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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. Super session of video capture! Your dedication certainly paid off!
  2. I'm curious as to what is causing the grid pattern artefact on your Jupiter image?
  3. Cheers! I think the field rotation exaggerates the effect 🙂
  4. Cheers! Struggling to get a satisfactory single image from this nights captures. Running the sers through winjupos I can see seeing wasn't great maybe 4/10. The 465fps and OLED laptop made conditions look better than they were. Because conditions were consistent the animation shows off the detail better.
  5. Need to try this with mine. Not sure if it's the baader collimator or my eyepiece holder train that's at fault.
  6. Thanks Kostas I nearly didn't bother myself as I thought seeing would be rubbish the way the weather has been but it was ok! Animation images are a bit overdone with wavelets just going through all the images to see if any stood out.
  7. Crystal clear sky and decent seeing last night. Got just over 1 hour of consistant data before the seeing nosedived and my feet got too cold. Thrown together a quick animation of 27 stacks consisting of 2 min runs. (I've put the wrong date it should say Jan 2nd!) GIF and AVI format : 20.42ut to 21.52ut : Mars Jan3rd2023.avi
  8. Glad you were able to take advantage of the better conditions last night Geof. They look promising. I too got some decent shots. Sky was clearer than it's been for a long while and seeing wasn't too bad.
  9. Not sure but might be worth trying without normalize stack and the same in PIPP. Yep, thats the problem with high speed cams.
  10. I'm surprised PIPP missed some. You could always use virtualdub to remove those frames manually if you have some time to kill 🙂 Happy memories from the past when cams didn't produce so many frames 😉 One thought, did you check "normalize stack" in AS3?
  11. PIPP to the rescue! Very good effort in such difficult conditions Geof! I'd probably need a ROI of several feet to cope with that kind of wind.🙂
  12. Cheers Kostas I'm thinking there is still some field rotation coming through in the 3 min stacks. Might try 2 min next time. Thanks Geof it does appear sharper for sure.
  13. Thanks Yelsac. Wavelets in registax, rgb align & auto colour balance then the rest is in image analyser with extra sharpening, colour vibrance and colour noise reduction. Use frequency domain filter for any other noise control and finish with contrast adjustment. If the limb artefact is popping out I would use some of these steps using the paint selection tool. Oops! Forgot to mention both images are 1.5x drizzle in Autostakkert.
  14. Couple of repros from this night. Both over the same 9 min period but one using derotation of images (three 3 min stacks) and the other a 9 min derotated video stack. 1st derotated images : 2nd derotated video :
  15. I think you would be better investing in an electric focuser. It's not impossible to focus manually but it is impossible to expect focus to stay constant for more than 10 mins after using a bmask given changes in seeing and temperature. Are you going to then slew back to a star to refocus and possibly miss a period of good seeing or even cloud moving in? 🙂
  16. Animation from nearly 1 hour's worth of captures. Mars Dec 21st animation.avi
  17. Cheers Geof! Considering how bad the seeing was when I first set up I can't complain too much. This might be as good as it gets this season Kostas so I'll keep messing with the processing on these.🙂
  18. Bit more detail on this one from just 3 combined images :
  19. I think often people over sharpen lower sampled images which produces more artifacts and thickening of detail. Personally I find a larger image easier to focus during capture but obviously seeing conditions dictate how high a f ratio I would go.
  20. Changes in planetary elevation, seeing conditions and temperature mean bmasks are unreliable at the high magnification needed.
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