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Knighty2112 last won the day on September 16 2022

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    Anything that keeps the old grey matter ticking along still!
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    Up ‘ere!

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  1. Hopefully looking good for a few hours cloud free tonight. A quick bite to eat and I'll be straight out! ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Knighty2112


      Thanks Reggie. Managed to get a couple of hours at the very least. :) 

    3. xtreemchaos


      hope you got some nice views Gus, the seeing and cloud here was terrible, I tried for a hour and pact in, the seeing isn't any better thismorrning, sols just a fazing mess mate, I have a nice prom image, ill post as soon as ive finished processing.  clear skys, charl.

    4. Knighty2112


      Thanks Charl. Was testing out the new Goto mount, and worked a treat. Saw a couple of M's I'd never seen before. Wish I'd took notes 'cos I can't rember the numbers, but a new Galaxy see, plus a new glob and some open clusters too. :) 

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