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Posts posted by tooth_dr

  1. 2 minutes ago, souls33k3r said:

    Cheers mate, that unfortunately is just too much money to spend on a second hand mount. I'd be happy to pay for a second hand if FLO offered them on their offers page as a second hand. At least this way I will have peace of mind about a reputable supplier such as FLO. 

    No worries,  I did read that bit about FLO, but some how it didnt register in my head lol.  Ok, so the only observation I will make is that my own EQ6 is 10 years old, and @Hallingskies is ten years old, and they just work ok.  On that logic I see no reason not to buy that fresh used EQ8, known to work 100%.  But good luck on the search.  I too have that itch to upgrade, but at my current FL (500-600mm) and pixel size, there really isnt any need.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

    Lovely detail there Adam. Great to take advantage of the clear sky with your dual rig. Did you get out again last night? Two clear nights in a row here in East Cork. Pity the moon was so bright.

    Thanks Richard. Lovely and clear but boy the moon was bright last nights. I did Sii and Oiii last night. Pretty pointless but I just wanted to try my first image in SHO, even if data is poor.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, Allinthehead said:

    The extra data really shows in the second image, looks like it's going to be a great image. Regarding the rgb if your lum is overpowering you end up with the brown mess. Have you tried lowering the opacity of the lum layer and adding it iteratively? 

    Thanks Richard. It was a mess before I added the lum. I have no idea how to combine the R and G and B really.  Getting each channel right and ‘equal’ before combining seems beyond me at the minute.  I’ve had success combining OSC with lum following the advice you gave me at the start of the year (blend low opacity, blur, increase sat etc). It is getting my mono RGB filtered data to an image stage that’s eluding me. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

    Very nice Adam, look forward to seeing the completed image.  Will you be getting any RGB?


    Cheers Dave. It depends on the weather/moon. I seem to have bad luck with RGB between focusing issues and wherever. I think my plan is Oiii and Sii and try that first.  I’m taking a few subs now but I suspect the patchy clouds might interfere. 

  5. This is the result of last nights imaging run below

    In total I captured 72 x 600s (12 hours) in Ha, using KAF-8300 based cameras ATIK383L+ and QHY9M.  Scopes were ED80s, side by side arrangement, on an EQ6, guided with a finderguider and ASI120MM (old model).

    I used Baader 7nm Ha and Optolong 7nm Ha filters.  The data was processed in APP and PS.

    If anyone feels like comparing the filters separately I would be very happy to post a raw or stack of each of them.  It might be a useful comparison (same sensor, same scope, same skies).

    I will add Oiii and Sii and more Ha to this, as I really like the details going on.  The guiding isn't perfect and according to Metcheck, the seeing was 8 (which is bad) and the moon was out.


    Comments and advice, as always more than welcome.







    • Like 8
  6. Thanks Richard.

    I have added another night of luminance to this, and also captured some RGB, but I spent a couple of hours at the RGB tonight only to get a brown mess.  I'll get Steves book out and have a read.

    Below is my luminance, now sitting at 5 hours and 10 minutes of exposure, I wonder if I've overdone the processing 😕

    Comments welcome





    • Like 3
  7. Just now, jonathancd said:

    I know what you mean, I am terrible at sticking to just one target!  It is very rare I ever manage more than 2 hours on a single target.  Will try to be more patient next time we get a clear moon free night and go for at least 3 hours on a single object.

    With stretching the pictures always end up a bit grainy which I mostly put down to the heavy light pollution (bortle 8/9) but I know more time would help too.  Please with these though as they are the first images I have taken through a telescope for 2 and a half years.  I have only been doing widefields for the last few years (mostly 135mm focal length at most) so temptation to do a few targets was too great!

    Thanks for the comments


    I like these but especially IC1396!  I used to image with the same 1000d, and found that 8 hours total exposure at ISO800 or ISO1600 was the sweet spot :D  That will go someway to resolving the graininess issues, however I appreciate that you mightnt want to dedicate a whole night to one object.

  8. 29 minutes ago, geordie85 said:

    The forecast for the weekend is looking like a great test for my astrodon 3nm Ha filter. 

    And I've got 5 days off work so should be fun


    I was wondering why you were looking forward to a clear weekend with the full moon in another thread! Obvious now lol

  9. 4 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    Hah! 'tis @Davey-T who missed an "0" off - hoist by  his own petard!

    Methinks the two sensor are so different other considerations are more important - such as sensor size.



    They give a similar FOV.  This was my consideration when I ended up with the 8300.


  10. 1 hour ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    ? using the figures given...

    5,000 x 6 = 30,000kb vs 1x16,000kb.

    From reading up the FITS file is 32000kb for the 1600.

    So 32000 x 6 = 192000 versus 16000, or about 12 times more storage space.


    I read the above from Davey last night, and thought it didnt seem right, since 2x storage space wouldnt be a big deal, but obviously 12x is.

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