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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. I see so Pipp works the same as on planets. You're certainly looking in good shape for Jupiter 😉
  2. Super mosaic! Vallis Alpes rille showing nicely. Pretty impressive at that resolution. Seems to be decent optics Neil 😉 I'll have to try Pipp. Didn't realize it worked for lunar.
  3. Thanks Neil I've just looked again at the mosaic and 2 panes does the job so didn't need the 3rd! If my mathes are correct that means 6 for f15 or 3600mm 💪
  4. First colour lunar ive done in about 10 years and its with the new qhy5-iii-585c. I didn't set the colour balance correctly during capture so its rather a blue moon. Few crater burns too but pleased with the early results considering seeing was awful. Taken with Auto Dob 250 at prime focus for the 3 pane mosaic full disc and 3x tv for f15 on Plato.
  5. Thanks Kostas. I've got lunar to post up too with this cam. Did try Venus UV but not quite so hot though seeing was bad.
  6. Looks like someone did a good job with the collimation 😉 Thanks for the capture info Neil. 👍
  7. Very nice captures Kostas! How many frames are you managing to stack with the manual tracking?
  8. That's another belter! How long are your captures Neil? What number of frames are we talking about?
  9. Sweet images Neil. Love that white marble texture. Smart setup!
  10. Thanks Neil. Think I got about 80% of the disk on the old qhy5ll chip. If the tracking is off and it's on a alt/az mount and there are thin clouds about then mosaics are a pane (pardon the pun) 😉
  11. Yes I've had 2 brief sessions with Bessel U & qhy5ll mono but am struggling to get below 50ms at max gain. That's at f15. Seeing has been poor to boot. Bit of a head scratcher because I know this cam is capable of much faster shutter speeds with a UV. What you are achieving is quite remarkable considering you have an 8" scope manually tracked. If there was a Venus imaging competition on here I'd be giving you the trophy now.🙂
  12. Fired up the Coronado PST for the first time in about 7 years with my new QHY-III-585C cam. No need to mosaic anymore for a full disk with the larger chip. RGB & G channel :
  13. Fabulous images Kostas! Those early season sessions are bearing fruit now.
  14. Nice first Lunar with the new mono Kostas!
  15. Stella done good 👍 Weather looks to be improving this weekend. Look forward to seeing more Neil.
  16. What f number were you at? That UV filter was the bargain of the century! 😉
  17. Super images Kostas! You've hit the ground running with that new cam!
  18. Excellent 👍 Weather looks naff for another week at least. Very frustrating when you get new gear. Not had a proper clear night here since mid Jan.
  19. I've always preferred the cross of st George for my alt/az mount. If the scope moves the same way as the hairs are oriented then it's a lot easier to center the object.
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