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Posts posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thanks Dave,  I will now seriously reconsider the RGB!


    I would like to point out that I've spent four nights on this one so far, and I do try to dedicate time to individual images :D

    Below is some of the above data (the 2018 data), combined with DSLR data taken at the same time.  I agreed colour would be nice addition, along with a bit more luminance.



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  2. 49 minutes ago, Xiga said:

    Very nice Adam!

    I agree, it would be a shame not to see all the lovely brown dust you've captured. If the thought of capturing it all seems a bit daunting, then how's about blitzing it with something quick like 8 X 300s (Binned) for just R and B (and synthesize the G). That way, with your dual rig, you could gather enough data for all 4 panels in only ~3 hrs, and it should be enough to get you a nice result.

    Cheers Ciaran. It would be nice to get it done.  I only have RGB on one camera, but I can get more lum whilst I'm getting colour.  I need to get SGPro, this was manually aligned, PITA.

  3. 24 minutes ago, StuartJPP said:

    I agree with above that you should continue. I always remember what a wildlife photographer told me a long, long time ago...."Rather spend the time to get one awesome image than spend the time getting lots of nice images".

    I think it applies to astrophotography (and many other things in life).

    Not that I am saying that your image is "nice", it is very, very good, but could be awesome with some colour 😉

    Thanks Stu.  It's the thought of four panels and 3 filters per panel that's putting me off!

  4. 10 minutes ago, Peje said:

    Damn, I was hoping it was too much of a coincidence that this was loose.

    If it's not slipping, what would have caused the pulley to get jammed on the motor shaft?

    I know exactly the reason. The motor shaft will have a little indent/scratch on it from the previous screw which held on the origin cog. I remember now having to smooth this off with sandpaper to get the new cog on. It was a tight squeeze to get it on. I couldn’t get it off again but it would move a little but not come off, like yours. I just left it on and tightened the screw.  I figured it didn’t need flattened at all.


    I don’t think the motors will be strong enough to grind the steel, they will just stall. It’s going to be the other cog that’s loose  



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  5. 20 minutes ago, tomato said:

    Lovely mosaic, APP  doing it’s stuff I take it? Lots of dust there, I think this region looks great in monochrome.

    Lots of images being posted of these subjects at the moment, I can see why.

    APP works wonders with mosaics. I have a new decent spec pc and it took over 60 minutes to crunch it all out 😮 Two cameras, two scopes, four nights, different orientations, ending with a seemless piece of magic. 

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  6. This is my first overnight session of the year.  It began with some equipment issues, but after I got that sorted I settled on the Ghost Nebula.  I had some older data of the Iris from Sept 2018 and Nov 2018, so I was planning on making a mosaic.

    I think there was cloud later on as some of subs has extended star trailing.  But PHD must have regained a new star, and subsequent subs were ok, and contributed to extending the mosaic!

    Data from Atik 383L+ and QHY9M, over three nights, using luminance filter

    Sept 18 = 33 x 600s / Nov 18 = 10 x 300s / Sept 19 = 60 x 300s

    Total integration time = 12.25 hours (split over the three panels).

    Capture: APT

    Processing: APP and PS


    Overall I am actually quite pleased, but I feel like it lacks contrast between the light and dark areas.  I appreciate the area is full of dust but any tips welcome.  I was inspired by images of the Ghost Nebula on here and that is why I went for it.


    Any input or comments welcome.











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  7. 1 minute ago, Peje said:

    Top marks for sorting it out mid-session!! TBH I wasn't sure what was wrong and with me being a bit bullish, I figured it was best to just leave it be.

    Looking at the options I can see three potential causes:

    (1) Dec Belt too loose
        > This should be easy to check without removing the mount from the pier, tighten it a little and see if the problem changes. If the problem gets worse then it points to item (2) or (3).
        > This could explain the 'hopping', mount moves but belt jumps a tooth, then it moves again, and so on.
        > This would be the happy path but it feels quite unlikely.

    (2) 47 Tooth pulley (Worm shaft) grub screws loose
        > Not much else I can do other than strip the Dec to bits, ensure everything is solid and rebuild.

    (3) 12 tooth pulley (Dec motor) grub screws loose.
        > I notice in the guide it say to file a flat on the motor, have asked the guy who modded mine if he did this.
        > This one could be easier checked that (2) but rebuild involves what I'm told is the hardest part, getting the motor back in with engagement on the belt. Any advice on how best to do this?

    Thanks again for the great information.


    Getting the motor on last night was footery but in reality just a matter of gently aligning and turning the end of the worm shaft back and forward 1mm at the same time (behind the black circular cover) and it will slide on. There is no solution that I’m aware of unless you want to cut a hole in the casing!

    All of these things can be done while the mount is on the pier, makes it easier.

    Remove the electronics cover and you can just see the belt. You might be able to work out what’s loose.

    BUT either way you have to remove the motor to get the Dec axis off so I’d say just remove the motor and have a look  



  8. Hi Pete

    Im pretty sure stardodger has hit the nail on the head. I loosely tightened the new worm gear cog when I did mine, and forgot to fully tighten it before reassembly. I had similar symptoms to you - no stalling noise and no movement.  You won’t get access via motor removal, this needs the mount pulled apart again.

    It really sounds like the worm shaft cog is loose.  It’s not the belt.

    I had my own issues this evening.  Mount stopped moving in RA during plate solving.  Somehow the belt had popped off the RA worm cog. I removed the motor but if you are familiar with the design of the housing it was impossible to slip the belt back on.

    Yep I had to start stripping at 10pm.

    Currently imaging the ghost Nebula with guiding between 0.6 and 0.9” so all went well 😂 I was very very close to throwing the head up when I couldn’t find an Allen key the right size, but I remembered advice from a Col Chris Hadfield show I was at - break the job down into single tasks, and get on with it. Cheesy but it helped.



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  9. Hey Robin.

    It does look quite pinky blue, and I see what you mean about the lack of distinction.  What do the stacks look like?   Last night I collected about 1.5 hours Ha and 1.5 hours Oiii with the same camera.  I plan to have a go at processing it tonight.  I'll try that method you used and see if it yields similar results.  I think we are also using the same filters.

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