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Status Replies posted by AlexB67

  1. Having used Moonlite focuser, every other focuser seems rubbish now... :D

    1. AlexB67


      Of course the day I get a moonlight I'll be saying same no doubt :D

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. Having used Moonlite focuser, every other focuser seems rubbish now... :D

    1. AlexB67


      ..before I would upgrade the focuser only if the weight cannot take it and force me to, the lock screw can always prevent that in the Crayford unless it is really heavy.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Having used Moonlite focuser, every other focuser seems rubbish now... :D

    1. AlexB67


      When everything is considered in the world of a balancing act to get better views for the money overall. Given the price of these focusers in a scope at < f/5 I'd invest it in a baader or GSO coma corrector. :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Having used Moonlite focuser, every other focuser seems rubbish now... :D

    1. AlexB67


      You posh moonlight people :P. while I would upgrade it at some point, for visual use and not too heavy eyepieces the default crayford works fine for vidual use. I have no issue focusing with it at all, just needs a fine touch. what would you rather, a delos in a crayford or a super MA in a moonlight for the best views :D Of course feel free to say a Delos in a Moonlight :D

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just got my jury summons! Never done it before... should be fun

    1. AlexB67


      Bring a good book to pass the time. I never had to go into a single court room for the week and that seems to be common when you do this. Just sitting and waiting. One of the dullest experiences ever. unless you are interested in that kind of thing :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. Now I've done it.... both cases now sorted out, a third one ordered, and a new eyepiece too. That makes 3 cases....

  7. 6mm Vixen SLV has arrived!

  8. Orderd some of that Baader wonderfluid plus microfibre cloth, then forgot to order the lens pen. Should I get the pen as well ? Got an existing cleanign kit that worked well anyway, but thought to get the best. I Doubt a lens pen would even be able to touch the tiny lens on the Baader BGO 5mm anyway.

    1. AlexB67


      Thank you for the info chaps. Rob, already got one of those blowers from my other cleaning kit, it is the fluid I did not like that came with it. I like the spray nozzle idea on the baader so I don't fall into the danger of applying too much of it on the lens.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. 5mm KK ortho coming now

    1. AlexB67


      You are turning into an ortho machine :D. I bet with your good skies they'll be really worth it to see those smaller differences from the big multi element eyepiece whoppers, good luck with it :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. I've had it with this stupid wind...too much already!!

    1. AlexB67


      I must admit after my nice curry last and a couple of cans I am suffering from a fair amount of flatulence today.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. That's it I'm leaving England, I need sun and clear skies

    1. AlexB67


      Wait for me. Homer is coming. Dho !!! I forgot my scopes.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Wine has to be one of the greatest bits of software for Mac ever.. it allows you to run a kind of virtual windows machine on your mac, currently going back and playing games that used to only work on Windows 95!

  13. Eeek! Ordered a Lunt 35 solar scope

  14. Astronomy and stargazing really is a very satisfying and beautiful passtime.

    1. AlexB67


      Rpwan, just give your secondary a few jolts, remove the spider, collimate and start again, keeps you sane. Some have even resorted to putting wall paper on their dob mounts :D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. I wonder if a 12" dob will show noriceable extra details over a 10"...hummm

    1. AlexB67


      All depends I guess. Better PV rating for better details. An OO mirror will have better reflective coatings too. So I'd expect a jump from the GSO to an OO in that size will give you that bit more detail.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  16. 10 " dob sold 14" get ready whooo hooo

  17. could be first light for the 28MM MV

  18. Getting ready to go out observing. I know I only just got my ST80 and haven't done a first light, but it has to be the dob :D.

  19. Getting ready to go out observing. I know I only just got my ST80 and haven't done a first light, but it has to be the dob :D.

  20. modding done,beast is ready! According to weather man,first light should be friday night.

    1. AlexB67


      Enjoy the new scope, or should I say, enjoy the new tube dude :0)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. I have reverse aperture fever. I have a 16" f4 dob and bought a 12" f4 dob and have now bought a 4.5" f4.3 newtonian and am loving it. I still have the others but the little guy is so dinky.

    1. AlexB67


      Small dobs are cute aren't they ? :). I'd buy the Heritage 76 just as an ornament for my upstairs room one day even if I never used it.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  22. 3 huge boxes turned up....what can it be?

    1. AlexB67


      Don't jinx it. I had three boxes yesterday all containing cat food imported from Germany, yes my cats are picky and the UK cat food is bad mostly :0) The ES Maxvision I am awaiting from Germany was not in any of the boxes though :D

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. Two Deloi this month, a pair of binoculars for my dad, a pair for me. This month is turning out to be quite expensive ;).

    1. AlexB67


      If that is a November purchase, Your Xmas list will be huge :eek: I thought I was doing well with two new items this month. I guess I have some way to go to reach that level :0) 16 inch Sumerian early next year I guess you can carry down the steps ? I would ...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. Should I get BST's?

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