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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Can we change the above to SQM-L and drop the "W" ? thanks mods
  2. My SQM-L is faster the brighter the sky. The darkest I've recorded here was 21.8, with 21.7 being a very consistent reading. At this level of darkness it takes many seconds for it's reading. I always give it 3 or so warm up readings first and then start measuring, mine says it is calibrated from the factory and it appears very accurate.
  3. WL solar great again at 10am before it starts to boil, 204x and could use more... :)

  4. Great solar WL views @ 200x mag, SW120ED- the granulation really starts to open up

    1. Qualia


      Cracking skies! I can barely get over 50x most of time :-)

    2. Pig


      Nice one Gerry, still no observing for me even though the sun is shining brightly.

  5. Vg seeing, large sharp festoon stealing the show on Jupiter, waiting for the GRS...

    1. Pig


      Your having quite a time with Jupiter at the moment young Gerry :-)

  6. Quarkless again on a rain washed sunny day :(

    1. Pig


      That's a right pain Gerry..... I do feel for you. the useless %$£%@@$

  7. WL solar taking 200x on the sunspots, vg seeing

    1. Pig


      WTG Gerry, not had a chance so far this weekend

    2. Luke


      Nice one, Gerry, would love to see the new spots! Looks a sweet AR on SDO. No chance this morning, the clouds are crying right now.

  8. Stunning Ha views in the Quark, SW120ED giving photo like views

    1. YKSE


      Nice :-)

    2. Luke


      The Quark rocks in the SW ED100 and ED120 :D

    3. jetstream


      Absolutely Luke :) I had the mag dialed in for a 3d, fiery liquid like view... the proms showed fine thread filaments twisting though and off them. I didn't know visual Ha could be so good actually...

  9. downloading TriAtlas C

    1. cotterless45
    2. YKSE


      That's a lot of pages!

  10. Quark #2 going back :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jetstream


      Visual with an eye towards imaging. A feature of the Quark is supposed to be minimal sweets spots, but this one shows it easily and lots. It does provide fantastic views in the on band sections. I used it for 5 hrs today on and off, I love Ha that's for sure.

    3. jabeoo1


      It sounds like a great bit of kit. Hope you get the unit you know is out there :)

    4. jetstream


      I just want one like everyone else has ...

  11. Damian, keep up the good work on the mirror. The thread is very informative- thanks.
  12. I'm buying an SLV and a box of kleenex's for when I start to cry

    1. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      SLVs are no reason to cry

    2. jetstream


      That's the problem... I may cry if they outperform some of my other EP's lol!

    3. Pig


      LoL I don't think you will be disappointed with them Gerry.. Very good eyepieces

  13. Jupiter never ceases to amaze me! Tonight was beyond compare.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jetstream


      The VX10, well collimated and cooled. The excellent seeing allowed the Doc to excel. The color richness with this EP rivaled refractor views....

    3. Pig


      Oh yes I forgot you had the Doc.. You enjoying it ?

    4. jetstream


      Immensely. Good on solar too, but its too hvy really.

  14. Congrats for having some fine views Alan! I'd be pointing that scope at Virgo as soon as I could!
  15. Finished up a great Ha session the "w" shaped filament under the spot was fantastic, a very active day.

    1. Luke


      I had limited time today but it was sweet! That's looking like one active AR.

    2. jetstream


      Very good detail today, the seeing is getting better all the time. I cant get over the surface detail around the AR..... :)

  16. The Quark is amazing! watching a fire storm on the left side of the sun,what a show. Counted 5 big filaments so far. Quark very sensitive to mag.....

    1. Luke


      Quark is my best buy ever! Have fun :)

    2. jetstream


      Thanks Luke!

  17. I love astronomy, from dark shadows to bright, crisp solar!

    1. Pig


      Its nice having both Gerry :-)

  18. My seeing is back :)

  19. Lunt 80?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. jabeoo1


      You will love it whatever you go for. Fancy a joint owned / time share on the new Lunt 230mm with a BF3400?? :) :)

    3. jetstream


      Sure! I wonder about the shipping back and forth though... :) I like the idea of the B1200 DS

    4. Luke


      I wouldn't say seeing by me is very good, which is partly why I don't image planets. Quark and ED100 I don't find to be that demanding for visual, the only reason I use smaller for visual is for portability. For imaging, that's different and a 100mm would sometimes be pushing it at times, but visual in my experience is much more forgiving than a stacking program. Lunt 80 sounds brill too. Good luck deciding what next move to make.

  20. The TV 32mm with the 120ED is hitting a sweet spot for low powe white light. The grans are popped all over the place.

  21. Vg solar observing today, up to about 80x mag

  22. Jupiter time again :)

    1. Pig


      I had a quick look last night Gerry but The conditions were not that great

    2. jetstream


      Hows the new SCT? Conditions here were excellent

  23. 12.5mm Docter UWA shipped , excited to try it...

    1. Pig


      Congrats Gerry :-)

    2. YKSE


      great! looking forward to your first light :-)

  24. I don't understand light

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pig


      I think I read that in "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" so your up there with the big boys

    3. jetstream


      lol! I shouldn't have read the Anthroptic principle- who I might add, (your) Sir Hoyle may have proven....

    4. jetstream


      "so who put them there"...they are there because we are here :)

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