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Everything posted by tomato

  1. Being able to remove the stars has made my image processing so much easier, but I’ll always put them back in. These days I’m probably guilty of reducing them a bit too much, as a voice keeps telling me they should be tiny points of light, never discernible disks.
  2. OK, so here are stacks of the best 30 subs of Mono and OSC NBZ data, taken on the dual rig so the sky conditions were the same. No gradient removal or processing, StarXterminator used then an STF stretch applied in PI and saved as Jpeg images. Mono OSC The mono is exhibiting more detail to my eye and is less noisey. I'll do a few more before deciding if this will be my default set up on the dual rig, and thereby releases a OSC camera for the RASA if I can muster the energy to set up and take down again...😉
  3. This is predominantly OSC data with the NBZ dual NB filter (Esprit150/IMX571c/NBZ, 207 x 3 mins) but there is also 57 x 3 mins of 'Luminance' data taken with the Esprit150/QHY268m/NBZ making 13.2 hrs integration in total. The dual band signal on the mono camera cannot be assigned to a colour channel so it becomes the luminance channel, hopefully providing more depth and detail than the OSC data alone can supply. Once again my casual approach to framing multiple cameras on multiple nights has rather spoilt the background in some areas... Calibrated and stacked in APP, processed in PI with all three RC Xterminator tools applied. The bright glow at the bottom is from Propus which is just outside the frame. I was concerned about the very black background region running through the centre of the nebula, but something similar is present on other images I've looked at, but not with the extreme contrast that I have managed to introduce. I think the proximity of the bright star might have something to do with it. There is some evidence of obscuring dust in this object, based on the dark channels which appear higher up. Thanks for looking.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. The idea is that the depth and detail is captured in the Lum channel, leaving the dual band OSC detail to differentiate and obtain the colour. I combined the channels using LRGB combination in Pixinsight. Of course, it is never going to be as good as mono and individual NB filters, but that is not the point. However, can it be better than just dual band filter OSC data, as it is just as easy and convenient to capture, especially on a dual rig. @gorann, I’ll put the greyscale comparison together, perhaps you could try it on your dual RASA rig, assuming you have a suitable mono camera?
  5. Having received some positive replies to the notion of imaging mono NB with a dual band filter and combining this with dual band filter OSC data, and see other imager's results using this approach, I have had my first go at this. This is 57x 3 mins with the Esprit150/QHY268mono/NBZ combination and 52x3mins with the Esprit150/QHY268OSC/NBZ, so 5.45 hrs integration in total. Contrast this with this image 155x3 mins of Esprit150/IMX571OSC/NBZ, 7.75 hrs integration: I know, this is far and away from being a direct comparison, the OSC only data was captured under a 95% full moon for a start, the Lum/OSC combination was captured under much better conditions. However, I think it demonstrates that using a dual band NB filter with a mono camera to create a combined NB 'Luminance' channel does have some advantages over the dual band OSC only approach.
  6. Here is another take on M45 old and new processing, just 90 mins of data from the RASA8/QHY268c/IRUV cut filter, the first one processed pre the RC suite of Xterminator tools and my effort after using them this morning, working on the original linear stack.
  7. Sorry to hear the news, we have lost another member who embodied everything that gives SGL it’s well deserved reputation. My condolences to his friends and family.
  8. Perhaps not a good idea to turn up in a camper van for your star gazing session. Anyhow, how is this guy going to police this? According to the article he owns 16 sq km of Dartmoor, but maybe he can afford an army of wardens to patrol it, or is it all done automatically with a few night vision equipped drones?
  9. That would be my argument, if there is no tent pitched or any other form of sleeping arrangement present, how can that be wild camping? Having said that, I have been imaging at a remote location where folks have turned up in the early hours, introduced themselves, had a friendly chat and then declared that they are going to sleep in their car for the rest of the night…
  10. Just seen this on the BBC news: Historic wild camping tradition outlawed on part of Dartmoor https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-64238116 Does this in any way restrict overnight access to dark skies in this location I wonder, given that protest hikes have been under the banner of “Starry skies belong to everyone”?
  11. Really nice. My BXT trial ends in 6 days, but I’ve used it enough to have a purchased permanent license ready and waiting. An update has just been issued, on initial examination it looks like it has improved coloured fringes around stars.
  12. By my standards I would say you are. With respect to tilt, coupling a Moravian G2-8300 to a Sony version of the lens required a bespoke plate with three threaded studs (made from brass, no less). This had the added advantage of providing total adjustment for both tilt and back focus, a very time consuming exercise but immensely satisfying when I got it right. Sorry but this doesn’t really help you at all.
  13. It’s a struggle, but so far this month, I have IC443 and NGC2239, although the latter is more of a try out my new IMX571 mono camera. I took some corresponding flats tonight under terrible humidity conditions, and got a mist patch on the outside of the sensor window for my trouble.🥴
  14. Based on this schematic it will be heading South West towards the equator, so away from the UK.
  15. I've settled on MS Gothic Bold for the time being, where did all these weird and wonderful fonts come from?
  16. Still having fun with this. It is definitely a display issue. Using the Courier New font got me one of the missing lines but only the top one. Ah, I thought, it's font size, so I chose one of the smallest in the list. This gave me tiny text but less lines are displayed than the default! I have found one that displays all of the lines (Microsoft Himalaya), but it is so small I would need a 3x barlow in front of my glasses to read it. I'll just keep trying fonts from the very long list until I find one that displays everything and is big enough for my ageing eyesight. Thanks again for taking the time to help me out on this one.
  17. Thanks, someone has responded on the NINA forum and has also suggested it is a display issue. Some while ago I do recall some problem with the laptop which got fixed, but I remember the font changing, could be connected? I’m not usually a pixel peeper so maybe that makes me a “bigger picture” kind of person who won’t lie awake at night worrying about this?☺️
  18. I'm not too concerned, I can check the chamber humidity periodically via EZCAP, and TBH I have had the OSC version for over 2 years now with no moisture problems.
  19. I agree, it is most likely a display issue, I played around with the resolution on the external monitor but with no success. I run 15" display laptops which each take a USB connection from hubs mounted on the respective scopes. When I disconnect the camera, the display holds for a second then reverts to the connect screen but next time I'll look harder to see if I see the missing lines momentarily. I'm assuming you can't configure these screens yourself in NINA? I have posted the observation on Discord, but in my experience the NINA guys don't mess about if it's a Numpty based issue.😄
  20. Cooler works fine and displays on the trend graphs, power and temp but still no humidity or pressure. I didn't consider the laptop display, I just assumed NINA would accommodate the screen display available. I have plugged a bigger monitor into the laptop and get the same display...
  21. ASCOM 6.6 service pack installed, the NINA warning has disappeared but still no humidity or pressure displayed. This is what my screen looks like. Nothing else left but to post it on the NINA forum unless folks have any other ideas...
  22. I’ve uninstalled NINA and reinstalled 2.1 but still no humidity or pressure readings. NINA is telling me I have an outdated version of ASCOM installed (6.5) but ASCOM is saying I’m up to date. Anyway, not sure how that would affect the issue I’m having. The readings are there in EZCAP, so I know the hardware is good.
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