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Status Replies posted by baggywrinkle

  1. Quote


    Looks like a clear night tonight over Norfolk. Will be able to carry on getting the Polar alignment finished in the obsy....

  2. Thanks for the nice comment Baggywrinkle...



  3. Istanbul is as cold and wet as Norfolk.....cloudy too.

  4. 4 weeks without a clear night.....That's it for 2015!

    1. baggywrinkle


      Saw the stars this morning but on my way to work....terrible couple of weeks.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. with the persistent dark cloudy days and night I think ive become adverse to the sunlight... which is currently actually hurting my eyes through the office window... sometimes you just can't win..

  6. Heading south tomorrow...New Zealand for 2 weeks, camers and tripod packed....

  7. I got my little ST80 working just where I wanted it. Was all set for a nice, relaxing night of spectroscopy. And the altitude control-cable broke. I know the Universe is laughing at me.....

    1. baggywrinkle


      For who the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad...;-)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Wasn't the Moon gorgeous last night. All orange with passing clouds and low amongst the trees.

  9. There is a snake in my mail box. eek!

  10. Mrs Baggy has landed...she arrived after a 14 hour flight from Shanghai last night.

    1. baggywrinkle


      Solid tips...thanks. OTA's make nice jardiniers....

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. 100% cloud cover in the Fens....grrrrrrr

    1. baggywrinkle


      and now it is 100% blue sky..I am off to throw myself off a molehill...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Excellent night last night, got everything working on the 9.25AVX including the StarSense

    1. baggywrinkle


      Also saw the Venus-Uranus conjuction

  13. White fluffy stuff dropping on Ely

  14. Hey folks; how do I get the information about my systems at the bottom of my message?

  15. Hey folks; how do I get the information about my systems at the bottom of my message?

    1. baggywrinkle


      Go to your name at the top, click and choose My Settings, you can then see Signature..chnage it there.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Venus and Mercury - lovely naked eye pairing this evening.

  17. Another 5 days and I am out of Shanghai..thanks God. The internet is constantly interupted if you are using a non Chinese computer and trying to log onto sites like SGL.. or the Beeb.

    1. baggywrinkle


      I lived 10 years in Shanghai, then 4.5 in Perth WA then back here last year for 6 months and now relocated to Ely UK, only visiting to sort out the visa issue. Cannot see anything dimmer than -1 mag where we have a house.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. Another 5 days and I am out of Shanghai..thanks God. The internet is constantly interupted if you are using a non Chinese computer and trying to log onto sites like SGL.. or the Beeb.

    1. baggywrinkle


      It has taken 7 month of campaigining to get Mrs B a visa, despite us being married 14 years and having lived in Aus..The UK are raising the bar on non EU folk and do not look properly at the circumstances.

      See the KK saga...my car is parked at Heathrow.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Another 5 days and I am out of Shanghai..thanks God. The internet is constantly interupted if you are using a non Chinese computer and trying to log onto sites like SGL.. or the Beeb.

    1. baggywrinkle


      But at least my wife now has her visa, that was the British Consulate causing problems..and we will be moving into our new gaff at West Winch in Norfolk in February, so the Year of the Goat looks promising.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. Very Strange....my neighbour has cut down his tree which wass blocking a third of the view from my garden, and I never asked him to do it ??????

  21. Glacial internet speeds, constant interuptions, pages that wont load, sites blocked...yes I am in China!

    1. baggywrinkle


      Even SGL pages do not load correctly...that is serious.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Off to Shanghai tomorrow until the 31st Dec. Still trying to sort out the visa problems the Foreign Office is creating for my wife of 14 years. Will be in Schloss Baggy by mid February just outside Kings Lynn.

    1. baggywrinkle


      Will be in West Winch....it would be good to meet up.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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