gain 100 Stc Duo Narrowband Tak Epsilon 130 mounted on an AzEq6 Sequence Generator Pro for capture, processed in APP, PI, and PS. Regards, Richard.
  21. Yup that's me, that's a great target, Ha is a must as it's a little underwhelming in rgb. Richard
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