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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. This is the newer 7.2-21.6, it has a wider FOV, I use all my zooms on my PST and now my 40mm Lunt solar scope. They work perfectly on the sun in conjunction with various filters.
  2. That mount supposedly holds a 7kg payload, the AZ5 a 9kg payload with the 1.25" SS tripod. Have you tried that mount, are they even available and again at what comparative price vs the capabilities.
  3. I had a look at the Rowan, it is a wonderful, solid mount but I don't think it is an apples to apples comparison with the AZ5 when it comes to price. It will likely come in at twice the price which is a big factor for many astronomers who just want great viewing on a dark night. This Rowan is probably a level or 2 above manys needs, which is my situation and thus the less but very sufficent AZ5 for my and I am sure many other fellow astronomers. In its class there is non better than the AZ5 that I have used. Thanx for that point out though, for me maybe down the road.
  4. I saw that ROWAN ad, I will have a look. The other problem is / was who has what in stock when you want it.
  5. Please guide me to the better mounts in an AZ type, I am interested ?
  6. I agree, I'm just passing on my early experience with this mount. Before that it was 3 Porta II's and before that 3 AZ4's and a Twilite I . To me it is the best of them all in an AZ configuration but I am surely not the only owner. I researched high and low but couldn't find any better but I will reseach in this forum more.
  7. Longer scopes are always more of an issue with any Alt / Az, its the nature of the beast for the most part.
  8. Not with my 20lb refractor, f6.6 as a matter of fact it is so smooth in the alt/az that moving it by hand is as good as the control knobs unless one is just picky and then nothing might work for them. Here it is with my 10+lb, f6.25 look at its solidness.
  9. I don't know, mine is only a month or 2 old.
  10. Its not a myth by any stretch, its a heavy (21+lb) with big solid legs, its a work horse with my 20lb 127mm refractor. It carries as good as it gets.
  11. The slomo's work great if you balance the scope correctly, I did and no problem. Its just in the Alt movement.
  12. I have, if you look at the specs it is good for at least a 20lb scope. The mount / tripod weighs a little over 21 lbs. with the extension, I mounted my 20 lb 127mm, f6.6 on it and gave it a test. It performed excellent with those solid 1.75" stainless steel legs, up till now my Vixen Porta II with half the weight and capacity was the one but now its in second place. My 13lb. NP101 rides well on it, a perfect combination
  13. If I didn't own 2 small scopes I would love to have one.
  14. In what ways ? I own 3 Svbony zooms, I am interested to hear.
  15. I had the Celestron Mini Mak 70, it was great little scope but I didn't use it enough so I passed it on to a good home. From my experience with Svbony gear it should prove to be a well built, fun scope with something like the Svbony 10-30mm zoom ep.
  16. My new Svbony 7.2-21.6 zoom has a wider field of view than my other 2, and its just as well built in every way. But I haven't had the weather to give it anything but a quick test run, I sure am looking forward to it in my various size refractors.
  17. My new NP101 ! I have been looking for one for some years, they are very scarce up here in Canada. I jumped on it as soon as it was offered to me. Any owners over here have any experiences or comments to pass out ? Here it is mounted on m SW AZ5, all 13 lb. of it.
  18. No, I am not that type but with my f6 - f11.4 refrctors I am sure it won't be a problem. Thanx for the heads up.
  19. I am not a picky observer but I don't mind spending when / if justified.
  20. My scopes, 4 refractors, 1 dob, range from f6 - f11.4.
  21. What do other fellow astronomers think of the 17mm Baader Hyperion ep ? I would like to hear their experience with the ep's performance, etc I have been thinking of buying one.
  22. So if you had that much bad ...... with the Lunt scopes why did you try / own that many ie maybe just a bearer for punishment as they say ? Spending all that cash, why wouldn't you have just stuck with the brands you appear to have had success with ?? Did I miss something ......
  23. My 2" 31.5mm, 90°, pin point edge to edge in my various refractors f6-f11.4, a great eyepiece for $150 C
  24. Mine performs excellent in all my 5 refractors, f6-f11.4. I like the roll up eye cup as well, its a solid well made ep as are all my other Svbony eps (4) and filters (6).
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