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Status Updates posted by Pig

  1. Hiya Gordon, it seems your are my 4,000 like:happy7:

    1. Floater


      Well, I'm pleased to hear that, Shaun.

      Thought you had been a bit quiet recently so glad to see you around some more.

      Yours aye.

    2. Pig


      its been a bit hectic at home for the past few months, much to do and not enough hours in the day to get it done...... mind you the poor skies haven't helped :happy7:

  2. Pig


    I have been holding on for the 10mm, if its still available I will take it.
    If its available send me your bank details and I will transfer the cash over.

    Thanks Shaun

  3. Enjoy the food Jules :happy7: We may be treated to some new year clear skies on Sunday night, so you never know a good session with your new scope may be on the menu too..... Happy New year to you and your family.

  4. New scope & mount in the post.... should be here tomorrow.

    Ioptron AZ PRO GoTo

    Starwave 110mm F7 Refractor

    Dual mount capability restored at long last :hello: and some extra aperture for the Quark

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Pig


      I am eagerly waiting for the scope & mount to arrive.... so many delivery vans turning up and driving by....sadly none of them have been for me :happy7:

    3. Drop Of Sun

      Drop Of Sun

      Oooh! I am most interested in how it compares to the 80mm for you, Shaun! Have fun :)

    4. Pig


      Thank you Luke I will let you know as soon as I get the chance to use it.

  5. Pig

    Stu do you know how I can contact Marc..... I am only an hour from Stafford and wouldn't mind meeting up with him agian

  6. XW 10mm in the post, completing the set :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Nor me Gerry and thank you :-)

    3. YKSE


      Congratulations Shaun :-)

    4. Pig


      Thank you young Yong :-)

  7. Xw 3.5mm in the post

    1. faulksy
    2. Pig


      Thank you Mike, hopefully it will be here soon :-)

    3. jetstream
  8. Xw 3.5mm in the post

  9. XW 5mm in the post :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig



    3. Pig


      Yes Yong.... I am on a mission at the moment:-)

    4. Pig


      I am experiencing a mid hobby Crisis :-)

  10. VIP Barlow in the post :-)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pig


      Cheers Yong I was looking at some reviews and I came across your comments on CN, it helped make up my mind:-)

    3. faulksy


      where from shaun ?

    4. Pig


      TS germany

  11. The 20mm XW has landed

    1. jetstream


      Congrats!! Great top tier addition Shaun

    2. Pig


      Thank you Gerry :-)

  12. Pentax XW 7 & 20mm in the post

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Luke


      Double congrats then :) :) I am just too lazy to use a barlow though I find it handy on hols with reduced EP selection, maybe I should look at a zoom though?

    3. Pig


      The only zooms I have had full joy with are the very expensive type £350+ !!!!

    4. Pig


      And a zooms field stop,if you want to use it with the Quark, is important.

  13. 20mm Pentax XW definitely on the way :-)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pig


      Give or take a month :-)

    3. Qualia


      Look forward to hearing your opinions, Shaun :-)

    4. Pig


      I am looking forward to this one Rob :-)

  14. Toyota Rav 4 Invincible in the Post :-)

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Pig


      Just 3 Imad 2 fracs and an SCT I also have the Quark Chromosphere

    3. emadmoussa


      Is it the 9.25" Celestron you always had?

    4. Pig


      No Imad I sold that quite some time ago, a 150mm OTA I use it on a giro. I only use it as a lunar scope.

  15. Great visit to the dark site last night...brrrr it did get very cold, thank heavens for solar observing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      It seems to take it in turns with us all, its been quite pleasant this week here, I didn't book a bad week off work so I cant complain.. I have just about warmed up after last night but just to make sure I am off to the steam room soon :-)

    3. faulksy


      glad you had a good time. they have given a heat wave for next week

    4. Pig


      Thank you Mike, I saw clear outside shows lots of green :-)

  16. I though I would use my coat of arms for my Avatar

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pig


      Don't forget the tomato sauce ;-)

    3. ghostdance


      Love yr new avatar! I feel hungry...

    4. Qualia


      That's brilliant, Shaun. The Spanish expression, "Tienes Huevos", takes on a whole new twist :-)

  17. Sol Finder & Continuum filter on route to me :-)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      The Sol-Searcher I have makes life so much easier. The filter is also very useful

    3. Luke


      Two very nice goodies for not crazy money :) I know shadow method is fine and costs add up, but in the long run the finder works out good value.

    4. Pig


      Cheers guys, I used the voucher from FLO :-)

      All I will need is the small dovetail adapter for the finder you showed me Luke

  18. 80mm SW Esprit in the post

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. faulksy


      nice one shaun, when do you hope to receive it

    3. Pig


      Thanks Mike, Around Wednesday, but I am not sure if it is a Stock Item. FLO are generally very consistent :-)

    4. faulksy


      nice one, lovely bit of kit. look foward to sum pics

  19. Quark Quark where for art though Quark

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luke


      I don't blame it taking its time with all this cloud :-o Hope it's here soon, Shaun, plus some sun!

    3. Pig


      Cheers guys Im sure it wont be long... Not sure Gerry, It was supposed to leave the US on Wednesday

    4. jetstream


      It will be here soon Shaun!

  20. Televue 32mm Plossl arrived today :-)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ghostdance


      I've been censored! LOL.

      Good luck with your first light :)

    3. Pig
    4. space1234


      GOOD FOR YOU!!!

  21. Dont you just love time off from work :-)

  22. Mini Giro WR - Deluxe Dual Extension With Prism, in the post :-)

    1. jetstream


      Hmm, what you up to?:) Congrats....

    2. Pig


      Hoping for improved control with the dual set up :-)

      The AZ4 is a bit tricky to balance with both scopes on -- not in the Goldilocks zone as it is.

  23. La La La Tum Tee Tum

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pig


      And cover it all with wall a floor units ?

    3. emadmoussa


      probably the area around the cooker and behind the sink..

    4. Pig


      All 4 walls Imad top to bottom - and the plaster behind would have been new - now I need to re-plaster, as Mr T would say "crazy fools"

  24. Leica Zoom # 2 in th post - 2nd time lucky

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Nothing I just changed my mind and decided to buy a new one as apposed to buying second hand. There was some minor damage on the body so I decided against it.

    3. jetstream


      Can't wait for the first light report Shaun!

    4. Pig


      Nor me Gerry, I am still on holiday so hopefully it will be there when I get home on Saturday.

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