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Status Updates posted by baggywrinkle

  1. In Abu Dhabi,.Up early to try some wide field shots.....Curses! Light pollution here is as bad as Shanghai

    1. emadmoussa


      Drive into the desert, man!

    2. ronin


      You're really on a round trip to the light pollution centres of the world, aren't you?

  2. I think my roof might get blown off...very high winds. The fence is already down.

    1. crashtestdummy


      had to look where you based to see if i was safe

    2. baggywrinkle


      LOL,,,we are getting a good blow off the Indian Ocean. Now it is light I can check for more damage.

  3. Waiting at Arlanda airport...will the flight be on time or will the UK stroms delay me.

    1. ronin


      Stay where you are, the UK is being blown towards you, no need to catch a flight we will get there in a day or two.

  4. Unboxing my PST tonight...

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Welcome to the H alpha clan. Enjoy.

  5. Might have another clear night in the Fens...

    1. hobsey


      Save some of that clear skies for next Saturday as I will be up your way visiting my mum.

  6. Excellent night last night, got everything working on the 9.25AVX including the StarSense

    1. baggywrinkle


      Also saw the Venus-Uranus conjuction

  7. Oh dear..just ordered an AA Starwave 70ED kit...clouds incoming!

    1. jetstream


      Congrats! on the scope- not the clouds :)

  8. Back in the UK.....and on an internet system that works.

    1. Tinker1947


      My home broadband this morning 50m down, 10 meg up,

  9. Dare I say it...it might be clear over the Fens tonight....

    1. JohnC64


      yep - a few clear hours here too. . Not enough for a full on imaging session - but enough to break the astrotrack out :-)

  10. Might even have a clear evening in Ely....

    1. JohnC64


      cloud coming in from the north - best be quick :)

  11. Been on business travel in Latvia and Lithuania. These two states would make great places to spend a week doing AP, real dark sky opps...plus great food and beer and nice people.

    1. Dude_with_the_tube


      hehe,Latvia do have some terrific skies,thats for sure,i was able to see Panstarrs comet with naked eyes there! I do regret moving to UK sometimes lol.(i am latvian)

  12. 12 hr flight from Shanghai...back in the UK again

    1. cotterless45


      Welcome to Waterworld !

  13. Picked up a chest infection on the flight back from Taiwan...scraped my car against the neighbours...3 hours down the local nick to sort it out...4 weeks and I am out of here!

    1. baggywrinkle


      And no here it is not a simple exchange f insurance details, hence a visit to the boys blue.

  14. 4 weeks and I am in the UK...for good!

    1. Uranium235


      Ahhh, at last you will have access to proper chocolate! (I found the chocolate in China just isnt the same).

  15. One week and I am in the UK, will get my sticky paws on my ST120 and AZ4....

    1. baggywrinkle


      Also ordered a decent diagonal and barlow...please be clear..

  16. The end is in sight, looks like I will be back in the UK by May/June. Had enough of murky China skies

    1. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Plenty of murk here as well

  17. I want to see non light polluted skies.......Korea China Japan alll bad!

    1. ronin


      Means somewhere that is out of the modern world. Oddly very good on Dartmoor, worked in Plymouth and not far North of there is good - the land hides Plymouth somewhat. They built Dartmoor prison at Princetown for a reason - it's dark around there. Best was in Canada, but it was the middle on nowhere. You honestly met more bears then people. Shadows were caused by the Milky Way. Take the Rocky Mountaineer and stop at one or two of the towns overnight, grab a hire car and travel out a bit....

  18. In Almaty, 20 hour journey to get here from Shanghai, late planes and not very nice border and immigration guards

    1. emadmoussa


      I know the feeling. Welcome back mate!

  19. Kazakhstan on Monday....not been there for 17 years, taking the camera & tripod in hope of some dark skies..

    1. RT65CB-SWL


      Strewth mate! You certainly are clocking up some 'air miles'.

  20. 75% Rh 32 C again in Shanghai...nasty, nasty weather.

    1. emadmoussa


      Ah, I feel for you, mate. I totally hate high humidity hot weather...yikes!!

  21. My barometer is dropping in a very nasty way, big blow on the way

    1. RT65CB-SWL


      "Oh s***!" springs to mind. Not living anywhere that has extreme winds this would be my reaction. Hope everything is ok where you are.

  22. Fingers & Toes crossed, it looks like it might stay clear

    1. baggywrinkle


      It stayed clear until about 9 pm..processing the shots.

  23. 2 weeks of cloudy skies....and rain.

    1. emadmoussa


      back to normal weather obviously..

  24. Still blowing a bas...

    1. baggywrinkle


      Just had a big storm node come through, palm trees are doing yoga!

  25. Fiddle time tonight!. My Feathertouch focuser for the 9.25 SCT has arrived. Been breifing myslef how to fit it.

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