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Status Replies posted by baggywrinkle

  1. Off to Shanghai tomorrow until the 31st Dec. Still trying to sort out the visa problems the Foreign Office is creating for my wife of 14 years. Will be in Schloss Baggy by mid February just outside Kings Lynn.

  2. Wow! Just found out I've won this month's Sky at Night magazine's podcast competition! I'll have to listen to it again, as I can't remember what the prize is!

  3. YAY new mount also incoming :) Happy Days !!!

  4. Clear night tonight - first in ages. Milky way - nice and clear :-) M33 here I come

  5. Last Thursday, a new star was born. My incredibly beautiful daughter. Proud and happy father! :-)

  6. Packed and ready for a week in galloway, why O why did I check the weather!! haha

  7. Here we go again, telescope Fever takes hold :) Just bought myself a Evostar 80ED DS-Pro outfit from our glorious Sponsors FLO.

  8. Smoked Mackerel , new potatoes, salad, balsamic and followed with a greek yoguart... OMG tastebud explosion.

    1. baggywrinkle


      Makes me repeat but I love smoked mackerel..

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Good forecast at the moment for tonight--heading to Seething this evening

  10. Good forecast at the moment for tonight--heading to Seething this evening

  11. Not been posting much recenlty as I have been busy getting into the new job and learning how to live again in the UK..also Mrs B had visa and still has visa problems so she is stuck in China. Off to China on Monday for 3 weeks, maybe something can get sorted out. Clear skies to all...

  12. Found a place to rent in Ely, now I can start to settle. Hoeever Mrs B has had her visa refused. Trying to get to the bottom of this.

  13. Flew from Asia (Shanghai) to Europe (Istanbul) and then crossed back into Asia over the Bosphorus..

  14. Off for a dinner with Mrs Baggy before I head to the airport. She will be joining me later in the UK when we have somewhere to live. First a week in Turkey doing some business...and trying some wine.

  15. a little over 24 hours and I am out of here. May weekend in China means extra interuption on the web and huge q's on the roads

    1. baggywrinkle


      It used to be OK, but the leadership in Beijing while appearing more opne have cracked down on dissent and any media they cannot control...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. a little over 24 hours and I am out of here. May weekend in China means extra interuption on the web and huge q's on the roads

    1. baggywrinkle


      I will also be able to read blogs, view You Tube, get on Facebook..all banned by Beijing!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. new secret sope in the post

    1. baggywrinkle


      I have the SW ED80...great optics...pity that it is going to cloud over..;-)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. One week to go until I leave China, looking forward to doing some stargazing after a 5 monthenforced break

  19. £ weeks left in Asia....looking for some smog free skies in the UK

  20. £ weeks left in Asia....looking for some smog free skies in the UK

  21. £ weeks left in Asia....looking for some smog free skies in the UK

  22. Picked up a chest infection on the flight back from Taiwan...scraped my car against the neighbours...3 hours down the local nick to sort it out...4 weeks and I am out of here!

  23. House offer accepted...fingers crossed I won't get gazumped for the third time... :)

    1. baggywrinkle


      they should make gazzumping illegal, as it is in Scotland

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  24. Does anyone know when we might get clear skies

  25. One week and I am in the UK, will get my sticky paws on my ST120 and AZ4....

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