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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. That makes perfect sense and supports why you don’t need the CCD version.
  2. You have a camera with LPF-2 filter removed This leaves LPF-1 which is the IR block. You don’t need to buy the CCD version in this case. It won’t do any harm if you do, but won’t benefit you (unless the IR cut of LPF-1 is poor). The only reason you may want to buy it is a) cheaper b) for resale - would suit owner of any modification be it LPF-2 or full spectrum.
  3. But I’m confused about your first post! I thought it will have still have some IR cut remaining otherwise it will be full spectrum? My modified 1000d still had one filter in place which meant it still had some IR cut?
  4. You STILL need to cut above 700nm (IR radiation) or stars bloat. [You removed the IR filter that starts to cut from below 650 (visible, red, Ha) and continued to cut above 700]
  5. The CLS CCD will probably cut IR better than the standard IR filter, and so would be more beneficial. I’m guessing the CCD version is dearer?
  6. Thank you so much everyone for the very positive feedback. I was going through a bit of a lull recently, where I have lots of data on the PC but couldnt be bothered to process it (to avoid disappointment in my processing ability!) I also think this shows that the older CCDs still have some life left in them, especially for the longer subs in narrowband.
  7. How many versions of the ZWO 1600 did they make before they got it (sort of) right 😂😂
  8. This has happened me a lot recently with adapters. There are lots of tips on here.. For me personally, it was critical not to distort the shape of the circle, so using the palms of my hand flat against the adapters helped. I also put them in very hot tap water (60oC) and this freed them up. If there is glass in there there you might not want to do this.
  9. lol the first plan will be to sell one of the 8300 cameras to appease the wife
  10. The extra spare 6mm back focus is very welcomed indeed.
  11. Delivery time looking like another week until dispatch from QHY then 4 days to UK, then another couple to NI.
  12. One of your best Francis. The curved line on the haloes, is that cabling?
  13. I paid for mine last night, hopefully be here next week
  14. I have found with my own data, that I can push the sliders certainly above 10. I wonder does it depend on the imaging scale and resolution of the camera, and quality of the data to begin with. It doesnt look to me like it is adding anything, certainly nothing more than any of the other PS processes do.
  15. Thanks! I am not sure how much I like the NB images of this region, I do prefer the RGB. Thanks Ian. I was using a Tak Epsilon 180ed with a QHY9-M and a SharpStar 94 EPDH with an Atik 383L+. I did take a plain LRGB image last year of this region, I should maybe reprocess and add in this Ha.
  16. Do you really think it will be no better at all?
  17. Then there is still hope for me when the 2600MC arrives
  18. I don’t know how much of a difference if makes on reality. Check out Richard Sweeneys HH from 8 hours of data in the south of Ireland with a 2600MC - phenomenal
  19. I honestly don’t think Ive seen more detail or such resolution in an image of this region. It’s phenomenal. NGC2023 - wow. You could crop any single target from this image and present it as an image in its own right. Colouration in the HH- phenomenal Richard. Undoubtedly an image of the highest quality, from the various international forums I’m on, this is one of the best I’ve seen.
  20. I dont see any significant differences in either brand from my own personal experiences. However given the discounts being offered now, I dont see any benefit to waiting another 2-3 months.
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