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Everything posted by Telescope40

  1. Thanks guys from this old numbskull. I’ll keep thinking - left left left side 👍👍👍
  2. Not really. Was wondering if there is a northern / Southern Hemisphere option. Thinking now it may have been on the “wrong side” as I’ve rotated the scope in its clamshell when using on my other mount. thanks John
  3. Hello all. AZ GTI mount in use again last nite. Been a couple of months. Alignment issues. Tried both 1 star align and North level align which has worked as planned before. Using Arcturus as start point - mount swings down to look at the lawn. The app seems to look like it’s updated ? but I may well be wrong. Thinking of re naming it the AZ - GIT mount. Thorts from any owners. May well buy a handset and forget the WiFi / phone / tablet option. FPS John
  4. Worth a look in WL today ?? Working ATM Thx. John
  5. Hello all. Recently fitted a Primaluce puck and saddle to my SW mount. Crossed my mind it's looking a little funky these days. Don't get me wrong. Love a nice black and white finish to Astro kit but a few colours are creeping in from/left field ?? Primaluce puck and saddle - RED Geoptik HEQ5 to EQ6 adaptor - Orange / Amber SW setting circles - Green. My SW 150 ain't far behind. SW dovetail in green, Primaluce scope rings and Moonlite Focuser in Red What colour next I ask myself - yellow or blue ? John
  6. Hello. Replacement arrived from FLO. I can see springs!! It opens !! It works !! Very nice bit of kit. John
  7. Hello. Still a no go with this saddle. Thanks for the photo update @johninderby but the clamp will not open at all so I cannot see any Spring mechanism. I'm going to give it one more go but think it'll be a return to FLO and get another one sent out. Really appreciate the input with this rather odd situation. Regards. John
  8. Hello again. Looks like it’s a duff un. Taken both thumbscrews off. Cannot get it to move. Given it a few taps. Pulled it, pushed it. Nothing. Cannot see any springs like the ADM ones I have. Should you be able to see springs ?? Back to FLO unfortunately. Can’t do much more as don’t want any - not returned as supplied issues with FLO. John
  9. I’ll give it a shot and update if any progress. Thank you @johninderby👍
  10. Hello guys. I’ve removed the thumbscrews completely off the saddle. I am seeing no gap as per the photo you have posted @johninderby Tempted to remove the bolts that the thumbscrews mount to but don’t want to do any damage if I have to return it. Feels like it’s “welded” shut. Are there any grub screws at all ?? Bonkers John
  11. Hello John. That seems to be the issue. Yes. That’s what I’m trying. I have a couple of ADM saddles that are spring loaded. Piece of cake with those. This Primaluce one doesn’t seem to be made that way. Can’t seem to open it at all, ( budge it ). The saddle does not seem to adjust ??? Totally baffled ATM. Guess I’m missing something fundamental which I’m good at sometimes. Ive seen posts from @johninderbyand @garryblueboy who have / had the same saddle. Maybe if they see this they can enlighten me. Thx. John
  12. Hello all. Thort I knew bout dovetail bars. Maybe not ? Just received from FLO a Primaluce saddle - vixen / losmandy fitting - lovely bit of kit. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dovetails-saddles-clamps/primaluce-lab-plus-big-dovetail-clamp-for-vixen-losmandy.html I have SW bars fitted to both my scopes. Reading the blurb I led myself to believe that Vixen and Skywatcher d bars are the same. However cannot get to fit them to the new saddle. It’s not spring loaded - am I missing the obvious- sure I am. Looking to be set straight. ( I have mailed FLO to try and clarify thx. John
  13. Arrived today. Via FLO. The dovetail clamp is BIG to say the least. Final upgrade for my mount. John
  14. Hello. My tuppence. I have the AZ EQ5 GT mount. Are you using visually ?? If so might I suggest you use the AZ mode while you get used to the mount, No messing with polar align. Pick option north align. Tripod level - scope pointing north and have it mounted on the right hand side of the mount. I initially had it on the left and Goto was a nightmare. It didn't work !! Use mid range EP 12 mm ?? Follow the mount instructions. HTH. John
