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Status Replies posted by AlexB67

  1. A 14mm Delos incoming, thanks to the lounge :) Managed to sell two BSTs in the space of 30 minutes and the Delos obtained a few days later. People don't hang about here do they ? :)

    1. AlexB67


      Never tried a TV plossl as yet, not doubt lovely the only thing you'd be missing I suspect is the extra FOV. The 6mm Radian is super isn't it, got one too :) TBH honest had a generous offer of a 14mm Radian for rather a lot less and was strongly tempted, but since it is my birthday this month felt a bit of extra extravagance was in order with the Delos, I always wanted one anyway. Since both my 10mm Pentax and the delos are in the of 2 - 3 mm exit pupil sweet spot I like to use a lot...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Maths GCSE on Monday, which would be stressful enough, but on top of this I'm taking it a year early and I'm expected to get an A* :(

    1. AlexB67


      Not to worry, if you are interested in science and math career wise in future your A level will make your GCSE grade pretty much redundant anyway, pressure release I hope for you :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. ...

    1. AlexB67


      I'll add to the mystery :D

      while i < n


      pick a number from the sequence


      I = I + 1


      what is n when all is said and done ?

  4. Viewed Cassini at last. :)

    1. AlexB67


      Great stuff isn't it those rings, a site to behold :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. I'm impressed - the last astro thing I bought was 6 weeks ago!

    1. AlexB67


      Very disciplined of you :D

      So far the once a month eyepiece is working for me. surprised I've not yet broken that rule. I almost did, thought about a barlow last month but didn't in the end, how boring of me. Still to come delos 14mm, OIII, H beta, paracorr, set complete for the time being after that ... for a bit anyway I feel.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. sips is ordered from feathertouch yipee

  7. just ordered some electrical parts to start making a ronchi tester :)

    1. AlexB67


      To discover he's got a lot more grinding to do on that whopping mirror of his :D Crashtest, I hope it comes out nice for you. Making a 22 inch first time out must be very challenging I would think. Good luck :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. husband is finally gonna order the telescope for me :D

    1. AlexB67


      Nice, when my missus got me an eyepiece as present she said go and order it yourself and handed me a credit card. Still I wasn't complaining :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. I might just get back the 12" and exhaust it's potential before joing the 14"/16" club...

  10. I might just get back the 12" and exhaust it's potential before joing the 14"/16" club...

    1. AlexB67


      That's impressive Mike. I had to look up the car to check, do you fold the seat for that ? can you still carry a passenger, suitcases tents and extra stuff ? I was more thinking along the lines ( far in future ) when I do get a big Dob, which I would use a lot less it would be a truss design, 16 inch or so, and the 10 inch or a new 12 inch at some point as the most often used weapon at home, & some shorter local trips. Current car is a 90s Ford KA, tiny thing :) Couple of years I...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. I might just get back the 12" and exhaust it's potential before joing the 14"/16" club...

  12. I might just get back the 12" and exhaust it's potential before joing the 14"/16" club...

    1. AlexB67


      Dan, I haven't but I can imagine it would be fabulous :D That said, for me it is not practical, transport and all that, the 10 inch ticks all the boxes, planetary, deep sky etc and enough grab an go and good allrounder an goes in the car with room to spare. If I did upgrade it would perhaps be a 12 inch since that is just about still manageable for the same role. No doubt I will have a big Dob at some stage in the future, but I will not be without something in the 10 - 12 inch range e...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. I might just get back the 12" and exhaust it's potential before joing the 14"/16" club...

    1. AlexB67


      ... and possibly not for many many years to come.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  14. I might just get back the 12" and exhaust it's potential before joing the 14"/16" club...

    1. AlexB67


      The more I use my 10 inch the more I realise its potential. Still getting loads of joy out of the 5 inch mini Dob. I can appreciate the galaxy detail you could see in a swamp 20 inch, it takes no rocket science to know that :D but a 10 inch can get an awful lot of observing done. I have no desire to get more aperture yet :)

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. I might just get back the 12" and exhaust it's potential before joing the 14"/16" club...

    1. AlexB67


      I can imagine. Mind you if moving to a house involved one with pristine dark skies I would be more excited about that :) Moving next door hardly qualifies for that. :D

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. 10mm delos incoming

    1. AlexB67


      Nice :) I want a 14mm, on the list as next buy. I've yet to venture that whole Delos thing but she will be mine, oh yes, she will be mine, says the little Wayne voice.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. 14MM DELOS landed :)

    1. AlexB67


      Nice one Dan. Hope you like, no doubt you will :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. New VX10L finally here...with parts missing :-(

    1. AlexB67


      Hope they send you what you need soon and you'll be up and running. Hopefully the views make up for the hickups, The thought of a VX10L always make me drool, a goldilocks f ratio in many ways in that aperture I feel :)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  19. VX10L out for delivery...yaahhooooooo!! :)

    1. AlexB67


      Lovely, Is it one of those with a 1/10PV research grade mirror ? In any case should be cracking bit of scopage :) good for planets, no doubt your 16 inch on deep sky will trounce it, but nice grab and go too and less hassle to get out for that too.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Looks like clear skies tonight.. here's hoping :)

    1. AlexB67


      little hazy = good for planets often, ergo Mars viewing is on again hopefully :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Just fitted my Telrad. That thing is huge.

    1. AlexB67


      I know. I had to settle for the rigel in the end on my flextube. Not that the telrad wouldn't have fitted, but it would have been a whole lot more hassle. No doubt they are great things, but biiiig :D

  22. Righto, expensive month, The pentax XW 7mm was hard to resist, and one huge fridge freezer for the kitchen, that's it for this month.

    1. AlexB67


      I can identify with that Mike I know I just bought one, and like a few high mag ones close in focal length, but looking at a much smaller collection in the longer focal lengths, but with good quality, hence I think I'll probably skip the 14mm, the 17.3 Delos will be enough.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  23. Righto, expensive month, The pentax XW 7mm was hard to resist, and one huge fridge freezer for the kitchen, that's it for this month.

    1. AlexB67


      Don't sell too many, scope without eyepieces is no good :D or are the Deloi being replaced by big FOV ethos whoppers ?

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  24. Righto, expensive month, The pentax XW 7mm was hard to resist, and one huge fridge freezer for the kitchen, that's it for this month.

    1. AlexB67


      Thanks Mike, I have no doubt :) it was on my to buy list for some time, so when the second hand one turned up I could not resist thanks to Stu, though the original plan was to get the 14 or 17.3mm Delos, that will be the next one on the list.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  25. Righto, expensive month, The pentax XW 7mm was hard to resist, and one huge fridge freezer for the kitchen, that's it for this month.

    1. AlexB67


      So far I managed with the buying one eyepiece once a month approach. I bought an orhto the previous month. There again, will the rule be broken one day, who knows In :D In the end I stick with whatever thebank account allows without going OD. So far so good :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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