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Everything posted by Thalestris24

  1. Ooh that's what I'm doing! How have you found your Lowspec? Louise ps did you try the 1800 line grating?
  2. Yeah, I think especially for the simple, straightforward printing I'll be doing, just using the sd card seems fine. I wouldn't leave my printer running unsupervised, though. Probably not overnight either, even though it's very quiet! Louise
  3. Well, now that the pla+ seems to be behaving I'll print the rest of the spectrometer using that. It's only for indoor night time use. I'll just have to see how it goes. The spectrometer will only consume a few hundred grams (mostly the casing) so I'll be left with a lot of opened and unused filament. I figure it can go in a large enough plastic box with some silica gel. The unopened filament can just kind of sit there. Maybe I'll think of some other projects to build sometime. Louise
  4. Can you believe it - after ordering the Creality PLA I decided to have another go with the PLA+ - you guessed it, it was fine this time!! Not only that, I used the same temperature settings as for the PLA. Now I'm going to have an extra kg of filament... I suppose it keeps a long time unopened? The SUNLU was vacuum packed. White Creality PLA left, Black SUNLU PLA+ right: I've stayed up much too late - going to bed now. Louise
  5. What Edwin Hubble would have given for a modern astro camera - even an amateur one! Louise
  6. I've been having trouble getting the parts off the magnetic sheet since I got it working again! #Can't Win Mind you, they are small parts so hard to get any leverage on them. They come off ok if I remove the mat and bend it - I guess you can't do that with glass! Louise
  7. Yeah, I've got past the levelling thing now and the Creality PLA prints fine. I'll have to try the SUNLU PLA+ again when I have some time. Louise
  8. I've ordered some more of the Creality PLA - couldn't see it on Amazon before but it is there! I just hope it's as good as the white starter supplied with the printer. I'll have another go with the PLA+ when my patience has revived! Louise
  9. They are on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/rigid-ink-Reliable-Filament-Colours-Available/dp/B00WWK86UC But a bit pricey! I just ordered some more Creality PLA, but black. Hope it's ok! Louise
  10. Yes, yes I did all that. I didn't realise I had to keep doing it every time... Probably moving the printer didn't help. Anyway, after dinner I levelled again and also went back to the Creality-supplied PLA again and that's working fine, so the Sunlu PLA+ seems to need a lot of tweaking... I think I'll order another reel of ordinary black PLA. Any recommendations of affordable brands? Louise
  11. I don't know - I don't think so - it doesn't seem dirty and it's hardly been used yet! It's the magnetic sheet bed. I'm tempted to go back to the creality filament and try with that again. At least if that works it will indicate it's something to do with the filament properties. I really need some sort of table for the printer. Being down on my hands and needs is very uncomfortable! Louise
  12. I'll have to find temperature settings that work first! Can it be something other than temperature that's preventing the filament from sticking? Cheers Louise
  13. I've relevelled the bed now... When I looked there was a lot of extruded filament stuck on the end of the nozzle. I've cleaned that off now. There was a slight improvement thereafter and the Z-value on the screen was 0.3 when I looked, but it's still not sticking properly. I used the 'tune' feature to increase the nozzle and bed temperatures from the default values. I think I'm almost at the point of packing up for today. I'll have a couple more goes but otherwise it will have to wait until next Friday. I've been going by the 'box' recommended temps. Thanks for the help. Louise
  14. I don't seem to be getting anywhere, sigh. Wasted day... Yesterday went so smoothly! I've tried setting the temperatures in the ranges recommended by the filament manufacturer - 190-230 (nozzle) and 60-80 (bed) but things are just not working. I'm wondering whether it could be something to do with the height of the nozzle? It looks about 4-5mm above the bed? I see filament coming out and winding itself into a ball and not really even reaching the bed. Any ideas, anyone? I've no idea how you adjust nozzle height? Thanks Louise
  15. Thanks Gina I know PLA+ is different though didn't appreciate how it would behave when I ordered it... I'm getting confused about how you set the printing temperatures since I'm setting them in the conf menu item but it's printing at a different temperature. Are there settings in the gcode file which override the printer menu or do I need to change the temps somewhere different in the menu? #learningcurve Cheers Louise
  16. Ahhh I think I've kindof sorted the rotary encoder now . I found if I put some pressure on it to one side then it works ok. So looks like the encoder itself. However, now I've got another problem... The new filament (PLA+) isn't printing properly. It's coming out of the nozzle but sticking to the base. I'm thinking it's solidifying too soon? So that means the bed temperature is too low now? I tried increasing the nozzle temp from 185 to 200 but it's the same so I suspect it's the bed temp. Louise
  17. Yeah can't tell if it's the switch/encoder or if the problem is at the motherboard end. I can still use it - it's just a bit frustrating and I lack patience in my old age! The Ebay screens look very similar but aren't identical so not sure if I could do a straight swap. I'll wait and see what the supplier says. I'm not really certain who the supplier is - Amazon? CrealityDirectEU? Who's that really?! Anyway, just about to fire the thing up and try printing some more parts I guess I have to do the preheat step to remove the current filament and put in another? Louise
  18. An option might be to connect via PC e.g. Proterface Printrun - anyone used it? I don't want to mess about with a Raspberry Pi though. I mean, I would, but it's so long since I used my Pi3, I'd have to update it, relearn things etc. And I don't have the time! Louise
  19. I've had no luck with improving the rotary encoder operation I've dropped their Amazon storefront a line but I'm not optimistic. I wouldn't want to send the whole thing back. I checked the version number via the screen - says which is higher than the Creality have to download. So it's probably not a firmware issue. I've no idea how to update it anyway. Looks like I'll have to live with the problem or see if I can buy a replacement screen or motherboard. Hard to say where the fault lies. Louise
  20. I know that! I was surprised they hadn't incorporated measures to prevent it though they might have a simple Zener diode circuit. Louise
  21. Thanks, Jim, but no need to video it! I can tell mine isn't behaving as I'd expect. I'll check out the connections tomorrow. If I can't seem to fix it I'll get in touch with Creality EU - maybe they can help. There's a post on Reddit reporting similar problems. Louise
  22. I'll try reseating the ribbon cable connectors tomorrow. I don't want to have to send it back... I noticed when I was doing the assembly that moving the gantry up and down caused the screen to flash! That suggests that it was generating inductive voltages which could have caused some damage You'd think they would have incorporated measures to prevent that... Louise
  23. Oh well, the T2 connector came out ok It fits nice and tight, and feels solid, but it's hard to tell how durable it might be. I suppose the good thing is that one can just print out another one! I'll try to print out a few other components tomorrow, and using the black Sunlu filament I bought. Louise
  24. I did a google search and causes/solutions to rotary encoder problems have varied, but included a firmware update. That'll be a last resort! Ok - but I thought the pla had to be stored in a sealed container? Not that I'm too worried about the included short bit Yeah, I wasn't sure about printing threaded items but it's not my design. If there are any problems with it, I'll have to make some modifications - maybe use a metal insert or something. It's nearly dark so I won't do anymore tonight after this T2 has finished. I think it's mostly done now - should finish in about half an hour. Thanks Louise
  25. First print! Not very interesting. I think it's just some sort of tool used with the Lowspec: I'm trying a T2 connector now. I'm not sure if it's been printing level but I'll see how the T2 turns out. Um, is there anything special I have to do when I've finished (for the moment)? Should I remove the filament? After a few problems I think the printer is working ok. I'm not sure about the rotary controller/knob. It doesn't always do anything when I rotate it - is that a common problem? Fixable? It's not stopped me printing but the lack of response doesn't seem right. Louise
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