  15. Hello. Bit late with this report due to work today. 😉 Out last night with the 150 about 8.30. Moon first target. Conditions a little wobbly Bob but crack on. Binoviewers in use x177 Plato looking good and a couple of craterlets. Sinus Iridium well lit. Jura mountains looking "mountainous"'. Laplace promontory throwing a very long shadow into the bay. The straight range very clear too. Jumped over to Clavius. Just about my favourite crater. Central mountains of Porter looking good with a bit of concentration. Over to the Montes Riphaeus. Looks like the outline of an alien or maybe a bunny rabbit to me. Read this in Sky and Telescope - see it every time now. Followed up by just gliding around the orb catching shadows. ( All this guided by recent book purchase - Discover the moon by Lacroux and Legrand. ). Getting a little darker now and the mount is connected to SS on my I pad. Try some doubles. Porrima and Algeba plus 54 Leonis. SS indicating on its list quite a few options in Hercules. Got this lot. Raslgethi - Marsic - Sarid - Rho - 95 and 100 Herc. All new to me. Moved on to a few usuals. Cor Caroli - still like this. The double double in Lyra. Finally a few Messiers. M57 - pretty good given conditions. M92 and M13. A little averted view helping both. M53 - struggled somewhat. It was there but not giving much. Packed up about 11.45. See this now as maybe a last chance for a little while given the time of year. Roll on "planet season". Looking forward to what this scope can show me when Jupe, Saturn and Mars in view. Thanks. John
  16. Hello. I’ve got the same mount. Not had it long. I’m visual only and use Alt AZ mode. Used daytime align and not had any problems. Selected the Moon to align on and tracked nicely. PS. ( Never done daytime observing but using same method I had success in aligning on the Sun using appropriate filters and asked the mount to find Venus. It obliged. A first view in full daylight ) HTH. John
  17. Thanks both @garryblueboy and @johninderby Hope fully will arrive this week. FLO a little slower than their usual magic delivery times but no biggie. Do they come with the bolt on hardware or is that for me to sort ? John
  18. Hello Gary. @garryblueboy. I have on order from FLO the same puck and saddle for my AZ EQ5 GT. Have you found to be a real solid upgrade?? John
  19. I'm out with my 102 frac. Hyginus and Triesnecker area. Steady as she goes. can hardly detect any "wobble< or should that be "wibble" at all. LOL John
  20. Hello Mike. Excellent sketches. The rille was just lit nicely last night and stood out well. Will Setup in a while for another go. Think it’s the turn of my 102 frac this evenin John
  21. Lovely evening. Got the SW 150 out for some relaxed Lunar. Had no specific targets in mind. Ended up being mesmerised by these two landscapes. The rille was a dark slash / line probably helped with tonight's phase. Had my "Discover the moon" book with me by Lacroux and Legrand. Great descriptions. Got to looking at the three amigos. Catarina, Cyrillus and Theophilus. Theophilus was epic. The central hills of the crater looking like a "fleur de lis" Was using my binoviewers with my scope. 400 plus mags. Very clear and steady night was helping. A rather nice 90 minutes. Probably another follow up tomorrow. Quick smartphone shot. Not too hot I'm afraid. John
  22. Cheers guys. Was thinking that it may be a bit of an ask for the mount, the software or both. John
  23. Hello all. Apologies Mods if I’m in the wrong forum. Can the ISS be tracked with a goto Mount with a WiFi dongle and Sky Safari running alongside. I’m thinking it’s a bit of an ask for the equipment but if anyone knows, it’ll be known on the fab site. Regards John
  24. Delivered over the last few days. Xmas come early. Wallet will relax now. Via ABS UK - the rings were from @GavStar Via ABS UK William optics 1.25 in diagonal. Nice - for my Stellarvue 102 frac. Primaluce rings an upgrade / pimp up, for my SW 150 ED John.
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