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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. Full disk 60 mm lunt D/S with RFT ZWO 178 cam Do the clicky thing for full res.
  2. Made a start on M16 this morning. Just 5 x 600 secs so far with the WO132 and the SX694 cam. Do the clickything for full res.
  3. Hope you have a good visit.
  4. Thanks Dave. I have a lunar one from last month somewhere I keep meaning to edit.
  5. Thanks Not really -No🌞
  6. The clouds parted just in time. Slowed to 2 fps, actual event happened in just over 1 second. I will return to this when I remember how to process the video.
  7. Full disk 60 mm lunt D/S with RFT ZWO 178 cam
  8. A crop from the full disc with the Lunt 60mm A little more zoomed in with the quark on the the FS102. I finally had an afternoon to be able to run through the tuning earlier this week.
  9. Thanks Bob. Thanks Charl. My solar kit has stayed in the hutch today as the skies have looked milky all day.
  10. Full disk 60 mm lunt D/S with RFT ZWO 178 cam AR with Quark FS102 and ZWO 178 cam Do the clicky thing for full res.
  11. Lunt 60mm D/S RFT 178 ZWO cam 250 frames Do the clicky thing for full res.
  12. I have watched and enjyed them over the last year or so . There has been some excellent info for most astronomers. I prefer the sunday evening and a move to once a month or once every couple of months would suit.
  13. Good luck, please remember to take time to "look" as well as taking images. IIRC I used the 50mm.
  14. Ibbo!

    M95 L

    Getting back to a bit of processing. Dates:April 18, 2021 , April 19, 2021 Toscanoptic 200mm RC Starlight Xpress H694 Mono CCD SX 694 Takahashi NJP Temma 2 Frames:Astrodon Luminance Tru-Balance E-Series Gen II: 36x600" (6h) -20C bin 2x2 Integration: 6h Darks: ~20 Flats: ~30 Bias: ~30
  15. Lunt 60mmD/S RFT ZWO cam Eveing capture in poor seeing. Do the clicky thing for full res.
  16. Nice one Charl. rumbles of thunder and showers have kept me in today. I also missed the last one.
  17. In the part at the bottom you have cropped off there is a list of images? double click on each and apreview will appear in the main window. A DDP can be altered by using the ? and up it to the 30 setting it will certainly boost the preview , but only on screeen you must save it to alter it B
  18. I find it useful to tick the DDP at its lowest setting before saving.
  19. They laugh at me, esp. the flailing hand hunting for the focuser or tuner.
  20. Whats this sun thing you mention ?
  21. Its for old school guiding, I have one somewhere. Great fun till you adjust the wrong way.
  22. Missed this one due to other commitments. Looking forward to the replay.
  23. As the title says a reprocess.
  24. Quark FS102 ZWO 178 in awful seeing.
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