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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. Thats exactly why astronomers will buy their own, they can use them when they want to, just like switching scopes or doing WL / Ha work when you want. For those versatile astronomers they will have their place with everything else but will the skies be any more accomodating ??, lol !
  2. And I am comparing them to my set of Morpheus eps, for the most part neck and neck. The 18-15-10mm sizes are very much smaller, lighter than the Morphs in my several small 62mm refractors.
  3. Agree ! For those that think positive I am sure their minds will be swimming in that future. It is exciting as has been other times, I can hardly wait, which I have been doing for quite some time ! A small big bang is about to happen and we all, even the doomsayers, will benefit, lol.
  4. Thats their problem ! Maybe it will encourage them to develop, to expand. Thats the way the game is / should be played.
  5. I have excellent performance, great views with all my 5 Ultima Edges using my fast refractors (4).
  6. Thanx I will check out that forum !
  7. Its a standard thread, they would be crazy not to. Besides you can get conversion adapters if they were.
  8. Find one of these, a Vixen A62SS, f8.4, weighs less than 5lb, 15"x10"x5" deep. The views are unreal with a good ep. All it needs is a simple, light but sturdy cam tripod.
  9. Over here in North America the new, yet to arrive at our doors ( in July ) ZWO SeeStar scope / camera is getting to be the talk as a future competitor for the other mostly much higher priced similar gear. I haven't seen much talk over this way or I have missed it so give CN a look as there are a couple of ongoing threads about it. Just a heads up that many may be interested in, hopefully this isn't just a repeated thread. PS: I preordered one for $535 C +13% tax.
  10. Not long ago I used my 2" eps (up to 100°) at least 75% of the time and now I use my 1.25" eps (up to 76°) 75% of the time. So it can go both ways and the views are still wide field and wonderful on those clear, still nites.
  11. My skies are Bortle 4-5 according to my SQM-L, if you can find your way to get a 24mm Pan don't hesitate, don't anylize too much. Most of my refractors of various sizes range from f5, f5.4, f5.5, f8.4 and the views are great.
  12. I forgot to mention I did keep my 24mm Pan, its a great eyepiece.
  13. I have and I don't quite agree, I will take eye relief, FOV and better all round views any day. I have missed something but it has slipped my older mind, lol !
  14. I just added the 10mm to this collection, I will get it Tues.
  15. My second post identifies my future where I am going, I am not interested in a filter wheel, I have owned them and don't like them, also no needs for a motor. My iOptron mount is the one and all I wanted is confirmation that I could use my ipad which I don't think is a problem with the gear I have been looking at. Thanx guys for all the valuable info to consider down the road and my thoughts might change, expand, as I get closer.
  16. I just gave my Lunt LS50 its first test run using various types / sizes of eps under a fairly clear sun, with very little wind at about 9:30-10:30am. The views are great, the pressure tuner will take some getting used to but my initial impression is that the LS40 is a pretty nice scope for a lot less 100's of dollars than the 50. Not as capable as the 50 with a smaller image using eyepieces between 20mm and 9mm as I expected. If $'ers are a little tight jump on the 40mm or a PST.
  17. So this still applies to my using a momochrome cam probably of ZWO make or similar ?
  18. Haven't gotten that far yet so why don't you tell me what you have been able to control.
  19. I have pretty well a complete set of Baader Morpheus eyepieces which followed a set of Hyperions which followed a set ......., which followed etc. The Morpheus are my top line group but I have now put together a small collection of Celestron Ultima Edge eps. I like their pinpoint, edge to edge, wide field performance, their smaller size / weight and the thought of having a handy comparison, a shootout between the 2 sets when the notion strikes and the skys are right. The spring time nite skies are greatly improving and now I can hardly wait, its what I like, lol ! PS: Here I go again !
  20. A photo of my Svbony 48P that I should have posted with my last post.
  21. It was definitely my NP101 but now it might just be my Svbony 48P, 90mm ! Less than half the weight, only 11mm less dia. and also quality in every way and great on my Porta II .
  22. Try and get some observing in between say 9:30 - 12 noon before the heat currents in the air or a breeze gets too strong. And don't be surprised that your views vary back and forth between excellent - poor as the day progresses due to that seeing affect / conditions that I just mentioned. There are sweet spots in seeing times as well and they can change quickly.
  23. The PST is great solar observing scope for the cost, I had mine mounted on my Porta II using an L-type bracket made for applications such as that. I used mine mostly with an Svbony 10-30 zoom and sometimes with individual eps of various sizes up to about 9mm. At lower powers to reduce glare and increase contrast I use a variable polarizing filter and as a bit of a change a 56-58 green filter, they are a lot cheaper than a continuum filter and the end result is the same. Many seasoned solar visual observers do the same. I now went with the Lunt 40mm and then the Lunt 50mm scopes because I wanted to try out a pressure tuner system, not because I had to by any means. Enjoy !
  24. Not familiar with your issue but I do know that it keeps the sun dead centre in my scope over a long period of time, once you fine tune where you want it in your view. Thats why I mentioned if you could some how try one before buying one. That one cost me about $700 C + tax / ship.
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