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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. That is only true if you don’t put a value on your time.
  2. IMO 3D printing is ideal for making custom parts or things that can’t readily get hold of. When you start reproducing stuff that’s easily bought then there is little benefit especially when those things like a filter wheel will take hours to design and produce. Reality is you're better off doing some overtime at work and just buying one (but I appreciate there is some satisfaction in designing something yourself even if it is just copying what’s out there) . When I first bought my printer all I wanted to make was custom spacers and adapters. I was able to print the threads ok after a bit of tweaking but they leaked light even at 100% infill and in black so I lIned them with sticky back tinfoil. Then ended up being too weak as the threads are printed in same direction as the layers. They will absorb moisture too over time and do change shape with temp esp black material. It’s definitely doable but when you can buy a very nice QHY EFW at £249 I do question the benefits
  3. @Sunshine if you know how 😜 *put an @ symbol, then type the user name, and then click on the box that pops up.
  4. Absolutely fantastic, what an image.
  5. I wasnt aware of this just, I've some comet data but didnt fancy running SXT on 250 subs one at a time. Is Batch mode PI only?
  6. Amazing Lee, well worth the effort, a wonderful region of the sky.
  7. Lovely photo Francis, nice and close! Can I ask how you did this?
  8. That’s very useful Mark. The end of the handle of the plough is just visible so definitely one for late late
  9. I’ve a clear forecast from 4am tomorrow morning. Is the best time as late as possible? It’s in bootes?
  10. Incredible detail in the new version. Aperture rules.
  11. I’ve done a broadband HH without Ha and tbh it looks pretty damn good! You can always add Ha later. Colour Only:
  12. @fwm891 thats a truly wonderful image Francis.
  13. I’ve used data from an ED80 to colour the luminance from a 250px. Same idea as you - high quality lum and ‘adequate’ colour. There was plenty of extra FOV with the colour making it easy to align and plenty to spare to crop the 500mm focal length to the 1200mm. I did the alignment using diy mods to the dovetail and some shims. It worked fine in providing sufficient resolution for the luminance. What you are proposing should be ok with the SS60. Issues: you might get flexure between the scopes, giving eggs stars in one scope. Probably correctable by BXT but a rigid connection is something to think about to try to prevent it. I now have two identical scopes and sensors - with the rotatable focuser and an adjustable saddle I can get them very accurately aligned on the same mount. But in my opinion this setup is only feasible as a permanent setup. You don’t want to be fine tuning the alignment every time you use it, and it’s too heavy to lift assembled. I don’t know how heavy the esprit is but I have an APM 105mm and it is definitely on the heavy side at 10kg 😳
  14. What direction does it fly once launched? Is it possible to see this as a dot moving across the sky like a satellite ?
  15. It’s not payload, it’s opening on the dome that’s preventing more stuff being added 😂 Im just not sure on £500 on a 2009 EQ6 🤔
  16. The poster hasn’t been on here for 3 years so mightn’t reply!
  17. Thanks for the feedback Ciarán @Xiga I will run those changes you have suggested as they do improve the image! And thanks again for your help, meeting up motivated me and gave me the necessary tools to improve 🙏
  18. Just a thinking out loud/looking advice here! I’ve been thinking about getting a second mount for my Epsilon 180ed and SW 200p to be able to get use out of them. I plan on making a very small observatory or even just a pier and leave the mount permanently attached. I currently have an old and quite superficially corroded LXD75 mount that I haven’t tested but it does fire up. It may be a mess inside but don’t know yet. I’m not sure if would be up to the task of supporting the epsilon. I also just contacted the fella that bought my belt modded EQ6 some years ago, and I have been offered to buy it back at £500. Alternatively I could buy a new mount but stuff has got expensive! However technology has moved on too and I’m not up to speed with all the new CEM etc mounts. So if anyone has any input that would be good to hear! Cheers! Adam
  19. Very nice Lee. Lovely to see stars fields and clusters like this, rich in colour and size. The 6” is definitely an under used instrument but is a good aperture and FL. I cut my teeth on one and still have it tucked away.
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