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Everything posted by CedricTheBrave

  1. This is from the ubuntu wiki Raspberry Pi 🍓 Our Ubuntu 19.10 Raspberry Pi 32-bit and 64-bit preinstalled images (raspi3) now support the Raspberry Pi 4 platform out-of-the-box. With this, our images now support almost all modern flavors of the Raspberry Pi family of devices (Pi 2, Pi 3B, Pi 3B+, CM3, CM3+, Pi 4).
  2. why is the local network a pain? its just a pull down menu 'Network' on the filemanager! or are you talking about something else?
  3. https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-19-10-eoan-ermine-release/#disqus_thread
  4. Unbutu mate is now available for Rpi4 32 and 64 bit version 19.10 iirc
  5. open file manager as admin use pcmanfm in terminal
  6. Fixed the cam into place looks messy but is solid twist and release 😁
  7. I took my ZWO ASI290M apart last night (just being nosy) and there are big gaps behind the sensor so its not attached in anyway to the housing. I cant help thinking that it would help cooling if there was some transfer material behind the sensor and the circuit board so there was direct contact to the alloy housing. Not sure if anyone has looked at a cooled version to compare.
  8. I am beginning to think I really need a 3D printer!
  9. the dome I have bought is a 95mm with 10mm flange. just fitted an O ring after running a groove in the soil pipe top on the lathe so it doesn't slide around. dome now secured with some stainless tappers and water tight. My plan is to fit the top cap onto a length of soil pipe and clamp it to the side of the house giving it some height. the Rpi will be clamped into the top section of the pipe with the ZWO and a small PSU to power it and the dew heater. it will also have to option to add a peltier cooling system if needed. all it should need sending up the pipe is power to all of it with the Rpi connecting wan via wireless.
  10. Ran a short session tonight testing the Allsky software on an RPi4 created by Thomas Jacquin and up on Github for anyone who is interested played with settings and focus (location and height still to be decided) and may need to slow the mpg down a tad this was an hour and 30 mins! allsky-20191022.mp4
  11. My thoughts have been directed to the position on this camera as the video I have taken so far has been less than perfect. I am thinking maybe really high like above the gutter line on the house. This may cause issues with cleaning but the design i am looking at may have the added benefit of looking like a standard soil pipe vent therefore reducing the complaints!
  12. The flics are alloy and the 5ghz wireless reception on mine is superb. I can get a really powerful signal in the garden when my router is at the front of the house.
  13. doesnt matter as long as you have the right amount of amps but tbh the cost is low for a genuine anyway
  14. I have 2 Rpi4's running in FLIRC cases which i got direct from the US when they were released. the one only runs Pihole so is not stressed at all and doesn't break over 50 degs my main one which is running Raspbian on an SSD gets up to 60 when i am using it a lot but its used as a PC really so web browsing, email, and pdf viewing great bit of kit
  15. Started putting together some parts to build an Allsky camera. Had a good deal on a Zwo Asi290MC off Ebay and a few other items to mount it. Some 4" soil pipe and end caps plus dome to start with. Dew heater and other bits to follow. Drilled the top cap already so looks like it should all fit ! Plan is to run on an RPi of some sort all within the pipe connected via wireless to my network so I only need to provide power. Thanks to Gina and others for the inspiration and ideas.
  16. i use the AAF2 on kstars/indi and it works great
  17. Like the look of your lens but I am going to complete the build with this lens for now, just cant afford to add another cost at the moment. once its mounted up in the correct place etc then i will get a better idea of what its covering and where i need to go.
  18. definitely need to look at one of those. the spec on this one says 'nearly' 170 degrees but it does look less
  19. no I think the ZWO 170mm lens that came with the cam is not right.
  20. tested the new cam out on the patio steps on top of a plastic bucket! the moon had a say in matters but quite please with first test out of the box. allsky.mp4
  21. Gina how many and what rating are the anti dew resistors and how are you powering/controlling them?
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