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Everything posted by Telescope40

  1. Nice additions Jeremy. Scope looks familiar with that focuser, too. Trust it’s working well. John
  2. Blimey. Has that counterweight gone on a trip ??!!
  3. Got em !! 9.29 pm. Chuffed. Nice view in the binos. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Try the scopes. John
  4. Same here. Using my Pentax 12 x 50’s - 4.2 “ fov. Hope fully nab both together as the light fades. Lovely evening for it 👍
  5. That is just class !! 👍👍👍. John
  6. Have you placed an order for a pair @astro_al ?? If so I’ll look forward to a review. regards John
  7. May I ask which OTA is going to be attached to that rather nice mount ?? John
  8. +1 for the Geoptik chair. Feels like an equivalent upgrade as a new OTA ! I know I’m not helping @JeremyS John
  9. @JeremyS First for me this daytime observing. As per Johns comment. Twitching now at maybe catching Jupiter sooner than I thought. Bout time I wrote a review of my new mount. It’s rejuvenated observing sessions for sure. John
  10. Hello all. Just thought I’d give Venus a go in full daylight with my fairly new set up - SW150 and AZ EQ5 GT Mount. Never got Venus in full daylight before but my mount had a “daylight” mode and bingo. Gotcha ! Thinking it’s as good as if not better than after sunset. Lovely thin crescent now. Using my binoviewers and playing with different EP’s. Rather relaxing for sure. John
  11. Hello . I have the AZ EQ5GT Mount. Only had it a few weeks but so far so good. Only use in AZ mode. Visual only. Gotos spot on. Not too heavy to set up. HTH. John.
  12. Indeed. Just a big big for my garden. Sigh !
  13. Hello. Currently out on my bike - pedals - Bianchi. Absolutely cracking day. Aperture fever has kicked in. 12 miles from home. 👍👍
  14. Hello Jeremy. Many thanks for the kind words. Had a major sort out of equipment since the turn of the year. My two big scopes were sold off with a view to getting the Evostar. Also my chunk of a mount, a NEQ6 PRO, with it's erratic Goto antics also parted company with my good self. Was getting to be a real struggle lugging it to the garden. I'm not getting any younger. New mount sourced and all is good. Must also note the Geoptik observing chair in the picture. Got it a few weeks ago after getting recommendations off a few SGL'ers. As good a piece of kit as the scope and mount. It's helped tremendously. I no longer have to make the scope and mount suit my viewing position or vice versa. I am much more comfortable with the adjustments the chair gives. It's a gamechanger as I can now be relaxed when my eye hits the eyepiece. Long may it continue. John
  15. Last nite. First full run with scope and mount. All went rather well . John
  16. Doug. I’ll give this a follow up. Nothing ventured and all that John
  17. Hello Doug. @cloudsweeper Had a rather nice read of your session. Sounded rather good. You gave me inspiration for my couple/of hours last night. Was looking to follow in your footsteps. Doubles are not my usual targets to be honest. Using my SW 150 frac and ES 8.8 EP. 136 X In the garden. Started by using doubles suggested by the Synscan unit on my mount. Izar, Iota Cancer. Double double. Now on to Bootes. Synscan again gave me a couple to look at. 44 Bootes and Delta. Bootes. Time to try for your 2 that you mention. Thiba -. Not showing on my Synscan handset and I went to SkySafari for some co ordinates. Still no joy ?? Probably me TBH being dumb. Anyhow - Alkalurops. Found co ordinates on SS and I popped them into my handset - not done this method in a LONG time - Bingo !! Just as per your sketch. Well chuffed. You have started a new route for me with doubles. Quite a number still to troll thru on my handset. Finally jumped over to Luna. Bit wobbly to be honest but Schoters V looking good and a couple of craterlets on the floor of Plato observed. Headed in then for a brew. Best regards. John
  18. Hello all. Great idea from Dave @F15Rules If any of our friends from FLO read this, I would love it if they could commission two reviews of the new Maxbrights..one by our resident King of binoviewing, MikeDnight, a fully paid up fan of binoviewing, and the other by John, our resident King of single eyepiece reviewing, but a much more sceptical bv user based on previous experiences. We might then find out whether binoviewing is about to become much more attractive an observing option to many...or not?? Either way two such reviews would make fascinating reading! Thanks for bearing with me thinking out loud Dave Im really interested in these. @FLO could well get a few orders as a follow up. Might I suggest @Stuas a “backup reviewer” or tester No 3. No rush. Birthday ain’t till August. A few planets kicking about too 👍👍 John
  19. John. Try, try, try again ?? Where’s the harm apart from the wallet, maybe. Good luck. John
  20. Hello. I’m in the same club. Love BV’s. No need for the green and black glass. Views as good in standard eyepieces. Maybe looking at a new pair - Baader Max bright mark 2’s or maybe TS BIG Binoviewers. I know not all get on with them but if you can it’s a whole new world John
  21. Whoops. Sorry. Didn’t check for last post. John
  22. Hello Jeremy. Great scope. One day I might get my grubby mitts on one. Very nice set up. Fir now. May I ask. Is that a SW AZ EQ5 GT MOUNT ?? If so, Im really interested in the saddle I can see on the mount. Geoptik maybe looking at the colour. Did the saddle directly fit the mount or maybe a compatible puck was needed for the saddle to work. Thanks. John
  23. Hhmm. Looks familiar. Let me think ! John
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