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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. ED80 ZWO 178 cam go on give it a click or two.
  2. Thanks Charl. I am just doing a couple of runs of Luna myself while the CCD is chugging away.
  3. Thanks Dave. Seeing was abit choppy here.
  4. Lunt 60mm chameleon cam 153 frames stacked slightly mor ehigh cloud today prodded and poked in imppg and PS click or full res
  5. Very small clear window this afters resulted in the mad dash to remove the washingline nebula and get the solar gear set up. Lunt 60mm chameleon cam 153 frames stacked prodded and poked in imppg and PS. Seem to have culled the NR's again 😀 click or full res
  6. Lunt 60mm chameleon cam 151 frames stacked prodded and poked in imppg and PS click or full res
  7. Lunt 60mm D/S chameleon ca. Do the clicky thing for full res.
  8. Good selection Charl. Scope is out, head under the cover, cricket on TMS just about tuned in focus between clouds. Not sure head under cover to shield eyes or because of cricket.
  9. Thanks folks. I tweaked the tilter again and this time it worked.
  10. Lunt 60mm D/S Bit better on the NR's click a couple of times for full res.
  11. Lunt 60mm D/S Chameleon cam. Do the clicky thing for full res
  12. The shiy bits more than likey produced the arcs in your image. The t adaptors can vary in length esp the cheap ones have you any very thin spacers to slighty increase the distance and see if that makes a difference. Apart from that I am out of ideas.
  13. As a test can you rotate just the camera camera and flattener. I had to flock a very shiny extension tube many years ago that caused problems.
  14. Good collection Charl. You were not kidding about the proms. Is it me or has that AR calmed down a bit?
  15. Thanks Charl. I'm off out again in a bit hope to get a look later.
  16. Lunt 60mm chameleon cam do the clicky thing for full res (the NR's are not so noticeable then)
  17. The sun is out,its windy and very milky maybe later.
  18. Nice one Charl. a spot, a spot, a spot.
  19. Tak 102 zwo 178 cam 3 pane mosaic do the clicky thing for full res
  20. I think no matter what we do at the moment in Uk type latitudes we are going to have to accept poor Jupiter and Saturn images until they gain a decent alitude. Making sure the kit has cooled, collimation, focus, ADC and seeing are all good things to check but until we are not looking thorough the bulk of our atmossphere we will have to tough it out. I have given up with Jupiter and Saturn for this year now as they are very close to my garage if not in it . That does not mean ther will be no more images unleashed on the poor unsuspecting viewers of this forum as there is a load of data I have not stacked yet - you have been warned. Or go south.
  21. No Alexandra I used Genika that afternoon
  22. Thanks. Well at least while I am slaving over a hot solarscope I'm not doing the decorating 😎
  23. Back to the chameleon cam today so it might need the clicky thing for full res.
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