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  1. I used the add on "Flash Player 2022" in Edge and the Alignment Simulator is functioning 100%. https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/flash-player-2022/fgenmmklgkdemhpgdppmldmkemplbcko
  2. I use Affinity Photo. It is 50 euro for a very capable software. I just stretched your photo once with LEVELS and once with CURVES. Search youtube for Affinity astro tutorials and you will find a lot of good advices.
  3. You have a lot of information to still stretch from your picture. Did a quick and dirty mod of your jpg file (which is not recommended really) and there is a lot to reveal...
  4. You know there are separate USB2-contacts for shortening long cables? Just cut to correct lenghth and solder. This is ad from our local electronics supplier in Sweden but they should be available worldwide: https://www.kjell.com/se/produkter/dator/kablar-adaptrar/usb/usb-kontakter/usb-kontakt-for-lodning-usb-a-p98294?gclid=CjwKCAiAzrWOBhBjEiwAq85QZ_JmPbSdwIy2lfDhurhjOpXj_edwtxKLzKo9OEiBs8x1dLsotqwOvRoCcKoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  5. Talking about reducers, the Starizona 0.65 seems to be in stock finally. Can be ordered with threaded adapter for Esprit 100. Anyone here tried it? https://starizona.com/store/apexed-threaded-focuser-adapter Christer, Sweden
  6. From Teamviewer support: "When connecting to another device within your LAN you can enter the IP address of the remote device into the Partner ID field on your TeamViewer client in order to connect via LAN. Click on Connect to partner, and enter the remote computer’s TeamViewer password when prompted. Now you are connected to the remote computer directly over the LAN, without using the internet." https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Knowledge-Base-EN/Can-TeamViewer-be-used-within-a-local-network-LAN-only/ta-p/4618 Christer, Sweden
  7. And what was the temp difference when you pushed vs pulled air over heatsink? You asked the question and you can tell us! Christer, Sweden
  8. And what was the temp difference when you pushed vs pulled air over heatsink? You asked the question and you can tell us! Christer, Sweden
  9. Anti dew heater - https://astronomy-imaging-camera.com/product/anti-dew-heater
  10. Me too. I use same camera on two scopes. So easy to forget the thin spacers.
  11. We will have to wait for this: https://petapixel.com/2017/07/21/nikon-patents-35mm-f2-lens-full-frame-camera-curved-sensor/ Christer, Sweden
  12. No, distance from flattener to sensor remains the same. But you will have to move focuser draw tube inwards 9 mm. Or you can use a filter drawer...
  13. My setup, 57,3 mm + 6,5 mm = 63,8 mm, minus one third of filter thickness gives close to 63 mm. The spacer/extender ring to the left of the flattener is 8 mm so distance from this ring to sensor will be 55 mm. Christer, Sweden
  14. Not a good plan. You will have correct voltage at full amperage but way too many volts when only low consumption is drawn. You need to use thicker cables!
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