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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. From the album: 2016

    taken with 120mm f5 frac,4x barlow,lunt solar wedge,450d.

    © free

  2. xtreemchaos

    Moon with plane

    From the album: 2016

    single frame,120mm frac f5, 2xed barlow,450. iso 200,1.4000.
  3. From the album: 2016

    © free

  4. From the album: 2016

    f5 120mm frac,1.5x barlow,lunt solar wedge,450d. 65 frames staxed.

    © free

  5. clouds clouds everywhere:clouds1:and not a ray in sight, there spitefull those darn clouds....

    1. jsmoraes


      Let me join to the group. All March and begining of April ... no more than 5 days.

    2. seo


      Since 28 of January and up to today only 3 acceptable (not so good either) nights...!  

  6. DROOOOL, cracking scope mate,i want one,great review. thanks charl.
  7. i shouldnt of brought that new camera,i thought the curse wasnt as bad with 2hand stuff,you know what thought did"thought wrong"...

  8. xtreemchaos


    From the album: 2016

    taken with ed80 and 450d,2xed barlow

    © free

  9. From the album: 2016

    taken with ed80 and sony a37

    © free

  10. clouds,clouds and water vapour, crazy weather ,my street looked like a cannal earlyer.is there no end, howd you make a radio telescope?....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      good idea Pip,theres a small chance at 8pm it becoming 50% clear here, but looking outside it dont look good,but if the wind picks up it might blow it away, ill keep my finger crossed.charl.

    3. pipnina


      For me, whenever clearoutside says something like "14% overcast" or "25% overcast" it ends up being more like "14% not overcast". Like the other day when I got all set up with my camera to see clouds forming over the horizon and engulf the whole sky...

    4. xtreemchaos


       well lastnight i got 25min on the orion neb, which was a suprize because it said 100% cloud cover. so i keep having a look every 15 min, im allways hopefull, you have to be in this hobbie mate..

  11. heres my whole frac family, theres is a few more in the loft too but there in semi retirement. theres some cracking scopes in these posts,well done everybody. clear skys charl.
  12. heres my solar set its also, my DS,moon aswell so 3 in 1, works well,but hopefully i will be getting a lunt LS50 at some point this year.thanks for looking charl.
  13. From the album: 2016

    taken with ed80,2xed barlow,450d. can you see the smiley
  14. From the album: 2016

    taken with ed80,2xed barlow,450d. can you see the smiley
  15. xtreemchaos


    From the album: 2016

    Taken with ed80, 450d.
  16. xtreemchaos


    From the album: 2016

    Taken with ed80, 450d.
  17. xtreemchaos


    From the album: 2016

    Taken with ed80,450d.
  18. From the album: 2016

    Taken with ed80, 2xed barlow,450d.
  19. From the album: 2016

    Taken with ed80, 2xed barlow,450d.
  20. xtreemchaos


    From the album: 2016

    Taken with ed80, 2xed barlow,450d.
  21. 3 hours of clear sky lastnight "what a treat" ,there is light at the end of the tunnel :-)..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      yer mate looking good here for tonight too.

    3. pipnina


      I've compiled a list for tonight, too. Shame the forecast keeps lying about the visibility. It always predicts "Very good" or "Excellent" but i only ever get "Good" at best...

    4. xtreemchaos


      ive just took a few test shots of the flame and the seeings fair to good so far.

  22. Merry Christmas to all and a happy ,clear New Year.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. seo


      Wish you too Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year with lots of clear and pitch black nights...!

    3. xtreemchaos


      thanks seo, i do hope we get some mate

    4. Drop Of Sun

      Drop Of Sun

      Have a happy new year, Charl!

  23. WOW blue sky outside,thats strange! :-)

    1. todd8137


      Are you just teasing. Me ;)

    2. xtreemchaos


      no, there was blue for a hour or to, but now its gray like every other day :-)

  24. xtreemchaos

    Moon 27 11 15.

    From the album: 2015.

    taken with ed80 2xed barlow 450d. 124 frames staxed with regi.thanks for looking,clear skys charl.

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