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Posts posted by tooth_dr

  1. It's easy to be critical of our work, but when you think that this was taken with a little 80mm scope, from a little shed, t's pretty surreal.

    I really like those dark clouds structures extending from the bottom left, so I rotated and cropped my larger image to incorporate these as a feature.  I've burned out the blue centre quite a bit, I dont know at what stage I did it and it was too late to rescue it when I did notice it.


    I'll not do much more with this until I get more Sii and Oiii data.


    I hope you like it!  





    • Like 15
  2. Just now, Davey-T said:

    Tube is 5mm and flat plate 10mm, it sort of evolved unplanned from some bits I already had which accounts for the shape 😂


    No I mean it looks functional :D and awesome.

    I have 10mm plates made, so 5mm steel for the rest of it is probabaly more than adequate.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, JSeaman said:

    Mine was £120 with all materials. The metal was about £30 and is readily available. You don't have to be able to weld but it does help

    Mine is half filled with cement and doesn't ring at all, I'd definitely do it again that way

    Bolted with 4 bolts into a base?  Is the concrete a necessity?

  4. 1 minute ago, Davey-T said:

    If you're capable and equipped with the right tools you can easily knock one up for less than £200.00 and even less using second hand steel.

    Made this one for less than £200.00 only Hammerited, don't see any point in paying out for powder coating.







    That looks robust :D  and avoids using a tube.

    What thickness of steel?  Is 10mm too thick?


  5. Just now, x6gas said:

    My concern with a metal pier is that they ring like a bell.  No problem in an obsy, I presume, where it is protected from the wind and accidental bangs or you can fill it with sand or something else to dampen it.

    If you are decided on a metal pier then it all depends on whether you can find someone reasonable to fabricate it up for you.  If you have mates handy with a welder or a friendly garage mechanic then it can be done quite inexpensively but if you go to fabricator I think you'll find you won't save a great deal - but you do get it made to your own spec, of course...  Powder coating it alone would cost £50-75 quid at my local place (though I've no idea how that compares).

    Defintiely looking to hear feedback on metal piers, not sure I would want to fill it with sand or anything.  I was thinking I can run wiring up the middle to tidy up the installation!  Maybe I should amend the opening post!

  6. 2 hours ago, Rodd said:

    Did you click on it, or just look on the forum page?


    Without clicking the top one looks better. On clicking it’s a different story however. From my ‘very limited’ experience it looks too smooth, and over processed on the outer areas.  The second image has a very fine colour noise running through it. Have you tried to remove it?

  7. But the thing is the setting MUST be changed for each session / different cameras etc. The setting is adjusted to allow say 150 stars to be registered.  I never get scores of 9000 etc but that’s not because my data is poor, but because I don’t register 1000s of stars (and sometimes noise not even stars)

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