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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thanks Paul. Yes it’s a OSC CMOS camera. I didn’t thing I’d go to OSC but the results on here were what convinced me it’s the way forward with faster systems. Thanks Peter. I am happy with the results. I think I have a lot to learn with processing etc and lack of skill is a little frustrating at times. Thanks 🙏 yes it’s reduced to 413mm at F4.4.
  2. As luck would have it I got a couple of hours under the sky when the camera arrived. Paired with my Sharpstar 94EDPH and 0.8x FR, this is two hours of data in 300s subs and a few 30s subs to fill in the trapezium region. Its a bit noisy in the dark areas, to be expected with the short integration time, and stars are bit big (processing and focus), but otherwise promising 👍🏻 C+C welcome Adam
  3. David, good article! I've just seen this thread, and posted it onto a meteor group I'm in.
  4. Thanks James, that makes perfect sense when you say it like that.
  5. Vlad, I've just been reading on this thread, and trying to work this out. Would you be able clarify if I'm right here> If I now use a 2x barlow: Mars is now 160px across. Sampling rate is now 0.125"/px. So angular size of Mar is 160px x 0.125"/px = 20" It remains unchanged?
  6. I never thought of Amazon. Thanks @Jiggy 67👍🏼
  7. My daughter is the proud owner of an ED80 on an AZ4 mount (thanks @davyludo for the lovely condition mount head) - tonight we did a brief session looking at some constellations naked eye - Orion Gemini Taurus and Canis Minor along with the bright stars (that I know off the top of my head), and then put the telescope on M42 to see the nebula. As a complete non-observer, I really enjoyed the stress free experience. I would like her to keep a record of the times she is out with scope, and of the things she looks at. Can anyone recommend a format or template for this? I think if we dont start on the first night out, then it will never happen. Thanks in advance Adam.
  8. Hi Pryce Exactly the same as the one I use. I bought a piece of A4 white acrylic to diffuse it and dim it slightly, i think it cost £4 for the piece of acrylic. I then glued this onto the panel. The dots don't present an issue and my flats seem to work well. It's a lot cheaper than the proper flat panels and seems to be effective. The only thing I've found is that the USB port is delicate, and I completely ripped one off another panel well I caught the lead Adam.
  9. Font is quite small on desktop now, but the mobile browser looks really slick.
  10. Both are fantastic and equally good in their own right. But I do like the more intense contrast of the wider background
  11. The comments arent good in that link. It doesnt line up properly when printed.
  12. There is no doubt that the filter glass itself will perform just as expected, it is after all just a different sized/shaped version of the other round mounted and unmounted versions. And the filter holder will allow it to be placed where a 2” filter would be normally placed. But it won’t make it a 2” filter - its physically smaller. It’s designed to sit really close the sensor so the glass can be as small as possible. If you are using it with a similar sized sensor but further away from the sensor, then it’s very probably you will, at best, get vignetting but, at worse, weird reflections from the square edges. This effect will vary depending on the speed of the system - faster is worse. I think many of us, including myself, started off with clip filters, then ended up selling them and buying 2” filters.
  13. Are you providing any counselling or medication for withdrawal symptoms that may result
  14. This is the M54 thread itself: <ThreadDesignation>M54x0.75</ThreadDesignation> <CTD>M54x0.75</CTD> <Pitch>0.75</Pitch> -<Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>6g</Class> <MajorDia>53.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>53.4409</PitchDia> <MinorDia>53.0475</MinorDia> </Thread> -<Thread> <Gender>internal</Gender> <Class>6H</Class> <MajorDia>54.1201</MajorDia> <PitchDia>53.5789</PitchDia> <MinorDia>53.2831</MinorDia> <TapDrill>53.25</TapDrill> </Thread> -<Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>4g6g</Class> <MajorDia>53.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>53.4594</PitchDia> <MinorDia>53.066</MinorDia> </Thread>
  15. Here is my file - i incorporated the commonly used astro threads into it. I did have a separate astro thread section, but as the title post here explains, every time Fusion360 updates itself you have to reinstall it. With them in this file then they remain in the program after updates. ISOMetricprofile.xml
  16. I love that M45 image, it's utterly incredible.
  17. It does indeed, thanks for sharing.
  18. I'll stick with dark, and can use bias too. It isnt too arduous to take these so no issues on that front. I initially thought the camera wasnt working because my other cameras all have mechanical shutters, and I'm used to hearing the sound of it clicking on and off with every exposure!! I'm using it with my F4.4 refractor for now, and I tried a few 300s subs last night. I'll need to look at the data later. I might be better off with 0 gain if I use it on the Tak?
  19. Thank you Goran. I seen the graphs and thought that gain 100 looked to be ideal. My offset is set at 50 but this is the default setting when I plugged it in. I'm still on a USB 2 PC, although my new one arrived a couple of days, I just havent had a chance to download all the software onto it. It is slow to download at USB 2. It says manual below because I had to lower the USB traffic to get it work on my PC. I have it at -10deg C, but it was only using about 10%-15% power to stay there.
  20. Thanks Dave, appreciate the reply. I'll stick with 100 then. Cant wait to get a few more subs tonight.
  21. Cheers Tomato. It's the first camera that is configurable (unlike CCDs) so dont want to waste tonight if I get a few hours! I'm hoping to get a few subs on M42 this evening.
  22. I've printed M54 0.75 male ok, I'm at work so cant access the figures, but can post them later if you arent sorted.
  23. Just a couple of questions. Camera arrived yesterday and it was clear last night. I did get a few images but wanted to check a couple of things. 1) I’m shooting at Gain 100, didn’t touch offset, is this ok? 2) the images are black and white, is this normal in SGPro? 3) Do I need darks? I took some last night but boy are they clean! Anything else I should know too? Thanks Adam.
  24. I saw this on the facebook group yesterday. I think these spikes look a lot better than those added in on post processing, and M45 is one of those images that really works with spikes. However would I add this to my refractor - nope. It's bad enough having them on one scope. Did you say you modified an existing mask from thingiverse? Is it possibe to modify STL files or was it available as a part file? Thanks Adam
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