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Status Replies posted by AlexB67

  1. I hate packing for holiday :(, bags packed for tomorrow with scope :), just incase of a cloud brake next week. Anything I should bring I may forget ? please do say :)

  2. Not sure what to buy after UHC, BST 12 or 5 is kinda tempting. The latter for Jupiter based on my experience with the 8mm I think the 5mm woud give a nice mag I woudl use on planets a lot ( without barlow mostly ) . I am not one for ultra high mag on planets anyway in my scope. 6mm already works quite well though, but that could go.

  3. I'm starting to worry my 130p will look inadequate at Astrocamp...

  4. Am I dreaming? Clear sky ON THE DAY of arrival of my BRAND NEW 250PX? What's that, I start work at 5pm tomorrow you say? So I have plenty of time for a long stargaze AND sleep before work? How lucky is that!

  5. Payday tomorrow :D. Will be adding a 250PX Dob once the money is in the bank :).

  6. Bagged 38 galaxies this last month

  7. Aaaargh! Aperture fever has struck! Badly...

  8. I continue to love my Heritage 130. I know it's not a 250 - but it still offers some satisfying views.

  9. I continue to love my Heritage 130. I know it's not a 250 - but it still offers some satisfying views.

  10. I continue to love my Heritage 130. I know it's not a 250 - but it still offers some satisfying views.

  11. Yay! UHC filter has arrived. Looking through it in daylight is trippy.

  12. It's my birthday! Sat in my lovely sunny garden, with champagne and strawberries... BBQ later and if it stays clear tonight, some stargazing too! Perfect day!

  13. Sat waiting in near darkness (to get my night vision adapted) waiting for skies to darken soon. 14 Messier objects are on my list of targets for tonight - not sure whether I'll manage any but I hope I do. Will write up if I get some good observing done :).

  14. Having to work with MS-Word today. AARGH!!!!!

  15. Clear skies tonight and no telescope... sounds about right!

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