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Everything posted by michael8554

  1. If you eventually want to do long exposure guided imaging, the LX200GPS with a wedge is the better choice, the LX90 is more suited to Visual use. Michael
  2. Hi Mike You'll have to post a PHD2 GuideLog, as you haven't shown an example of the Dither, or the Dither setting, and as bobro suspects, wrong settings. You'll find the Log in the PHD2 folder, check the date in the filename. Michael
  3. The ASI533 has a 1 inch diagonal sensor, which is plenty large enough to show tilt, which your image has. There are posts featuring tilt on ZWO cameras. What lens ? I'd try another lens, or an OTA, before blaming the ZWO for sure. Michael
  4. Periodic Error is rarely a smooth sinusoidal shape. You can see the repeating pattern in vlaiv's PE, hard to follow the video, but looks roughly like this: Michael
  5. If the C8 is like Meade SCT's, you carefully point the SCT skyward, to encourage the primary mirror to slide to the back end of the tube, you must avoid a high-speed collision ! You can then hook the focus rod back onto the primary mirror. Michael
  6. A lot will depend on which telescope you have, there are limits to the amount of "magnification" is usable, and whether focus will be achievable. You can attach via a Barlow Lens, these come in 2X to 5X flavours. Or "old school" Eyepiece Projection, like you were using for your phone. A short focal length eyepiece is inserted into this adapter: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/tele-camera-adaptor-for-eyepiece-projection-astrophotography.html Michael
  7. What makes it even worse is, I've heard of Dick Bass, but couldn't pick him out in a crowd. But Neil Armstrong would get at least a glimmer of recognition from most folk. Michael
  8. IP Address of the WiFi RS232 adapter, such as Meade Stella, or SkyFi, is a number like, and it's Port Number is a number like 8080 There are Tutorials and Reviews in the tabs on this page: https://sites.google.com/site/scopebossapp/ And there's this review: http://www.weasner.com/co/Reviews/2017/ScopeBoss/index.html Michael
  9. That sounds like you're talking about the domestic WiFi in your house ? Astro WiFi use is short-range between two WiFi Transmitter/Receivers. Such as an iPhone, and a WiFi RS232 Adapter plugged into one of the RS232 ports, in the case of ScopeBoss. Michael Michael
  10. As Martin alluded to, your Guide Rate/Guide Speed setting in the mount menus is too low. You need to set it higher, not lower. Try at least 0.5 / 50% / 7.5arcsec/sec, depending on your mount's settings. Guide stars are way out of focus, HFD = 5.48 in the Star Profile. Alyer focus to get the lowest reading.
  11. Until Meade resurfaces from the Takeover, used handsets are the only source, and very rare. If you have a PC connection there is a Virtual Handset in the Meade Autostar Suite software, and in the MyScope diagnostic software. Why is WiFi a problem in your part of Scotland ? Wifi handsets only need to work over a few feet distance, and you can check you're not on the same frequency as your neighbour's home WiFi with a Sniffer. You can use an iOS device wirelessly, I use an iPhone, running the ScopeBoss handbox software to completely replace the wired handbox, functional way better too. Michael
  12. Cow horns on top would finish it off nicely......... 😆 Michael
  13. No idea what autostar6 is. You update with the Meade ASU software. Or the easier to use StarPatch, downloads here: https://www.stargps.ca/downloads.htm Is the #505 fully installed ? Showing up correctly in windows Device Manager ? Or how exactly isn't it working ? Michael
  14. Were you looking at the Drift in the Statistic boxes under the GA graph ? That can be badly influenced by any drift outside of the period with guiding off. The real PAE is reported in the graph window, right at the end of the GA run. Post a GuideLog that includes a Cal and GA run.. Michael
  15. The Celestron has a bigger prism - 12.5mm versus 8mm for the ZWO. So if your Guidecam sensor is big enough the Celestron should offer more guidestars. The Celestron is much thicker than the ZWO, needs to be factored into your 0.7 Reducer's Backspace. Michael
  16. Hmmm, beacuse its Classic or because its marketing. Just think of all those Pro versions of many products Users call them "Classics" to avoid confusion with the later, very different electronics, LX200GPS. I agree that doesn't necessarily class them as your definition of Classics. Michael
  17. Hi Barrie Screen shots are not a good source for quality assessments. Post a JPEG of your stack, using the "Drag files here to attach, or choose files" button in the reply options. How much did you Dither ? Walking Noise is very apparent. Then show us a Flat and a Dark as they are supposed to improve the images :-< Michael
  18. Disappointed that Osman, who I thought had a wide knowledge base, admitted to knowing zero on any of the choices. Michael
  19. You might need to stop down the aperture to get best results, read up on it's use for Astro imaging. Michael
  20. Image scale is 0.95 arcsecs/pixel. Vlaiv will advise on suitability 😆 Michael
  21. Hi Barrie "How did you get the pixel scale. " A quote from the GuideLog "So me getting these setting wrong how will this effect the guiding " The PHD2 Calibration works out how far the mount is moving for each step-size calculated from the pixel size and focal length, in other words from the image scale / pixel scale. Part of what it finds during the Cal is whether the mount is actually moving as far as the settings suggest, which exposes problems like Dec Backlash. In practice PHD2 will cope with an error in the pixel scale setting, but not the huge error you introduced. But the errors reported in the guidelog would be wrong, as they're based on a incorrect pixel scale. Michael
  22. The first GoTo Meade LX mounts are now known as "Meade LX200 Classic". Michael
  23. Hi Barrie From the 28th Nov Guidelog: Pixel scale = 25.44 arc-sec/px, Binning = 1, Focal length = 60 mm. I'm sorry I didn't spot this earlier on, when you said your Guidescope wasn't 1000mm, but 60mm. 60mm is the aperture, not the FL, which is probably 240mm. Not worth saying anything else about the guiding until you get your settings right. Michael
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