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Posts posted by tooth_dr

  1. 13 minutes ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

    The wedge seems to be getting the thumbs-down here. As an engineer, I can appreciate that using a wedge could add more stress to a consumer-grade mount.  Perhaps the best answer is to mount it as an alt-az but design the setup/pier so that a wedge can be added later if desired.

    The wedge for the OU LX200 telescope is a fixed one, apparently welded up from angle iron.

    I will hopefully have access to this scope so I guess there is the potential for doing some nice deep sky imaging myself! I think having the option to use it or not is sensible. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

    Came down at 4.15 a.m. to put the scope away after imaging the Cygnus region and spotted Orion lingering over the house tops next to the moon. I couldn't resist giving it a quick go so this is 12 x 30s of Ha, OIII and SII and 12 x 60s of Ha, calibrated and stacked in APP, processed in PI and combined in PixelMath and colour tweaked in PS.


    Taken with a Samyang 135mm with ASI1600MM-Pro, unguided on a iOptron CEM25-EC.

    Thanks for looking.



    I’m blown away by how good this for so little data.  Great processing and worthwhile shooting at 4am 👍🏼👍🏼

  3. 1 minute ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

    I was thinking of the deepsky imaging with long exposures option.  IIRC the eyepiece height of the OU instrument is suited to standing observers - a bit high for a child.  The wedge is triangular (a fixed welded sub-frame) and I don't think removing it would make the instrument significantly lower.

    Thanks Geoff.  I doubt it will ever be used for deep sky stuff, but you know what, it's better to have it for sure!

  4. 2 minutes ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

    Future proofing.

    I have seen the 16" LX200 Meade at the Open University observatory, and that sits on a wedge.

    Thanks Geoff.  In term of future proofing - is this solely for deepsky imaging with long exposures?  I'm just trying to rationalise the spending versus what benefits it brings.  It would raise the overall height of the scope for viewing too - not sure if this is an advantage or disadvantage?

  5. 12 minutes ago, alan potts said:

    Not sure what it should look like but it was a whole lot worse than that beforehand, I did it very quickly and with this game whats right anyway. I thought it was much more red in real terms, I know a got a few subs with the Canon a while back.


    Alan, what I mean I cannot see any difference between the first one and the modified one you have posted later in the thread?





  6. 25 minutes ago, Rodd said:

    That's a great 1st SHO image.  Did you add Ha as a luminance?  That can really look nice--tends to bring out the details and resduce the nose.  .  Add in non linear state--just like adding a Lum lum.  Balance the histograms first.


    Thanks Rodd, Ha was luminance, as well as the green channel.  I'll post the other colour channels later for a laugh.  I did a tonemapping processing where I removed the stars (badly) and then stetched the data a lot.

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