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Everything posted by Thalestris24

  1. Hi Shaan_A FWIW belt driven mounts require perfect balance in all three axes. It could be that yours is sufficiently out of balance that PHD2 can't correct it. However, that is likely to have shown up as a problem during calibration. I'd repeat calibration just in case. Another possibility is the belt tension allowing slippage. I would expect a new mount to be good to go but you never know. Power/connections maybe another source - are you using mains power? You don't say what scope you have? I assume you aren't over the 20kg payload limit... Louise
  2. I've watched it loads of times. I find it more atmospheric than scary. It's so 1950's in b+w and with Dana Andrews - the movie just reflects the then zeitgeist - seances, the unknown and the supernatural, and fears of the cold war. No motorways, computers, no mobile phones, but big old country houses. It's just great! Louise
  3. I'm reminded of one of my favourite movies, 'Night of the Demon' aka 'Casting the Runes'. "It's in the trees!" Ha ha. Louise
  4. Actually, there aren't that many screws! Louise
  5. I believe the hitec controller should work in 32 or 64 bit but it may require a particular Framework version. I think even if it throws up an ascom error it should still work - but I'm guessing here! Louise
  6. That doesn't sound right - do you not have a fast/slow mode? Maybe it's because your using it in 'step-up' mode with the belt rather than direct drive intended. And surely once set, focus should only need tiny movements for fine adjustment anyway? (It's been about 3 years since I last used mine so forgive me if I'm way off base here!) Louise
  7. I wonder how the Daystar compares to the Lunt? The former is a lot cheaper... Louise
  8. When I was using mine I wrote a bit of software to step control a MotorBee DC driver board via usb. It wasn't Ascom but did the job!
  9. Presumably, though, once focussed, only tiny refocussing movements needed?
  10. I have several of those dc motor focusers lying around 😄
  11. The label didn't go unnoticed! Hope you get some return on your investment soon! Louise
  12. I know - why I haven't bothered with white light. But should be able to see proms, as well as chromosphere, with the Daystar 60? At the back of my mind I'm thinking the costs of pretty much all astro equipment could soon skyrocket in these volatile times.. In addition, I reckon I've a better chance of seeing the sun (from Glasgow) than any other stars! No imaging done since mid-May I've forgotten how to . Louise
  13. Yeah, I saw that but was wondering how it performed as a dedicated solar imaging scope in practice. Thanks Louise
  14. Anyone had experience of the Daystar 60mm kit? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/daystar-solar-h-alpha-telescopes/daystar-solar-scout-ss60-ds-60mm-h-alpha-solar-telescope.html Pros? Cons? It seems quite affordable compared to other options. But can't find many actual imaging examples on Astrobin so wondering if it's actually not that popular for some reason? Thanks for any advice Louise
  15. ps do they really have 'doublestack' performance or is that meaningless marketing blurb?
  16. Hi all Are these Daystar SS60 bundles actually ok for solar imaging? What are their limitations? I think I'm being tempted . I've not been too enamoured with previous white light imaging - I'd like to image in Ha but without breaking the bank! Louise
  17. Hi Whereabouts in the world are you? How are you doing PA? How is your guide scope attached? With a belt mod you want perfect balance - in all 3 axes. How windy is it on your balcony? Big newts are like sails... Have you entered your guide scope focal length correctly in PHD2? Things won't work properly until PHD2 can do a decent calibration. Louise
  18. ps The Klean Strip appears to also contain methanol which might affect its action on epoxy though I don't know https://www.amazon.co.uk/Klean-Strip-Remover-Klean-Band-Stripper-Brushable/dp/B000KKOR1S#customerReviews
  19. Um, Klean Strip appears to contain dichloromethane ('methylene chloride') hence its volatility. You probably have to try and keep the ambient temperature fairly low. There's no guarantee that dichloromethane will actually work on Canon sensors. Maybe try putting a thick layer on and keep it in a small sealed jar for a while and see if the coating softens at all. Louise
  20. I think this is the dichloromethane: https://www.amazon.com/Grobet-Attack-Glue-Dissolving-Compound/dp/B00B7LXAYE I gather it 'attacks' the surface of cured epoxy, softening it and making it easier to remove. Louise
  21. Ahh - sorry, I'd forgotten you are in the States! My links above not very helpful... Still you should have equivalent sources and brands. Maybe you can get hold of some of the actual nmp? Louise
  22. I don't think it's that bad so long as you take reasonable precautions - wear gloves, only use small quantities and in a very well ventilated space etc. There have been moves to ban its use in paint strippers though you can still get 'industrial strength' paint strippers that use it. It is highly volatile (low BP) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dichloromethane. I think there have been problems where people have used large quantities of it in enclosed spaces... Paint strippers from yer local hardware shop used to contain it until not so long ago - banned by the EU since ~2011, I think. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dichloromethane-DCM-Methylene-Chloride-99-9-AR-grade-500ml/292954072026?hash=item44356c63da:g:4eUAAOSwjedcXvfT Xylene might be another to try - same precautions: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rustins-Xylene-Thinner-500ml-RUSXT500/331912189661?epid=1128096136&hash=item4d478216dd:g:-JsAAOSwb3laBdtC Anyway, good luck! Louise
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