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Posts posted by tooth_dr

  1. I debated whether or not to post this, but given that it's my first SHO image, I thought it might be worthwhile.  This is crop from the large image.

    I used the guide for adjusting colour in Steve's book (Dark Art or Magic Bullet) and it worked really well.  I'm always open to advice.  Please please post any observations that might need improving :D

    Skywatcher ED80, 0.85x reducer, Atik 383L+ and QHY9M, EQ6.

    Taken during the perio of 94-100% moon.

    72 x 600s Ha

    17 x 600s Oiii

    18 x 600s Sii


    Thanks for looking

    Clear Skies





    • Like 27
  2. 22 hours ago, carastro said:

    It's been my experience with NB filters, that from a LP location even then only the bright targets can be done.  Sometimes Ha will be OK on the fainter targets but not the Oiii and Sii.  

    I think I recall you are moving to a LP location.  You might be interested to see a website I made solely for images I have done from Bortle 8, it might give you some sort of guide.  A number of targets I just had to abandon from home.



    Thanks Carole, I've had a look at your site, it is inspiring to say the least.  Re house move, that's currently off the cards, so I'm stuck at my Bortle 4 location for the time being.

  3. 3 minutes ago, wimvb said:

    Here's my attempt using PixInsight

    The Oiii and Sii seemed already stretched.

    • alignment of the channels
    • Ha stretch (applied screen transfer function as permanent stretch)
    • sho combination
    • scnr green
    • saturation boost
    • noise reduction
    • star reduction
    • resample


    Amazing Wim!

     I know what you mean about already stretched, looked like that to me too. But it was straight out of APP with no DPP etc, just raw stacks.  Maybe due to high background levels from moon?

  4. 53 minutes ago, Jkulin said:

    Hi Adam, I had a go but failed miserably, Carole's job was really good, I grabbed that as I couldn't couldn't do any better and just removed the magenta and a touch of green: -


    Again John, thanks for having a go.  I really like the colours, the blues are lovely. I've spent a couple of hours at it now, and going to stop now, and come back it again, may be with better Oiii and Sii data.

  5. Pretty impressive John! I like the moody and muted colour scheme (don’t look at my recent version of this lol)

    6 minutes ago, Jkulin said:

    I tried to time the filters for when the moon was more prolific.

    An interesting choice, making life harder for yourself?


    • Like 1
  6. I have some Ha Oiii and Sii data for the same target.

    I've never had this before so I'm new to this type of processing.

    The Oiii and Sii data is challenging.

    What figures are we trying to match in the 3 three stacks before combining?  Is it background brightness or what exactly?


    Anyone fancy taking a look at it you have nothing better to do?  I've attached the aligned stacks of Oiii and Sii, plus my processed Ha data.  


    Here is my attempt after an hour of processing it in PS.  I'm not sure how to improve, maybe I'm still too far off for help :)











    IC1805-Ha.tif IC1805-Oiii.tif IC1805-Sii.tif

    • Like 4
  7. Hi Chris. I used to go with your current configuration but then purchased this:



    You can screw 2” adapters onto the end of it.  You will need to reattach the 2” holder bit back onto the focuser tube.

    As an extra I added this:



    It screws directly onto the metal drawtube.  This is very secure and also easy to rotate camera or swop over.  It eliminates the original part (which isn’t very safe imo)




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