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Pan Euro

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Everything posted by Pan Euro

  1. Just in time for spring then. ?
  2. “Modern “ soldering irons never seem to last very long. I have one that I have had for more years then I care to remember, it has great heat distribution and warms quickly. Bought a new one from Maplin’s some months ago as I needed some needle point tips. You get more heat from a match stick, rubbish.
  3. You could notch the arm to allow the cap to drop a little bit more. Just a thought ? Ed
  4. Gina, what is the gap between the neck and the cap sides? There does not appear to be enough of a flair on the cap to allow it swing off, or is that just the way it looks on the drawing? Ed
  5. But one that requires great care no doubt.
  6. After reading the posts on here about 10 times to make sure I had some idea of what I needed to do I took the plunge again into Linux. Only, this time I stuck at it. I have loaded Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya Cinnamon edition on a fresh hard drive, I had serious problems with error messages on a couple of old but working drives, and then loaded ; Kstars Skychart (CDC) IndiStarter tried Skychart this morning and it appeared to connect first time to my Meade LX200 GPS. However, I had to go out as I needed a ride on the motorcycle to wipe the cobwebs away. Came back and opened the Obsys which is at the far end of the garden and is connected via Cat 5 and 6 cables via various converters. I used another computer (Win10) to access my internal and an external webcam set up and connected again. Well happy ? the scope does all it is supposed to do. What I need now is some Linux webcam software that will run over cat cables so I can keep it all on one machine. i have also purchased a Raspberry Pi3 as I would like to run my AP cameras from this and connect it to my network. That is my next challenge. ?
  7. Gina, looking forward to this project. Ed
  8. Halfords are selling 6 tiles 120x180cm for £10 at the moment. Maplins are £12.99 for the same thing
  9. Hi, interested in the reducer/flatenner. How do you want payment?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dobbie


      Cheers will pop  it  in post mon many thanks John .

    3. Pan Euro

      Pan Euro

      Hi John,

      package arrived late this afternoon safe and sound.

      many thanks,


    4. dobbie


      Thanks for the update ed..enjoy

  10. Gina, how long is the yellow overhang ? Ed
  11. Really, really impressive. As said before superbly implemented.
  12. Those vanes look very delicate.
  13. Have you tried moving the attachment point from the middle of the window frame to near the top it may make it easier to move. Just a thought.
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