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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. Ahh, that's a pity. Well worth the visit if you get a chance.
  2. Thanks Dave, just making the stuffing now and getting in to the swing of things. Unfortunately locking down here from the 26th with our holiday plan in the west of Ireland cancelled. Lovely bortle 2 sky there too although the scope was banned anyway😁. Clear skies for 2021🥳
  3. Thanks Dave, same to you, I was going for something festive looking.
  4. Thanks Adam, I shot this last week. I was hoping for clear sky last night too but it was just too gusty to risk putting the scope out. Forecast is clear for tonight but the moon will ruin play for me.
  5. Happy Christmas All. M45 4.5 hours in 180 subs Tak Epsilon 160ed and Asi 2600mc Processed in App, Ps and PI. Richard.
  6. Very handy to have. Thanks Mark, so far so good with the 160. I'm really impressed by how much sharper and more detailed the images are when compared to the 130. The corner stars are also much better.
  7. No problem, yes they're the ones. Just in case you don't know already the Asi2600 comes with an ir filter built in to the camera window. The only reason I use the Baader is to keep the backfocus the same if I'm imaging in broadband or narrowband. A clear filter with a 2mm light path would do the same trick for me.
  8. No worries, questions always welcome here👍 I have the m54 to m48 adapter from telescope Austria 2mm, Zwo oag 16mm, Zwo filter drawer 21mm and back focus of the 2600 is 17.5. Total is 56.7 including a .2mm spacer. Quoted back focus is 56mm from corrector. I use a badder ir filter which is 2mm thick giving me an effective spacing of 56mm. Hope that helps.
  9. Thanks. Were you looking for details on the bracket I used or did I dream that😁
  10. Great first light Dave. Nice surprise to have it show up like that.
  11. We were pointing at the same stars last night, beautiful clear night in East Cork. That's one of the finest shots of M45 I've seen, not over cooked and it's full of detail. Excellent
  12. I just showed your reply to Sarah so she'd know that things could always be worse. She said if I did that she'd sell anything lying around while I was at work😯. She then said you must make it up to her in other ways😉
  13. That reminds me I need to update that, It's the cost of those items though, although to be fair she's happy as long as everything fits neatly into the sideboard in hall. Still a little gap at the front for a widefield instrument🤔
  14. It is very pretty. 🤣 You're not alone there.
  15. Nice, you should be very happy with the original flattener and 1600 combo. I know I was when I had mine.
  16. 😂 Literally pear shaped, I've seen my collimation go so bad the stars start to resemble my feeble drawings of seagulls as a kid. Did you enquire about the 160 with Tommy?
  17. Bummer That's something I've also noted and with some confusion as it seems to be lacking precision for a process that requires ultimate precision.
  18. Thanks Keith, that's so true. Amazing to be able to do this from my little backyard in East Cork. 2.5 million year old photons that left Andromeda before our species walked the earth hitting my perfectly placed sensor while I enjoyed a beer in my living room😁
  19. Nice, I agree with Mick, colours are restrained, easily overdone resulting in an unnatural looking image.
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