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Everything posted by ollypenrice

  1. My purchasing policy is now up for review! 😀lly
  2. I've never had reflections in any Ha filter, Adam. Olly
  3. I was half expecting it to be unavailable but if you get them before TS I'll buy from you, Steve. It's just that mine is a Euro business and staying in the Euro is easier. Olly
  4. Hmmm, I hope this product isn't 'vapourware!' Just in from Telescope Service: Dear Mr. Penrice,The delivery of the following items you ordered is unfortunately delayed due to delivery postponed by our supplier:Product No. 62162 – Baader Ultra-Narrowband 4.5nm OIII CCD-Filter 1,25"We can probably ship this product on the 01.10.2019Please let us know how you would like us to proceed with your order.Should we not hear from you, we will just deliver your original order as soon as possible.We gladly answer any of your questions by e-mail or telephone.Best RegardsCustomer Support Astroshop.eu
  5. I'll do a comparison as soon as I'm able. Olly
  6. Well done! I was on their site and couldn't find it. The 16803 has a 52.1mm diagonal so it will certainly need a flattener. I have to say that trying a chip this size in a GSO RC would make me nervous because it is going to have to be in superb collimation and tilt-free to hold up to the edges. However, Harry Page quite rightly called me a wimp in these matters! Olly
  7. I guess you've searched for a corrected circle diameter and not found one published. I found none, either, when I looked. No marks for GSO on that one! I don't recall anyone posting images from such a scope on here and I found nothing on Astrobin. You might find someone on CN, perhaps? Olly
  8. Well, I just pressed the button on this one for the small format rig (dual TEC140/Atik 460/Moravian G3-8300.) The Moravian already has an AD 3nm Ha in it so the ability to shoot good narrowband simultaneously in both barrels will be very nice. Planetaries do make great targets. I greatly enjoyed doing the Owl even with a rather old Astronoùmk OIII but both that and the Baader 8nm we have in the widefield rig require a lot of processing to hold down the star halos. Olly
  9. Heh heh, I think I can stand you a beer next time! Being from Belgium you really like French supermarket 3.5% lager, no doubt??? ? Olly
  10. Hi Pieter, I've been waiting for this to appear because, like you, I don't think much of the 8nm one I now have. At this price I think I'll risk it. Thanks for pointing out that it's available! Olly
  11. I'm agreeing with you, not saying the opposite. I just think I'll probably die like a dinosaur, that's all! Olly
  12. I think that history proves astrophotography to be camera-driven... If I were younger I might think differently but I suspect that I may turn into a CCD diehard dinosaur. lly
  13. Any telescope only becomes stunning when people have tried them and found them to be stunning. Olly
  14. Backlash in either axis does matter for guiding. Its negative effects in RA can be reduced by running east heavy and in Dec by being slightly polar misaligned, with only one guide direction active in the guide program. Hwever, a bit of wind can soon catch you out. Best to fix the backlash mechanically. Olly
  15. If there was no wind and the tripod wasn't sinking into a damp lawn then, yes, it looks problematic. Olly PS It rather looks as if the movement might be jerky. The trails are not smooth but seem to have concentrated points, in the short sub at the left of the trail and in the longer sub at various points along it.
  16. When trying to split doubles the observer is not looking for an attractive view of the stars but simply for evidence of separation so a very high power may do that. When looking at the moon and planets the objectives are different since we are looking for fine details accurately rendered. Unless I've missed it the thread has not mentioned a highly critical number which does not derive uniquely from aperture or magnification and that's exit pupil. Certain targets, and most famously the Horsehead, are dependent on exit pupil. (Exit Pupil in mm = EP's FL in mm divided by its F ratio.) Olly Edited because I originally said 'scope's FL' in a senior moment! Thanks to Steve (Trikeflyer) for pointing this out.
  17. Regarding heat, this has yet to do any damage here and we are often in the upper thirties in summer. I just leave things like doors and flaps open and this seems to do the trick. I just had a long catch-up on this build and greatly enjoyed it. Olly
  18. I use two of Lucas' Mk1 200 mounts commercially and they just work. The older one is 6 years old and still fantastic. I like the look of this flip-free idea though. This is an exciting new product. Olly
  19. This looks like a different issue. You have one dark column rather than a regular banding. Olly
  20. Like Dave, earlier on in the thread, the nearest I could get would be with a six inch (ish) refractor with large corrected field. With a full frame camera (or better still one with a 36x36mm chip) you can go fairly wide: ...and with a small pixel camera you can do as well or almost as well as with a much larger reflector on small targets: Visually you don't have the light grasp for the faintest of the fuzzies but those which it can deliver it can deliver with exquisite clarity and a wonderful sense of immersion in space. I'm glad the obligation to lose our short FL apo and larger reflector is only hypothethetical, though. Olly
  21. The minimum mount is the mount which is a little above the minimum mount you need! But seriously, this really is the truth. If you joined an astrosoc you might find someone who could look over a mount for you. Buying second hand is certainly the biggest way to cut costs. A large majority of the kit I use as an astronomy provider was second hand, including 2xMesu 200 mounts, Takahashi FSQ106, TEC140, Meade LX200 14 inch and DMK planetary camera and Atik 460 CCD. It's all perfectly good kit and no different from new. The HEQ5 is a good mount with plenty of backup available. Olly
  22. Skipper Billy started it with his submarines! Olly
  23. Yes, it is worth repeating that mount tops do not need to be level and this can simplify their construction. Polar alignment is not affected though it might need a couple more iterations of drift. Takahshi mounts and tripods have no facility for levelling, just in case you're doubtful about this! Olly
  24. Well, you have the data! That's beautifully processed as well. Olly
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