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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. From the mouth of the solar experts that I have noted, Lunt solar products are more reliable, more consistent than the other brands and their prices are as competative for what you get. My rather extensive research pointed me in their direction as did my wallet, lol ! When you look at them, handle them you will quickly note they are a well built scope and the views will confirm it. PS: And I don't work for them, lol !
  2. If you are hundreds of km away it is pretty hard to confirm what you are being told, how many PST users know the intimate workings of that scope to be able to tell a buyer ?? Nite time scopes are not usually a problem but something like a PST might be (sometimes) ! I am sure the OP knows the hazards. Research is the key ?
  3. All well and good but maybe the OP has a cost issue with that mount thats why I mentioned it ! There is nothing to refinding the sun at any time using a searcher / finder, just a bit of laziness, me I enjoy playing around with that type of mount incl. the convenience.
  4. Lets tell it all, that mount is also great for WL viewing and it costs over $600 C ! An AZ mount like a Porta II, with a sol searcher / finder is more than enough to start, I still use that combo especially for WL many times. Both the Lunt and PST scopes come equiped with those type of finders either externally or internally (PST).
  5. Who wants to get into that type of stuff ?
  6. Watch the adds, their prices many are but many aren't out of date, just confirm as required. You know what the world is like today.
  7. Apparently only the older PST versions had rusting problems that were corrected under warranty, the newer didn't but they never identified the cut off between older and newer, lol ! So when it comes to used one had better find out how old, get the serial number and try and track its age, through Cornado to be safe.
  8. Over here the 40mm was $1000 C and the 50mm is $1290 C not incl the crayford focuser, both with the B600 blocking filter and of course tax and shipping on top.
  9. Over here the difference in cost between the 500 and 600 is around $50 C, for visual the 500 is more than adequate but the 600 gives you maybe a bit more contrast, a wider view, I would go to the Lunt website and read their liturature, their explanation on those filters and then make your decision on your possible future uses of your scope. I chose to go the extra $'s but I wouldn't be afraid of the B500, as a matter of fact is the next step down from the B600 not a B400 with the 40mm.
  10. They use tilt tuned on the second etalon when double stacking with a single pressure tuned scope and you decide to try double stacking after the fact. As well the relatively new LS40 model is tilt tuned.
  11. I started out with the PST and went to the Lunt LS40 and now I just moved to the Lunt LS50. The PST is a very capable scope but for just a bit more the Lunt 40 with the B600 filter would be my choice for a stsrter. I use my Svbony 10-30 zoom in my ha scopes most times as well as a variable polarizing filter and / or a #56-58 green filter to improve the contrast for the low power glare under the brightest of conditions. You really will enjoy ha viewing ! Here is the 40mm and the 50mm. PS: I really did enjoy the PST though, starting out !
  12. Here is my classic G&G that I never use, I have promised to give it to a fellow collector if he ever comes to North Bay, he lives about 1200 mi. away. Its a mid 1959 60mm Tasco Model 308, a forerunner of all the Tasco refractors that followed, it does put up some wonderful views, I converted it to take 1.25" eps in order to expand its capabilities. PS: Even though I don't collect scopes quite that old, when I saw it advertised on line for about $100 C I bought it to maybe save it from a fate of being in the hands of a non astronomer and possible destruction being used as a toy. PPS: I did the same with an early 60's Polaroscope, its going to the same fellow astronomer as this one.o
  13. Show us those rear tires throwing up some mud rooster tails, with a bit of fish tailing, lol !
  14. Is it equiped with Warner Hubs on the front wheels to lock them up ?
  15. I just looked at them on the AliExpress site, they are on average about $150 C +tax and shipping.
  16. And my Svbony 48P, 90mm, f5.5. A wonderful scope for $350 C +tax.
  17. My Vixen SS62 and my Celestron SS80 waiting for a set of rings to arrive as the OD of that 80 is much smaller than other brands / models. I should have them in a week and then watch out, lol !
  18. I think I have gotten the solution to my OP. Thanx for all the comments, experiences my fellow astronomers !
  19. Wow, that sure would spoil an astronomers night of viewing !
  20. Good luck with the customs, you will know when it hits Canada.
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