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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. I can confirm mine looks like the first photo. I can also confirm that you cannot guide from the AUX port.
  2. @astronomer2002 I ‘think’ the new mesu e200 has Sitech I whereas the mark 1 mesu 200 uses Sitech II? I have the newer e200 and have no issues with the provided Sitech I software.
  3. I replaced the focuser last year with a returned one from FLO and it does look like someone may have adjusted the base of it. I added two mm to the spacing last night and it was definitely better.
  4. Thanks Tristan, I think I've a couple of 1mm shims here.
  5. I have the MPCC fitted to my SW 250PX, and spaced at 55.5mm from the sensor of the 2600MC. Does it look like it needs more spacing as the stars are all elongated towards the centre. Maybe collimation, although I checked it yesterday and it looks ok. Cheers Adam.
  6. That’s wicked! Thanks for posting.
  7. tooth_dr


    Very nice Rodd. I just switched over to a larger scope and was going to shoot m13 but my spacing is off. I think you’ve done a brilliant job here.
  8. I didn’t understand your diagram. I assumed that square was the prism but wondered why it was so far away. My diagram is what it looks like visually. If you want to rotate anything, rotate the camera/OAG as one piece. I can’t really explain this any more, you just need to do it yourself.
  9. You’d think that, but some targets eg M51 are very short on stars. I struggled with a 120MM on 100% gain to get a star. I switched to a 290MM and quite often have the gain at 50%. And my prism is 8mm I’m switched to an oag recently on a c.500mm dual refractor setup. It’s not at all complicated to setup or focus. I could have used a guidescope but this is just a very neat solution that allows me to consistently guide at (less than or equal) to 0.5” RMS (1/3 of my imaging resolution). I didn’t read all the posts above, so apologies if this is a repeat. This is how I remember doing it - just steps to be done in this general order. 1) position OAG before filter wheel and camera ie closest to focuser. So either screw onto focal reducer or insert into drawtube. 2) calculate and set back spacing to desired length for reducer - oag might be 16.5mm if ZWO, so subtract this off back spacing requirement. 3) align prism with long edge of camera sensor - I mark the body of camera with sharpie on a printed label to make it easy to locate. Undo grub screws and move prism stalk in or out to get it close to the camera sensor without blocking it. I remove whole assembly from focuser and eyeball to do this step. 4) refit everything and attach guide camera. During day time adjust position of main telescope camera so it is in good focus on a distant tree or lamppost. Next adjust position of guide camera along stalk (don’t move stalk itself) to get it in focus. 5) Repeat step 4) at night. I use the moon and recheck on a star after.
  10. Beautiful! I’m working through some data on the Leo triplets and was wondering about capturing some Ha. Definitely seems to be worthwhile after looking at your M66
  11. It’s on the NEMETODE group too. Was out of my FOV unfortunately
  12. And the tidal tail showing too 👍🏼
  13. Brilliant Jim. Lovely colour and detail in all three galaxies.
  14. There is one week in the year where it's possible, otherwise maybe if I go to holiday in spain sometime I'll give it ago.
  15. Wonderful Carole. This is one I really want to do myself
  16. Thank you! Yes it is taken through a dual rig of APM 105/650 LZOS refractors. Thank you Olly, appreciate the feedback. The stars were removed using the new PS plugin StarXterminator, and rather clumsily put back in, this is something I would definitely like to develop. I think next year I would like to add Ha, so thanks for the tip. Thanks very much, really nice to get this feedback.
  17. Thanks Steve, I think just with the ever changing programs like Starnett and so on, I just feel like I'm getting the hang then everything has moved on! Thank you Paul for taking time to reply! Hi Steve, many thanks. Yes I just took 3 hours luminance with a mono camera, and at the same time, 3 hours with a colour 'OSC' camera, on a dual rig. I use the OSC as an alternative to taking R G B data though separate filters, because the current crop of OSC cameras are very good indeed.
  18. Thanks Paul, much appreciated. Thank you very much! Thank you Bryan 👍 I used the following equipment: APM LZOS 105/650 refractor with a 0.75 M63 Riccardi reducer and QHY 268M with Baader UV-IR filter APM LZOS 105.650 refractor with a 0.75 M63 Riccardi reducer and ZWO 2600MC with IDAS HEUIB-II filter Mesu e200 mount, guided with OAG with 290MM Thank you kindly!
  19. I took a bit of break from processing (I dont enjoy it) and concentrated on just capturing data, so I have fortunately collected a decent amount of exposures over the past three months. I started on the data last night and went straight to IC2118 - it's one I've wanted to image since I first saw it on the forum. In total I have 3 hours of luminance data and 3 hours of OSC. 100% not happy with it, but until I establish a proper routine for processing, I'm going to continue to have to poke around in the dark. (I think it is a fairly faint one and I can only just get about an hour or so per night before the bottom of my dome opening gets in the way). Anyway thanks for looking! I've rotated the image in the orientation that best matches it name. CS Adam
  20. When my dad passed away last year he left behind a slightly tatty LXD-75. Its working mechanically ok but the paint has bubbled off from the aluminium. I’m in the process of tidying it up, in the hope to use it for my solar scope. Plan is to eventually build a small external pier and just leave the mount permanently on it covered with a cover. Keep the scope indoors and mount the solar scope when required, so the scope should be polar aligned Thanks Adam
  21. Thanks for the reply. Hope you get an opportunity to test it out! I've always been fairly fortunate with clear skies after adjustments.
  22. How much is a lot? I recently noticed when running Guide Assistant that my RA graph drifts upwards when guiding is disabled. After 2 minutes it’s at 4” and continues to rise. Are you seeing similar or worse?
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